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Author Topic: leaving 2nd time.  (Read 9046 times)


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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2016, 12:19:19 pm »
You managed to missunderstand alot of my points Bhai. About CTF:TT, I never said you didnt come, when I said CTF:TT I meant that we included you in the tournament, as a way for you to prove yourself and show that you were ready for a promotion, we also tried to include you in the MK-CF clanwar, but as we always say, we will give priority to members who use voice chat. You refused to use voice chat on every ocasion, and then got mad that you weren't picked to play, I'm not sure what you were expecting there... About the EAD tournament you already know what I said was not new, since Blurry had already said it before.
Yes, I came, But You know what happened there? Dave started the match with the Members of 2 vs 5, 2 For our team and 5 for another team which was against us. First member was Dave and the second one I don't know who was He and the rest of our team never knew that there's a match going on. I would have played it but I was busy at that time, And I already mention that before our CTF TT match. I would have proved that I'm ready, If I had played any of these eg, CTF TT, EAD, CF vs MK. The reason i refused to talk on voice chat, It makes me shy and uncomfortable, But I always stayed on voice chat and listen what You guys were talking about.

Also, let me clear something up here. You seem to be under the impression that the decision for promotions are made by admins only, I can see why you would think that and I know alot of outsiders have this impression aswell, but that's really not the case. You can ask any of our full members. In the full member section of the forum, members are encouraged to post suggestions about promotions, and whom they think deserves them. Drake's promotion, Niko's promotion, Crack's promotion, Marcos' promotion etc... were all suggested, discussed and agreed upon by alot of the full members at the time. Nearly all the promotions in the past 2 years or so were suggested by members and discussed on that board. And you wanna know what? In the near 2 years that you were in MK, no member ever suggested your promotion on that board. Not so much because of your attitude or personality, but because you just weren't active enough, so putting all the other issues aside, the main reason was still, like I said, your activity.

About scripting or offering VPS's etc.. that's obviously not a requirement for being promoted. Drake's example was just to prove that he was active in the community by doing those things, while you were inactive.
I don't knew that Full member decide this or our leaders do. That time I felt Leaders are the one who does it. I don't know what caused full members not do think about Me or whatever happened. I can't say anything here. I felt, I should talk to FaF regarding My promotion, I did, He said talk to NewK and Hal, It sound weird to Me and the feeling came, If I do, maybe I lost my chance, That's the reason, I talked to FaF only. But, It end up in argue and stuff. I just goto FaF for some help, ofc a clan member will go for his seniors to get his problem solved if its related to clan and I did the same.

Well, You guys said Drake did contributed to VC:MP and make MK proud, I ain't pointing My finger to him. But, I couldn't do any of this stuff like Drake did. I can't script or contributed any thing to VC:MP. The reason I was inactive I told it 2 or more than that. All I will just say now, forgot this as a nightmare and move on and lock this topic.

Offline Cerberus

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2016, 01:34:02 pm »
Dude, in all honesty, who the hell are you to question NewK and others' points? Leaders aren't there just for the lulz, they are there 'cuz they know more than the average member or even better, they are the founders. NewK told me the same thing, "we cannot promote you if you don't actively play the game" and I said OK, why would I start a quarrel with the decision of a clan's leader? If he wants to demote your ass, then he does so and if he thinks you are mature enough (overall), you will be promoted. It is as simple as that. I left the clan because I was never going to be promoted, so was no use, just faced the facts and accepted them and did not cry unlike you. Most of you remember my past, it was not an easy one, but I think that at least I regained some respect and that is all that matters for me. Do what your superior says to you and stop arguing, ffs. Anyways it's too late now, I reckon.

You know what we have even promoted people like cerberus who themselves said that they would never play vcmp and were only active on forums and so it's not that we don't promote members

^ This. They at least gave me MKs for my duration in the clan, but wanted activity in-game which I could not deliver.

GL with this bs.

