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Author Topic: <Denied> My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin  (Read 6909 times)

Offline TrapHole

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<Denied> My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« on: April 25, 2023, 07:18:49 am »
Real Name: Agustin Beron.

Nickname: TrapHole/Tiburoncin

Your Previous nicks: Nimitz

D.O.B/Age: 11/07/2004 18 years old.

Location/Country: Argentina.

GMT/TimeZone: GTM - 3.

Servers you usually play on: RTV - EC - CTF -SoD - BRL - XE - LW.

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: I am not banned from any server.

VC-MP History: I'm playing vcmp since mid 2014/early 2015. my clans were RK-CF-ON-U1.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: Hello, I am applying again because I am interested in entering MK. I've been playing for a while and I think I would be a good member of the clan. I am looking for a group of friendly players that I can play with and improve together and have fun, that's why I decided to make my second application in this clan. Honestly, my old app was denied for something unfair from my point of view and from that of many others (since I showed proof). Because I don't want to get any kind of advantage but I don't want to make drama with it either. I am a sufficiently mature person who does not need any type of file that gives him an advantage to be able to play. have fun legally.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: ON - I did not like the attitudes of the members and that they are banned everywhere for the use of hacks (including me) so I looked to improve as a player in vcmp and left the clan
U1 - I left because I did not share the same ideas as the leader of the clan and I preferred to avoid problems
CF - Closed
RK (BliTz clan not marineforce one) - Closed.

IRC or Any other contact info: Discord: sharonjimenez#8229

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes, withouth problems!.

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I hope to have the opportunity to be one more in MK with you soon. Kind regards, trap.

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/denied-applications/my-application-trapholetiburoncin/msg44377/#new
« Last Edit: May 05, 2023, 05:41:42 pm by Spiller »

Offline Oreocake

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2023, 08:38:21 pm »
I'm sorry, I have to vote NO after your recent kick from u1 for using cheats, abusing your own teammates etc.

You need more time.
cooltext410186585731151" border="0

Offline TrapHole

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2023, 09:07:59 pm »
I'm sorry, I have to vote NO after your recent kick from u1 for using cheats, abusing your own teammates etc.

You need more time.
Hello Oreo, your vote surprises me too much since nothing you say is true. that of u1 is an unnecessary drama since I was not kicked out of the clan, I just left from my own. It is confirmed by my own evidence. I never treated any member of u1 badly, far from it, what's more, ALL u1 players greet me as soon as I enter a server and they get along very well with me. is more look here a proof of that

even one of the co-leaders of the clan wants me to re-join u1. I was a very good member, I helped them create their server and in many other things (even detecting people who used hack on servers), being members of the clan. I don't have any kind of problem with them, I think that when you were inactive oreo they lied to you with false information or you are uninformed.
I would like you to show me where I used hack, as far as I know I was not banned anywhere for using hack except EC (but lederhos was aware of when I installed that file that made me lower the draw distance, he was the first one I told him) . If I had known that the server detected that file as a hack, I would never have used it..

Here is another evidence from another member. Kripton also commented on this publication confirming what I say (his comment is waiting for admin aproval)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2023, 12:17:21 am by TrapHole »

Offline KripTon

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2023, 09:38:46 pm »
I'm sorry, I have to vote NO after your recent kick from u1 for using cheats, abusing your own teammates etc.

You need more time.

he never abuse any member.

Offline Oreocake

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2023, 01:09:27 pm »
Hello Oreo, your vote surprises me too much since nothing you say is true. that of u1 is an unnecessary drama since I was not kicked out of the clan, I just left from my own. It is confirmed by my own evidence. I never treated any member of u1 badly, far from it, what's more, ALL u1 players greet me as soon as I enter a server and they get along very well with me. is more look here a proof of that

even one of the co-leaders of the clan wants me to re-join u1. I was a very good member, I helped them create their server and in many other things (even detecting people who used hack on servers), being members of the clan. I don't have any kind of problem with them, I think that when you were inactive oreo they lied to you with false information or you are uninformed.
I would like you to show me where I used hack, as far as I know I was not banned anywhere for using hack except EC (but lederhos was aware of when I installed that file that made me lower the draw distance, he was the first one I told him) . If I had known that the server detected that file as a hack, I would never have used it..

