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Author Topic: leaving 2nd time.  (Read 9047 times)


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leaving 2nd time.
« on: September 19, 2016, 06:58:18 pm »
oka, enough of this drama. I just spoke to my leader regarding my promotion (FaF), so I asked him that when I'm getting promoted just discussing the stuff. He said ask other, NewK and Halchter I said why not himself. He said He is busying in something, So I just randomly asked, Drake and Me were promoted to MKs same time. He got promoted to Full too but not Me. The reason Drake was promoted that He did contribute and revive XE. I said FaF, i've to revive a server to get full member. which is well and good, salute men 10/10. this means, I don't know scripting or any stuff, I've to learn coding, lang like C++ and Java and go check what server died in 0.3z and revive them back in 0.4 and contribute to VC:MP. Then I'll get full member. So, a message for trainees and scouts here on. You've to revive a server, Oka. Later on He said, that I've been arguing alot too. This was the reason one of too why I left MK in the past, cause MK wasn't taking interest and when we were  invited League everyone said they'll come in league, Only only, Halchter and Kockex seems to be interested in it. A argue which fire up between Me and Blurry, This was the reason I left MK before. Not blaming him, Just telling the reason. I always gave ideas, but it end up in argue. 1 more shit was happened in CF vs MK. The things, I ever arguing on in past fire up FaF maybe others too, He said 'I (Me, Bhai) argue alot) but I was just giving some suggestions, planning ideas. Here, Just for FaF, I LEFT CAUSE OF PROMOTION. Fine? Oka. You said, I add this in post, I did.

last words.

Hi, It's been 1 year, 8 months since I've been here. I learnt alot of things here, Made new friends. You guys improved Me gave me a chance. I won't forgot it, But I guess It's time to say bye. I'm busy with my real life. maybe i won't get much time now. So cya. Love MK. <3 A special thanks to Kelvin, Halcther, Dave, FaF, Kockex, Niko and CrackM4. Love You guys. ;) =)


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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2016, 07:06:24 pm »
Ok Mate. Had a great time with you. Goodluck. and Bye!
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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2016, 07:35:19 pm »
You are just too thick and jealous of others, you fail to get it that at times people get promotions is because of what they have done for the clan and community, Drake revived a server and so  I think he brought respect to the clan, but that doesnt mean it is the only thing you have to do. For eg I gave u a responsibility of EAD league as you were questioning and arguing alot when we suffered losses, but you chickened out much before. You cant just come here and start blaming and arguing. You have become really thick these days.

And who the heck asks for promotion? remember those nablets trex and floris brought your promotion in their discussion, I guess you were quite well spreading it and so they picked it up.

Anyways what happens, happens for better.

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2016, 08:09:35 pm »
dunno what's  going on, just good luck as i said in your previous leaving note, bye.

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2016, 09:08:21 pm »
told ya FaF  :p

Bhai, I'll try to be as clear as possible with you about why you weren't promoted, the main problem was your activity. You've been in this clan for nearly 2 years now and for most of that period, you weren't even here, you were inactive for most of the time. Yes, you haven't even been active for 1 full year as a clan member, you show up every couple of months and expect to be promoted just because you joined a long time ago. That's not how it works, we don't promote inactive members. For all I care you could have joined 20 years ago, but if you're not active you wont be promoted, it's as simple as that. Time in the clan means nothing towards a promotion unless you're actually actively playing the game. Even so, for every time you returned from your inactivity period we tried to give you a chance for you to prove yourself, CTF:TT, MK Clanwars, voice chat on discord, and we even gave you a team of members for you to lead (EAD Tournament). And I'm sorry to say but all of those chances were nothing but disappointments. You refused to join voice chat every time you were invited, and when there was a loss you were the only member always trying to find people to blame rather than trying to improve and fix what went wrong. At that point, seeing that you were always criticising all of the choices that were made, we decided to give you your own team (EAD Tournament) so you could make your own decisions and stop blaming other people. You quickly cracked under pressure and gave up on that and so Halchter had to pick up your slack, when you rejoined the clan and came back to it, it was too late and no one was interested in it anymore. I was actually against you rejoining but FaF being the nice guy that he is, tought you should have a 2nd chance.

This doesn't phase me since I was expecting it, was just a matter of time really. About why Drake was promoted first, it's very simple. From the moment he became a trainee to the moment he reached full membership he was always active in the community. Sometimes playing, sometimes scripting, sometimes providing free hosting for everyone in the VC:MP community. You see, not only did he contribute to the clan but he contributed to the whole community and even revived an official server. He was always active in the community, forums, IRC, ingame, etc... You however, just come and go, and every single time you come back, you return thinking that you should be promoted just because time has passed. And as I said, that's not how it works. So yea, cya around.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 02:39:24 am by NewK »

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2016, 12:11:00 am »
ok, bye x2

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2016, 12:47:30 am »
What a disappointment, do you want my full member rank?

