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News: Sezaro has been accepted as trainee!.

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News and Announcements / Nightmare has been kicked from the clan
« on: June 26, 2018, 04:03:40 am »
The following cheats have been detected on nightmare's PC:

5F820000 S 00034000 N C:\Games\Grand Theft Auto Vice City\plugins\Aurora.asi
5F900000 S 0002B000 N C:\Games\Grand Theft Auto Vice City\plugins\UltimateAimbotVC.asi

As a result he is now out of the clan.

Community General / MK CTF 5.0v Public beta
« on: August 06, 2016, 02:03:41 am »
Capture The Flag v5.0 Public Beta

On behalf of the CTF server staff team, we would like to invite everyone to the public beta test of the new version of the of the script. CTF 5.0 is brand new version that's been in development for the past 5 months and has finally reached beta status. It's been rewritten from scratch in Java and has tons of new features.  And a new look too! The purpose of this public beta test is to identify unknown bugs with the script. Since we just reached beta, there will be bugs and there will be some missing features, but overall the main features are there, and much much more! Come join in on the fun! Server IP and additional information can be found here

SaHiL and Drake have both been promoted to full members, congratulations to the both of you, you have definitely deserved it!

Feel free to use the [MK] tag from now on!  :D

News and Announcements / TomZ kicked and Soldier demoted
« on: November 11, 2015, 05:24:20 am »
After recent events on the CTF:TT tournament we have decided to demote Soldier to Trainee and kick TomZ from the clan.

To know the reason why you can read this post here.

MK encourages fair play and does not welcome dishonest and immature attitudes. You have both went against the tournament rules and those sort of actions reflect badly on the clan's reputation.

TomZ you kept lying about this issue whenever FaF questioned you, and it was only when Soldier confessed that you stopped lying. And then you even tried to ask FaF to hide this. That is immature and dishonest and we don't need members like that in this clan, so good bye and good luck wherever you decide to go next.

Soldier, as higher ranked member you should have enough responsibility and be a role model for members in a lower rank within the clan. You showed that you were not capable of following simple rules and the only reason why you were not kicked was because  you've been a member of this clan for a long time and you spoke the truth when you were questioned about it. Your demotion to trainee means you'll have to prove to us that you can be trusted again.

Community General / Capture The Flag: Team Tournament
« on: October 14, 2015, 04:47:23 am »

With the arrival of autumn, holidays and a new year. MK's CTF staff team would like to invite you and introduce you to the 'Capture The Flag: Team Tournament'. CTF:TT is a team tournament based on the popular capture the flag gamemode, which consists of 5-player teams that will compete to prove which one is the best in the server. The teams will choose 3 of their favorite arenas to fight in each match and will face off against their opponents in the arenas of their choice, in a total of 6 rounds, 3 arenas for each side. It is not mandatory for all team members to belong to the same clan or for all members to be in a clan, clanless players are welcome too!

This being a team tournament, the main concept of the event is for players to be able to gather up 5 friends and jump straight into the action. You can participate as a clan or just as a group of friends. Team up with 5 friends, give a name to your team, and come join the fun!

List of Arenas
Team application are now open!

More information

Community General / How to change to the old theme
« on: August 15, 2015, 07:30:31 pm »
Alright so we've changed to a new theme as you have all noticed. However, I know some people still prefer the old one so we kept it in as a choice. It's normal to have some people prefer the previous theme since the last time we changed theme some users also said they prefered the old one, so it's a matter of tastes.

If you want to change to the old theme go here look for Miami_Killers_Bright and press "Use this theme"

News and Announcements / Cerberus has been promoted to Scout
« on: June 21, 2015, 08:43:24 pm »
Congratulations Cerberus, you deserved it. I must say it's truly impressive that you stayed with the clan this long. While it took a long time to promote you (mainly due to you being inactive), it was definitely worth it since you've now proved your loyalty to the clan and given your dark past, that really means alot. Congratulations and feel free to use the [MKs] tag wherever you want to  ;)