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2016, 02:11:13 pm »
Its really hard to make you understand things as I see Newk replying same stuff again and again and look at you, you are just wasting his time by again posting replies when you should just get satisfied with the replies and stop posting because also there is no need for any discussion as you have already left, but then I know you are so thick you will continue to reply so Ill just sum it up and lock this topic.

Firstly, You werent active enough, you were given chances to help your promotion, remember no one is made so clear of it like you were as I mentioned to you that I will promote you if you bring MK a good place in EAD league and I gave this responsibility to you because all of a sudden you started questioning my credibility in MK vs CF clanwar when you werent even present there to see the whole match.

You were asked alot of times to get on voice chat but you always appeared so shy and uncomfortable, but not shy when it comes to opposing your leader. Most members who are active use Mic now and you tend not to use it which affects performance in clanwars and yet we gave you chances in being part of clanwar or managing the team.

Coming to the EAD thing, I have you that chance because you were judging my credibility in managing a team and therefore i gave it to you and you couldnt even arrange and within sometime you quit it. I had to push you into it otherwise you wouldnt do anything and you ask for promotions.

You fail to understand that promotions are based on what you do for the clan or the community or in the end its the loyalty that gets you eventually promoted. You mentioned Drake and thats why I told you why he was promoted and then you started calling our decisions illogical and started making fun of it that to get promotions you need to revive a server.

I had already told you i was busy and talk to halchter or newk or some other leader or post on forums if you have some query or need help but you kept on getting on my nerves with your questions and silly insulting statements. You even started comparing MK management to LW management by saying that you left LW staff because they did not promote you and then they told you that you never asked them for promotion. You fail to understand that no ones asks to get promoted and I dont know why would they say this as this is in itself illogical.

Also In this clan once someone is out, he is out while you were the one who got another chance when you left and still you wasted it again.

And lastly, go read our last conversation, you did not come to me for help, you came to me to ask when will you be promoted. I never deny help to any member, if I was like that I wouldnt have replied to you in the first place. I told you I am busy with something yet you keep messaging me about the promotion. It is similar to new applicants asking for votes which turns out bad for them and it did for you.

In the end I would just say, we would have eventually promoted you, it doesnt costs us anything and we dont have anything really against anyone but you were impatient.

You keep portraying it like you know it better than us how to manage a clan, how to manage promotions, how to manage clanwars, always pointing out flaws.

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2016, 03:28:37 pm »
Just to add that any member is welcome to ask me for their promotion, just don't turn out to be excessively impatient about it. I had at least a few members who asked me and I made a discussion for each one of them, plus I mentioned what they may lack. This was the situation with Drake, the most recent one.

All the best, Bhai.
Noor_Maqsood: Halchter i have to talk with skirmant about you are mentally i,ll Now its own you you think its maybe thread -_-

F2.harding*LT: halchter used to bully pakis in DDRP and when those pakis bully them back he used to ban them for racism

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2016, 04:10:03 pm »
You may not be too contributive or active. Then,you can push yourself more to be a better player but i have not really seen any move regarding that.

Anyways,thanks for all good time,and i wish you good luck for the future.

Offline WildRose

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2016, 04:50:07 am »

Those in the clan or outside the clan think that the promotion is in the hands of the leader totally then let me clear something for you that we the leaders let the full members vote for each promotion and account for their suggestion for the same.

We are VOTING and every member or leader has just ONE vote. So, its a very fair way to promote anyone.

Again, Bhai just a suggestion learn to handle things more maturely because being a spectator of everything I can surely tell you that you have been impatient about all this. The leaders of this clan have been involved in this game and managing the clan since you didn't even know PC games exist. So, you should always respect their opinion and judgement but ofcourse you suggest them the measures to correct.

Hal being a member posted a very intense topic about how the clan is gaining bad reputation and everything. That topic picked up a lot of heat but in the end it was for the betterment of the clan and things were modified similarly. And now look where he is. So, arguing over something isn't wrong, FORCING YOUR OPINION is surely is.

Anyway, good luck with your impatience. Hope you get you brain to work.

- Crack's work ^_^