Here is another evidence from another member. Kripton also commented on this publication confirming what I say (his comment is waiting for admin aproval)

I'll go with majority.
cooltext410186585731151" border="0

Offline TrapHole

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2023, 07:32:58 pm »
Thanks, anyone who has a doubt about the same thing feel free to ask. I am sure of what I say and I have proofs and all the members of the u1 clan who can confirm my answers. and the one who is active knows that my attitude is not like that.

Offline SkaZ

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2023, 06:28:55 am »
I would like to give you a chance, because i believe you wont disappoint me. trainee
              Credits - [VU]RoyStang

Offline Aegon

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2023, 11:03:39 am »
You're looking for players to play with, but are you aware that we don't really have any players active a lot in the game currently, most of us are pretty much inactive now, everyone is busy with their own stuff. We barely play anymore, once in a blue moon you could say.

If it's for the tag then I can just vote trainee for you and you'll be good to go but if you're looking to play with us then I don't really think this is the place for you, you'll get bored pretty quickly here. There have been many instances of players joining to "play and improve" with us but they left MK too soon because we were "Inactive and not there in-game".

The choice is yours.

Offline TrapHole

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2023, 11:34:16 am »
You're looking for players to play with, but are you aware that we don't really have any players active a lot in the game currently, most of us are pretty much inactive now, everyone is busy with their own stuff. We barely play anymore, once in a blue moon you could say.

If it's for the tag then I can just vote trainee for you and you'll be good to go but if you're looking to play with us then I don't really think this is the place for you, you'll get bored pretty quickly here. There have been many instances of players joining to "play and improve" with us but they left MK too soon because we were "Inactive and not there in-game".

The choice is yours.
Excuse me bro but I don't want you to vote so that I only get the tag, I want you to vote for what you notice in me or what you think about me, and if you think I'm not ready tell me in what I should improve and I'll try to do my best to change it or do something about it.
I think this is my place, playing with some of the members made me feel comfortable and I like how respectful they are with the other players. I consider myself a mature person and I am aware that VCMP has very few players, but I will not retire because there are few people in the clan(active), I would not get bored and I would not see it as a reason, I just want to be accepted and be one more

I would like to give you a chance, because i believe you wont disappoint me. trainee
Hello my bhai, thanks :)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2023, 11:36:27 am by TrapHole »

Offline Tyrone^

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2023, 12:18:57 pm »
I can't vote but you certainly look like a good person. Good luck friend!

Offline TrapHole

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2023, 12:26:57 pm »
I can't vote but you certainly look like a good person. Good luck friend!
Thanks for your positive words bro. greetings

Offline DarkSlayer

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2023, 03:52:59 pm »
Im sorry to say... But u have disappointed me and i really thought that u worked on ur behaviour but u didn't and this leads me to vote u No. So kindly change ur attitude and show some respect to the members of this clan(especially who are seniors)if ur going to apply here.
You're looking for players to play with, but are you aware that we don't really have any players active a lot in the game currently, most of us are pretty much inactive now, everyone is busy with their own stuff. We barely play anymore, once in a blue moon you could say.

If it's for the tag then I can just vote trainee for you and you'll be good to go but if you're looking to play with us then I don't really think this is the place for you, you'll get bored pretty quickly here. There have been many instances of players joining to "play and improve" with us but they left MK too soon because we were "Inactive and not there in-game".

The choice is yours.
Excuse me bro but I don't want you to vote so that I only get the tag, I want you to vote for what you notice in me or what you think about me, and if you think I'm not ready tell me in what I should improve and I'll try to do my best to change it or do something about it.
I think this is my place, playing with some of the members made me feel comfortable and I like how respectful they are with the other players. I consider myself a mature person and I am aware that VCMP has very few players, but I will not retire because there are few people in the clan(active), I would not get bored and I would not see it as a reason, I just want to be accepted and be one more

I would like to give you a chance, because i believe you wont disappoint me. trainee
Hello my bhai, thanks :)

Offline TrapHole

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2023, 04:12:59 pm »
Im sorry to say... But u have disappointed me and i really thought that u worked on ur behaviour but u didn't and this leads me to vote u No. So kindly change ur attitude and show some respect to the members of this clan(especially who are seniors)if ur going to apply here.
Okay, thank you very much for your vote, I never tried to disrespect you, I knew you before I was interested in joining MK and it was never my intention for you to take my comment that way and seeing that you took my "joke" in a bad way, I retracted my comments. words. In any case, it's late, but never late to change so this time I learned that I can't joke around like I joke with my friends with people who don't have the same way of joking because a comment can sound bad. Sorry again I didn't mean to offend you
« Last Edit: May 01, 2023, 04:17:57 pm by TrapHole »