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2016, 01:30:05 am »
What a disappointment, do you want my full member rank?
also mine

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2016, 02:18:54 am »

Offline Shawn

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2016, 04:26:33 am »
This is not the first time I see an MK leaving because he was not promoted.
I never saw Bhai doing anything wrong ?
But yeah newk's and faf's pov must not be ignored, bhai should also remember the fact that FaF and newk knows more about clan and stuff and they know what they are doing.
If you remember that I was a TZ
Here is something I would like to share,I was promoted after an year from TZ_R to Full because of the simple fact that I might not be ready and look how much respect I earned being a part of one of the most hated clan in VCMP.

Running away from problems is not a solution.
Maybe you could have changed MK's promotion methods when you were finally promoted to full MK so that others could not face the same problem that you faced .
With hearty wishes
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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2016, 04:56:16 am »
This is not the first time I see an MK leaving because he was not promoted.
I never saw Bhai doing anything wrong ?
But yeah newk's and faf's pov must not be ignored, bhai should also remember the fact that FaF and newk knows more about clan and stuff and they know what they are doing.
If you remember that I was a TZ
Here is something I would like to share,I was promoted after an year from TZ_R to Full because of the simple fact that I might not be ready and look how much respect I earned being a part of one of the most hated clan in VCMP.

Running away from problems is not a solution.
Maybe you could have changed MK's promotion methods when you were finally promoted to full MK so that others could not face the same problem that you faced .
With hearty wishes
You know what we have even promoted people like cerberus who themselves said that they would never play vcmp and were only active on forums and so it's not that we don't promote members and why bhai wasn't promoted all this time, newk has already mentioned and you should read it all in case u haven't and that you wish to be part of the conversation. I said this because you advised him to become a full member sooner or later and fix the promotion system which doesn't need any fixing. Just read what newk said, that is why he wasn't yet promoted and still he was bugging me for it and arguing with me.

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2016, 05:36:39 am »
I never expected that you'd mention me for my promotion.

Goodluck wherever you go.

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2016, 09:05:31 am »
Good luck.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 09:08:31 am by Blurry »


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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2016, 10:36:01 am »
You are just too thick and jealous of others, you fail to get it that at times people get promotions is because of what they have done for the clan and community, Drake revived a server and so  I think he brought respect to the clan, but that doesnt mean it is the only thing you have to do. For eg I gave u a responsibility of EAD league as you were questioning and arguing alot when we suffered losses, but you chickened out much before. You cant just come here and start blaming and arguing. You have become really thick these days.

And who the heck asks for promotion? remember those nablets trex and floris brought your promotion in their discussion, I guess you were quite well spreading it and so they picked it up.

Anyways what happens, happens for better.
Pls, If I was jealous about Drake, I would have done this right after He was promoted. But, I ain't jealous of anyone from the clan, It just You (FaF) You started this, I came on fb to talk about this, you took it to whole new level. It's obvious if a clan member is having problem, who else He go to ask the solution? Behonest and tell when ever I asked something, They gave a reply, just tell. I asked time again in VU vs MK, No one replied. The reason I was arguing, Those post were made to discuss and point out mistakes that cause us to lose. I just asked, You were one claiming my asking as a argue.

I never expected that you'd mention me for my promotion.

Goodluck wherever you go.
I ain't jealous of you or hate you or some other shit. I mentioned You there as a example.

told ya FaF  :p

Bhai, I'll try to be as clear as possible with you about why you weren't promoted, the main problem was your activity. You've been in this clan for nearly 2 years now and for most of that period, you weren't even here, you were inactive for most of the time. Yes, you haven't even been active for 1 full year as a clan member, you show up every couple of months and expect to be promoted just because you joined a long time ago. That's not how it works, we don't promote inactive members. For all I care you could have joined 20 years ago, but if you're not active you wont be promoted, it's as simple as that. Time in the clan means nothing towards a promotion unless you're actually actively playing the game. Even so, for every time you returned from your inactivity period we tried to give you a chance for you to prove yourself, CTF:TT, MK Clanwars, voice chat on discord, and we even gave you a team of members for you to lead (EAD Tournament). And I'm sorry to say but all of those chances were nothing but disappointments. You refused to join voice chat every time you were invited, and when there was a loss you were the only member always trying to find people to blame rather than trying to improve and fix what went wrong. At that point, seeing that you were always criticising all of the choices that were made, we decided to give you your own team (EAD Tournament) so you could make your own decisions and stop blaming other people. You quickly cracked under pressure and gave up on that and so Halchter had to pick up your slack, when you rejoined the clan and came back to it, it was too late and no one was interested in it anymore. I was actually against you rejoining but FaF being the nice guy that he is, tought you should have a 2nd chance.