News and Announcements / Knuckles has been promoted to Scout
« on: May 11, 2015, 02:12:32 pm »
After discussing with a few members we've agreed that Knuckles is now ready to be promoted. Congratulations Knuckles and feel free to use the [MKs] tag from now on  ;D

Community General / Update to 0.4, 0.3z masterlist will be shut down!
« on: April 12, 2015, 06:32:54 am »
Great news guys and gals, VC:MP's 0.3 masterlist will finally be shut down on the 1st of May, so quickly start updating to VC:MP 0.4, it's better than 0.3 in every way! And it also has an active dev team so any bugs that may appear will be handled, unlike the bugs we've had in 0.3z for so many years. Take a look at the official topic on the new VC:MP forums. Server owners, don't forget to start moving your servers to 0.4 and take this chance now while there's few 0.4 servers to make your server popular :P

For those that still don't have 0.4 installed you can download the client here.
0.3z has been released 8 years ago, it's time to let it die and move on to 0.4! Spread the news!

News and Announcements / Soldier has been promoted to Scout
« on: April 02, 2015, 03:23:25 pm »
We have agreed that Soldier is now ready to be promoted. We've actually decided this a couple months ago but since you were not active at the time we waited for you to be active again. Congratulations and feel free to use the [MKs] tag from now on, you deserved it  :D

Off Topic / Anyone wants to come play CitizenMP:IV? (GTA4)
« on: March 21, 2015, 06:58:43 am »
Hey, so a few months ago a new multiplayer mod was released for GTA4 called CitizenMP. It's still pretty new and nothing like the other GTA4 MP mods, it's not like IV:MP or Multi:IV, the sync with CitizenMP:IV is alot better. Unlike all other GTA:MP mods, this mod does not implement its own network framework, it expands upon current one already in the game, developed by Rockstar, so in the end the sync ends up being much better overall.

There's also synced pedestrians on the streets and synced traffic aswell, I believe this is the only GTA:MP mod to ever to do this successfuly. There's also a GTA V map mod released for it that contains all of the map of GTA V, with a few bugs here and there, but overall it's very playable. Here's a video of it:

Today I've been playing it with [MK]Dead_man and it'd be cool if more people joined us, there's only a few servers for now but it would be really fun to hang out there with all the vcmp peeps, it's pretty fun on the new GTAV map. Here's a few screenshots I took today when playing with dead_man: http://imgur.com/a/HpCHY

 - If you want to join us you need to have GTAIV with the latest patch installed + episodes from liberty city
 - After having it installed you can download CitizenMP:IV from here
 - Make a rockstar social club account here
- And that's all

If you want to play on the GTAV map online, you'll have to download some additional files from here. Then you just need to extract the files inside the cache folder on that zip file and put them inside cache folder which is on the CitizenMP:IV installation.

A few notes:

 - The name of the GTAV map mod is called ViIV, so if you see any server with this gamemode and you try to join it without having the map installed, you'll be waiting a long time in the loading screen because the game will be downloading the map files from the server. Instead, you can just download the map files before from the link I posted above (this) and put it in the "cache" folder which is inside the mod folder. So that when you try to join a server with this gamemode you wont have to download the  whole map, just the server resources.

- Keep in mind that when joining a server for the first time, the loading might be a bit slow since you're downloading the server resources but afterwards it'll be faster. (Btw, don't alt+tab/minimize while playing, most of the times it won't let you get back inside the game)

- If you still can't join any server and get stuck on the loading for a long time that probably means that you still don't have all the cache files. You can download a bigger cache folder from here, just extract the files inside the cache folder of that .zip file and put them all inside the "cache" folder wich is in the CitizenMP:IV folder. I used this cache folder instead of the 1GB one I posted above, this one's more complete so you'll almost all the files needed. I'd recommend that you download both, the more cache files you have, the better.

