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Author Topic: <Accepted as Scout>My Application Devil_Jin  (Read 16703 times)

Offline DeViL_JiN

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<Accepted as Scout>My Application Devil_Jin
« on: May 23, 2020, 12:26:03 pm »
Real Name: Sadaqat Ali

Nickname: Devil_Jin

Your Previous nicks: CrazyKilleR , PL2, Raja_Jee

D.O.B/Age: 22/06/1995 Age 24

Location/Country: Pakistan

GMT/TimeZone: GMT +5

Servers you usually play on: Extreme Addicts, Rob the Vehicle, MK Capture the Flag, LW

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: Nope

VC-MP History: I started off playing in late 2009 as a normal player. It was then until the early 2011 that i actually discovered various VC:MP Clans and forums. Well at the time when i was a newbie, i actually made various clans of my own and played by wearing  their respective tags. Those clans include RDX, PLK, PKG. Because I was a newbie that time, I wasn't actually aware of the fact that how the clan system works in VC:MP. Hence an important development of my clan history was my induction into the DU Clan as it was one of the top clans at that time, though today i am not part of it anymore.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: Well As we all know from a very long time that MK is one of the top known and the reputed clans of VC:MP. Speaking of my clan history, it primarily evolves around MK and DU as both of them were amongst the official and major clans of VC:MP. I personally know many MK members and they are also quite familiar with me as i have been in MK before too plus we interact daily in game. I want to join MK because I want to contribute my part in carrying its legacy further. Plus as I said before, I have many friends and mates in MK with whom it will be an honor for me to play and interact with, though there might be a few members with whom i might have had some bad experiences in the past so now i would like to clarify that i don't have any grudges left over due to past incidents. All MK members are honorable for me and it will be a matter of pride for me to be a part of this family again.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: Well if we talk about my own clans which i made when i was a newbie, those clans actually had no proper base and standings and hence they were closed with the passage of time. Now coming towards my primary clan background, I left MK before due to some misfortunes which many of u might be aware of, plus i wanted to open my own clan RDX. Now coming towards DU, I actually Left it due to some internal conflicts and misunderstandings that actually became unbearable for me, so leaving was the only option left for me.

IRC or Any other contact info: Discord @Devil_Jin#2332

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes , Obviously!

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Well I feel like that some of you might actually doubt my loyalty regarding being a clan member, i would like to make it clear that at the time when i was a newbie and had little or no knowledge regarding how clans work in VC:MP, i made several clans but as i told above, they didn't had any real purpose so yep they were bound to be closed. And as far as my actual clan history is concerned, then after MK, DU was the clan which I became a part of and sticked to it for a very long time. In fact, I was one of the only active members of DU who were actually representing it in-game in today's era. Many respectable members including Cool3, Combot, Enzo who are now here were in DU before along with me and they also know what kind of a person I actually am when it comes to loyalty and maturity and how can i prove to be a worthy addition to this family. That's all i can say for now, and if you guys have any sort of questions, you are more than welcome to ask.

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/denied-applications/application-1749/
« Last Edit: June 06, 2020, 10:22:35 pm by 7/\zZ »

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2020, 03:20:27 pm »
Playing since 2009, any proof?
Playing Since 2011

Offline DeViL_JiN

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2020, 04:20:19 pm »
Playing since 2009, any proof?

I started off playing in late 2009 as a normal player. It was then until the early 2011 that i actually discovered various VC:MP Clans and forums.

I've provided link of all previous applications, i have forum posts and and videos of 2011 which proofs my existence before that i just used to wander in Miami Dade Madness server no one used to play there except Hero aka zero who is now a days known as Dizzaster aka Doom_Killer , Puma2 , Jerald_Real , King_Arthur, these were the guys who used to play in that server, The applications which i provided as a reference in which it's pretty much clear during my first application at MK i was a kid. and was totally unaware of clans/forums it was more like a stepped into a whole new universe and it was my first multiplayer game too.

Offline Tarkan

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2020, 04:20:37 pm »
Hi, can you tell me what PL is exactly? I see that other clans decided to force their members to choose between the clan they're in and PL where in most cases mostly everyone picked PL resulting in them being kicked or leaving the clan (you chose PL over DU for example). Tell me more about this.

Offline DeViL_JiN

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2020, 04:52:40 pm »
Hi, can you tell me what PL is exactly? I see that other clans decided to force their members to choose between the clan they're in and PL where in most cases mostly everyone picked PL resulting in them being kicked or leaving the clan (you chose PL over DU for example). Tell me more about this.
Hello there Tarko
The question you asked is actually pretty nice and i wanted to answer this question from a very long time but was waiting for someone to actually step forward and ask .
Pakistani Legends is a gaming community, it gets considered as one of the biggest gaming communities of Pakistan. Like i would say if you search you might find gaming communities associated with your country name too, This is somewhat similar like that.
What went wrong is that the Founders of the community were player of VC-MP and some members too, so a few of us started giving our input to VC-MP in different aspect, but during this particular moment everyone dropped their inputs without even discussing or knowing what we actually are and what we do.
The reason why various clans are forcing their PL players to choose between the clan or PL is that they completely misunderstood what PL actually is and how it was meant to be operated

Answer to your last question
(you chose PL over DU for example). Tell me more about this.
i'll simply answer it by saying, you and i had a little chat in the middle of RTV server publicly , after that chat do you still believe that i would had picked PL over DU?
And yeah i picked DU when i was given a choice.
DU's case was a little different what was written on announcement i totally disagree to that .