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2023, 05:03:31 pm »
Hello there Traphole, it’s iBEE. Nice to see you being motivated and determined to be a part of us. I know u from the past 2-4 years i assume, and also your vcmp history. Even though I am not willing to judge u on all the past experiences I’ve ever had with u, there still are some confusions that need to be cleared before u can become a part of us. First one being your true intentions behind attempting to join MK, and the second one being the happenings between u and @Lederhos during the time when u parted ways with u1 Clan. First coming to your intentions, my fella @Aegon pretty well described our current activity status here in vcmp, we play occasionally not regularly. And considering that it’s a big possibility that with the passage of time you’ll get frustrated and leave cuz that’s what used to happen till now, any new member here would just come up with some sort of excuse and make a leaving topic, although we guys here are experienced enough to judge the actualities and hidden stories. And in case you won’t get frustrated or demotivated and you are willing to become and stay a part of us for the coming time then sure, I’ll be positive for you, but right now I am confused.
Now coming towards the second confusion: your departure from u1 Clan. I have noted and considered what you said regarding this entire ordeal, but your words are contradicting Lederhos’s announcement on u1’s discord server regarding your departure from u1. Hence to get this confusion cleared out, I have contacted Lederhos and asked him to spare some time, and give his two cents here on this topic so that we guys can get a more clear picture regarding the events that really happened. Please note that whatever discussion happens here will not affect your application in any way, but whatever comes out to be true will. I will cast my vote later on… Good luck! :)

Offline TrapHole

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Re: My Application TrapHole/Tiburoncin
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2023, 05:20:54 pm »
Hello there Traphole, it’s iBEE. Nice to see you being motivated and determined to be a part of us. I know u from the past 2-4 years i assume, and also your vcmp history. Even though I am not willing to judge u on all the past experiences I’ve ever had with u, there still are some confusions that need to be cleared before u can become a part of us. First one being your true intentions behind attempting to join MK, and the second one being the happenings between u and @Lederhos during the time when u parted ways with u1 Clan. First coming to your intentions, my fella @Aegon pretty well described our current activity status here in vcmp, we play occasionally not regularly. And considering that it’s a big possibility that with the passage of time you’ll get frustrated and leave cuz that’s what used to happen till now, any new member here would just come up with some sort of excuse and make a leaving topic, although we guys here are experienced enough to judge the actualities and hidden stories. And in case you won’t get frustrated or demotivated and you are willing to become and stay a part of us for the coming time then sure, I’ll be positive for you, but right now I am confused.
Now coming towards the second confusion: your departure from u1 Clan. I have noted and considered what you said regarding this entire ordeal, but your words are contradicting Lederhos’s announcement on u1’s discord server regarding your departure from u1. Hence to get this confusion cleared out, I have contacted Lederhos and asked him to spare some time, and give his two cents here on this topic so that we guys can get a more clear picture regarding the events that really happened. Please note that whatever discussion happens here will not affect your application in any way, but whatever comes out to be true will. I will cast my vote later on… Good luck! :)

hello ibeee long time without hearing from you. okay brother let's wait for lederhos I would like to read and that he can express himself since when I had tried to contact him he only blocked me from whatsapps or removed me from his contacts without reading my messages and in u1's discord you can see how 3 or 4 players ask him why I was kicked and no one knows what to answer because I actually left the clan because there were various things that we discussed with lederhos but he never changed his way of acting with us with his anger.

Look, ibee, my intentions are clear. I would like to enter and be able to stay here. Honestly, I don't see an excuse for leaving the clan due to the inactivity of its members.
I will try my best to be one of you soon because my decision is already made.

edit: I just saw that lederhos edited the reason for expulsion from the clan (I repeat I left the clan by my own means) Why didn't he put it when he kicked me? When he kicks me out of the clan, he's supposed to have his reasons, obviously he's doing his best so that I'm not accepted here, sad after everything I've done for him. I hope you don't achieve negative things with his lies.

and also that he can feel free to post the proofs of at least something of everything he says, I postedd too many proofs I want to see his proofs please
« Last Edit: May 01, 2023, 06:29:01 pm by TrapHole »