- Here's an online server list http://citizen.impy.me/

News and Announcements / Markos has been promoted to full member
« on: February 17, 2015, 07:45:31 pm »
It's my pleasure to announce that Markos has been promoted to full member. After joining the clan back in April 2012, it's been nearly 3 years since he's been with us. Over the time, he improved his english, proved his loyalty and is currently active enough both ingame and on the forums. Congratulations Markos, feel free to use the [MK] tag from now on, you deserved it ;)

News and Announcements / Kobalt and Dave have been promoted to scout
« on: January 06, 2015, 08:54:40 pm »
After discussing with a few members we have agreed that Kobalt and Dave are ready to be promoted. Congratulations to both, you deserved it, feel free to use the [MKs] tag from now on  :)

News and Announcements / New Co-leader and Moderators
« on: June 27, 2014, 08:35:47 pm »
After discussing with ashay we've agreed to make some changes in the clan. The co-leader position has been empty for a while now, and we believe that spot should be filled. After talking, we agreed that the best person to fill that spot would be Kelvin. He has taken responsability for alot of stuff regarding the clan these past few months and has been doing a really good job, in a way, he has already been co-leading the clan for a while now and since I'm not very active anymore we believe he'll fit in nicely with this new position. His responsabilities from now on, won't be that much different, but if you feel like there's anything important that you need to say to me, ashay or faf, you can now also talk to Kelvin and he'll handle it aswell.

Now, at the moment we have 2 active moderators, Moric and Kelvin. But since Kelvin is moving to a new position we are left with only 1 active moderator. So we've chosen to assign 2 new moderators to help handle the applications/update member list. We agreed to give this position to Aryus and TazZ.

Aryus has been in the clan for long time, has never caused any problems, has good attitudes and understands how things work in a clan. TazZ has been in the clan for a really long time too and I've know this guy for years personally IRL, I trust him and I know he's capable of moderating a forum.

Congratulations to the 3 of you, you have truly deserved it!

(Aryus and TazZ, don't forget to take a look at this topic when counting application votes)

Applications / [MUST READ]Important changes to the vote-count system
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:04:02 pm »

Alright, so after a big discussion among some of the senior members of the clan, we have decided to change the way voting works for a number of reasons I will explain below. But first, here's how it will work:

From now on, each rank(MK, MKs and MKt) will have different privileges when voting.

  • A Full [MK] member's vote will count 2 votes now. Why?

The reason why we decided we should make it like this is because most of these members carrying the [MK] tag have earned our trust and have proved their loyality, they have been in this clan for a looong time, years, and some since the begining of the clan and this means that they are more experienced than the Trainees and  the Scouts when it comes to deciding who we accept into this clan. Therefore, we chose to increase the weight of their vote and now each vote from a full member will count 2 votes.

  • A scout [MKs] member's vote will count 1 vote Why?

Nothing new here, Scout member's votes already count 1 vote and this will stay the same. Scouts have also been in this clan for quite a while, although not as long as full members, they have still gained our trust and deserve some recognition and therefore we've decided to keep this the way it is now.

  • A Trainee [MKt] member's vote will not be counted anymore Why?

Trainees are still relatively new members to the clan and currently proving their loyalty, but the main reason why we chose to change this is because at the moment, the majority of active players on this clan are Trainees, which means that the majority of the voters are still trainees who are still not as experienced as some of the Scouts and Full members, and therefore we've decided that it was not a good idea for members who are still not very experienced to have such a BIG influence about who is accepted in this clan. However, if you're a Trainee we still want you to have some influence about this and we still care about what you have to say so therefore you are still allowed to post your opinions on the application and you can still say what rank you think the applicant deserves because although your vote will not be counted, it may very well help and influence other members to decide what to vote.

So the way it stands right now is:
 - MK members have the right wear the tag ingame, they have access to all the private boards and their votes on applications count 2 votes instead of 1.

 - MKs members have the right wear the tag ingame, they have access to some private boards and their votes on applications will count 1 vote.

 - MKt members have the right wear the tag ingame, they have access to some private boards like scouts but their votes will not be counted, despite still being allowed to post their opinions on the applications

Short version:

 - If you are a full [MK] member, your vote will be counted twice when voting in an application.
 - If you are a Scout [MKs], nothing will change, everything is still the same.
 - If you are a Trainee [MKt], your vote will no longer be counted in applications but you are still allowed to post your opinion and post what rank you think the applicant deserves. (If you want to know the reason for these changes read above)

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