Offline Tarkan

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2020, 05:06:48 pm »
Okay, thanks for clarifying what PL actually is. 

Answer to your last question
(you chose PL over DU for example). Tell me more about this.
i'll simply answer it by saying, you and i had a little chat in the middle of RTV server publicly , after that chat do you still believe that i would had picked PL over DU?

Not sure, that's why I asked. Counter questioning isn't really an answer but no worries, because:

And yeah i picked DU when i was given a choice.
DU's case was a little different what was written on announcement i totally disagree to that .

Elaborate what is "little different" in that case. It clearly says you've chosen PL over DU and you're saying you disagree to that and that it was the other way around. You need to backup your words with evidence or an confirmation from the other side (DU.Alvin).

Offline DeViL_JiN

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2020, 05:47:06 pm »
Elaborate what is "little different" in that case. It clearly says you've chosen PL over DU and you're saying you disagree to that and that it was the other way around. You need to backup your words with evidence or an confirmation from the other side (DU.Alvin).
For me it's pretty much hard to open up right now at this particular moment, because whatever happened in DU was done in private boards, although i can backup my words by this a fact, whenever someone breaks someones trust or leaves his buddies he gets somewhat like hatred or something, but after i left no one said anything since my clan mates were aware of the situation, to sum it up, only that particular guy had problem and whatever happened was his personal opinion and objections .(The announcement made on DU forum).
i'll seek permission from my ex clan mates of revealing where i was asked to make a choice, The scenario which happened in our private, if i get the confirmation i'll update

« Last Edit: May 23, 2020, 05:54:27 pm by DeViL_JiN »

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2020, 06:16:01 pm »
Upright you made a decision applying here, was twiddling my thumbs. ;)

I'm not actually cognizant of what happened in the past but you boy have gone through a lot. And I actually know as I have been in somewhat those situations alongside you and some were happened to me too (if I put myself in that position). I can't elaborate them because heck yeah, things which are buried should remain buried. Let's talk about now, shall we?

Surely gonna vote you, not because you're such a fantastic person, YOU ARE! The attitude towards everyone, always against toxicity, also punishing your community members for their hanky-panky haha, skill-wise, companionship, quick decision-making, leaving everything behind; that's what counts, hence everything is there.

And I know we can count on you for loyalty too, that's what my heart says and you really deserve this tbvh.

You'll be a good addition to the clan once again, don't disappoint us!
Good Luck! :)

MKs for a fresh start!
« Last Edit: May 23, 2020, 06:17:38 pm by Iffy. »
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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2020, 07:13:12 pm »
You don't get it as it seems. In order to gain trust of members you're supposed to explain yourself especially after indirectly saying that you getting kicked from DU is because another reason not the one stated by one of the leaders.

If you thought of hiding it under the carpet and not willing to explain the whole situation (since you said it's not true) then maybe you shouldn't even applied because it was obvious that we'd ask such questions.

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2020, 07:17:49 pm »

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2020, 08:04:12 pm »

Offline TX Moskvish

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2020, 08:17:31 pm »
apart from being gang mates and very good friends, i have seen that he does everything possible for the community he sticks with rather its the headache of others i have always seen him taking initiatives. we are groomed community so far and i think he will be an asset for us its a + deal.
Since he was a part of clan for quite a while in past i'd vote MKs.  :)

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2020, 08:39:17 pm »
Playing Since 2011

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2020, 08:46:27 pm »
I met this guy in 2010 in VC:MP when i was a newbie. He guided me regarding the game especially some tricks and tips and from that day we started hanging out in-game and eventually we became friends and started having voice sessions on skype. He is a supportive and a mature guy, knows how to interact and communicate with people especially newbies and tries his best to help where possible. He was always up for doing something positive for the community from day 1 and encouraged us to do the same. We both have spent several years together in DU and currently We are together in out community PL. And what i know about him further is that he really is committed to what ever he opts. He has a great experience as a player and he's also serving as a staff member in our CTF server. He's quite great in decision making and giving accurate judgements when an according situation arises. Last but not the least, the credit for the PL's  game streaming concept in this era of VC:MP actually goes to him as it's the part of his contribution to the VC:MP community.
Having said all this, I would strongly vote "SCOUT" for him
Best of Luck!
« Last Edit: May 23, 2020, 08:52:48 pm by Combot »

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Re: My Application Devil_Jin
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2020, 10:30:03 pm »
Hello Devil
I don't know much about you, but you seem like a nice guy and I trust my mates so