This doesn't phase me since I was expecting it, was just a matter of time really. About why Drake was promoted first, it's very simple. From the moment he became a trainee to the moment he reached full membership he was always active in the community. Sometimes playing, sometimes scripting, sometimes providing free hosting for everyone in the VC:MP community. You see, not only did he contribute to the clan but he contributed to the whole community and even revived an official server. He was always active in the community, forums, IRC, ingame, etc... You however, just come and go, and every single time you come back, you return thinking that you should be promoted just because time has passed. And as I said, that's not how it works. So yea, cya around.
Ye, I wasn't active that time, My board exams up there on my head hanging. I spent half of my day in my coaching class and just come back at home at nights. But, it isn't even like that I've not been inactive for 1 full year. Oka, Let'stake all the example You mentions. CTF:TT, Don't say I didn't came? See those post. 'Thank You for an awesome show, awesome bastards' by FaF, read whos problem it was? Not blaming Dave, Took the wrong time and did it 5vs2 gg, I wasn't the one with this, He said, I came. MK clanwar, CF vs MK, I came in for CW CF vs MK stayed there spectating you guys playing, stayed there for 3 rounds and left, Cause I've school next day with a test, voice chat on discord, the problem with me that I shy, I'm saying clearly, I don't bother to talk with the peoples, class mates and cousins in my real life < there's no way to prove it, But I don't even talk to anyone but just my family, Cause people in my city are always asslickers, they lick get their job done and forgot what it made their things done. and talking about voice chat, I shy the reason I didn't talked, Simple. You didn't gave Me a team. I asked and keep asking somehow it made. If if, I played SS - MK in EAD, and we lost, Then You can even kicked Me from clan and do anything You want. I wasn't one playing, Ye, it should go with planning, Who did planning there, I keep asked for base, Kockex replied with some base, but none of others agreed on it. None of them or told new bases. Cause, I don't want to organize every thing and then we lose, All members say it's my fault I did took decision. I left, You can see those posts, When I quit Hal took over, He himself took that base and decide everything, and all the things I mention in post of these all CTF TT, Clan War and EAD goes to the mistakes that happened, They took it as a argue, Same thing happened with FaF and Me yesterday, I came to Him for my problem, It went to argue. Simple. I never refused to stay in voice chat, I was always there and listen You guys. Like You said, 'so you could make your own decisions and stop blaming other people.' People never even get on my decisions. Ye, FaF is a nice guy, But If You see who's mistake there it was to start the drama then say Me. Blurry was the reason i quit for the first time. He thinks I was doing eveything in My comfort zone even He don't know what happens in my life.

I appreciate what Drake did and is doing. But everyone can't do those things that others do. He can do scripting, I can't, He has a VPS, He help other, Oh Yea, Didn't I offered My VPS to MK? when CTF dead? But You guys refused. Like I said, Everyone can't do those things that others can do. Drake can script, hosting and all those stuff. But, Now can Drake do all those stuff that I do in my life? uh. I never return to be get promoted. I was always here, Yes I was dead in past in few months. But I also came back to alive. The reason behind I contact FaF was my promotion, Just to know if I'm not doing those things which I should do cause He knows it, Not any other member.

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Re: leaving 2nd time.
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2016, 11:34:46 am »
You managed to missunderstand alot of my points Bhai. About CTF:TT, I never said you didnt come, when I said CTF:TT I meant that we included you in the tournament, as a way for you to prove yourself and show that you were ready for a promotion, we also tried to include you in the MK-CF clanwar, but as we always say, we will give priority to members who use voice chat. You refused to use voice chat on every ocasion, and then got mad that you weren't picked to play, I'm not sure what you were expecting there... About the EAD tournament you already know what I said was not new, since Blurry had already said it before.

Also, let me clear something up here. You seem to be under the impression that the decision for promotions are made by admins only, I can see why you would think that and I know alot of outsiders have this impression aswell, but that's really not the case. You can ask any of our full members. In the full member section of the forum, members are encouraged to post suggestions about promotions, and whom they think deserves them. Drake's promotion, Niko's promotion, Crack's promotion, Marcos' promotion etc... were all suggested, discussed and agreed upon by alot of the full members at the time. Nearly all the promotions in the past 2 years or so were suggested by members and discussed on that board. And you wanna know what? In the near 2 years that you were in MK, no member ever suggested your promotion on that board. Not so much because of your attitude or personality, but because you just weren't active enough, so putting all the other issues aside, the main reason was still, like I said, your activity.

About scripting or offering VPS's etc.. that's obviously not a requirement for being promoted. Drake's example was just to prove that he was active in the community by doing those things, while you were inactive.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 11:36:56 am by NewK »