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Author Topic: <Accepted as Trainee>My Application Hazard / Dabangg  (Read 17916 times)

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<Accepted as Trainee>My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« on: March 04, 2020, 04:34:41 pm »
Real Name: Raqeeb Bhutto

Nickname: Hazard / Dabangg

Your Previous nicks: RKB_Ricky, Samurai.JacK^, =AF=Samura[ I ]*, F50, [CFt]ReIgNs, =VK=Ra[E]eS, =AF=Diego, =AF=Destroyer, Playboy192, =R4Q33B=, [UFr]Dabangg_dada, [UFt]Bhutto, =L.i.[0]N=

D.O.B/Age: 6th October, 2003

Location/Country: Pakistan, PK (Sindh, Larkana)

GMT/TimeZone: GMT+5

Servers you usually play on: EC, RTV, CTF, EAD, VCCNR and LW

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No, I'm not banned in any server.

VC-MP History: I was way too young when I joined VC:MP in 2012. My career in VC:MP was too much exciting and enjoyable since I played LW alot with my other friends like XaARM.

I liked fighting and dueling with the players and the Tommy team in LW was my favorite skin in which me and XaARM used to play.

After a small period of time I started to play other servers such as VKs, DDRP and EC.

I was a little bit confused because I couldn't fight fastly like other players did then MaTrIx (VU member) taught me C-Glitch and gave me other useful tips of fighting. I'm thankful to him for his precious time.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: I wanted to join MK because I feel more comfortable when I play with MK members other than any other clan and since most of my friends are in this clan so that also pulls me here.

I myself thought about joining MK because of the things above I mentioned. My most of the friends play here and I want to continue my career in MK by helping & supporting it.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: My previous clans were - UF, AF, VIP, VK and CF

UF - Personal problems with a few members since long so I decided to leave it.

AF - Been in it since few months and closed it because of inactivity.

VK - It was like I'm the only one wearing VK tag.

CF - I was extremely busy that time I didn't even get a little time to play VC:MP so I left it.

VIP - Inactivity of members got me bored when I used to play.

IRC or Any other contact info: Discord | Dabangg#8320

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes, afcourse!

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I closed my past application because of some misunderstanding took place and in that mess-up I closed my application. It was my mistake to close the application but now I think I'm capable of joining MK with my all willing and wishes.

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/denied-applications/my-application-hazard-dabangg/
« Last Edit: July 09, 2021, 08:46:34 pm by Tobi »

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2020, 05:29:24 pm »
bang da bang bang to dabangg.

By FaF

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2020, 08:32:32 pm »
T from my side  ;)

Offline MorfiN

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2020, 09:35:32 pm »

Offline Ego

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2020, 10:07:46 pm »

Offline stubb34

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2020, 06:55:28 am »
Trainee  :)

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2020, 01:04:59 pm »

Offline Hazard

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2020, 02:43:16 pm »
Thank you all for your kindly opinions and comments, sure I'll fix my mistakes! ;)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 05:45:50 am by Dabangg »

Offline GRX96

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2020, 01:14:03 am »
MKt ;)
Sun is Shining and so are you!

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2020, 05:55:31 am »

Offline SahiL

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2020, 06:20:49 pm »
I won't give you my vote again dabangg, even if it was a misunderstanding or the almighty god came in your dream to tell you to close your application. The fact doesn't change that you rejected our votes and wasted a lot of our time which we used to think about your application. The reason why your current application is not getting much attention from high ranks is just that. I personally wouldn't give you another thought unless you explain yourself properly about what happened with your last application.

Offline Hazard

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2020, 07:44:14 pm »
I won't give you my vote again dabangg, even if it was a misunderstanding or the almighty god came in your dream to tell you to close your application. The fact doesn't change that you rejected our votes and wasted a lot of our time which we used to think about your application. The reason why your current application is not getting much attention from high ranks is just that. I personally wouldn't give you another thought unless you explain yourself properly about what happened with your last application.
Alright so here we go.

So I applied to UF after closing my first application and here's why.

I closed my application because of some issues causing from my previous clan (UF) The reason of me leaving from that clan was "Not comfortable with a few members" When I left UF and applied for MK (my first application) I got a disappointing response from UF management. The management said you shouldn't have left the clan without discussing with us the problems you had with our members.

The problem became worse after I saw this. Fox (Ex-ON) and I were friends but we became enemies after this situation. Let's go directly where this drama was started. Fox previously won a duel against me of 10,000 ECDs (one and half years ago I guess) then I decided to take them back from him I sent Fox a duel challenge in EC of 10,000 ECDs. He accepted the challenge but lost 5-1 and I won the duel including the reward (10k ecds) Fox asked to send duel again but I didn't want to duel him. He started provoking me like "scared?! :DD" "run whenever you see me" I thought he was joking but he started to kill me with molotovs whenever I was spawning. He wanted to re-duel but I didn't want because I took what I lost so why would I duel again? Then this drama stayed on the line. I didn't response to him nor was paying attention to him when he still continued provoking me in LW.

Then Sezar (Ex-UF) wanted to invite Fox into UF (Since both are country-mates and hence friends) Fox didn't want to join UF because I was in UF. He said something like "Your clanmate Hazard doesn't have sense, bla bla (tbh I can't remember properly but he said something like it) Then Sezar discussed with other members about this and I got some negative response from them, specially Sezar. I respect and obey leaders and the management when I think I'm wrong too but this wasn't my mistake so why was I getting blamed? Since I also got some negative response from other members too (I'm not gonna name 'em) I decided to leave UF and never see back.

I wanted to keep it personal but I had to clear my statement so I just told them about the situation after leaving from UF. My application in MK was still on-going when some of them told me you ain't doing good. I myself started to feel embarrassed of myself because I didn't tell the management about my problem with members. But anyways I admit I'm a little bit raged-guy, maybe more. I don't want anyone to rule on me forcefully or I don't like to live in a clan where clan members don't give a shit about their mates and quarrel for a stupid applicant.

Then I thought It's not right to leave for problems with members. I decided to apply in UF but then I heard and saw myself most of the clan members weren't giving me any chance and then my whole family went village because we heard that our grand mother's health isn't fine. After a few days, she died. We weren't intending to come home for at-least a month because she was so close to us. I decided to close my application because I didn't feel members comfortable with me and none was trusting me expect Spiller and then the situation of going inactive... both were causes for me to close the application so I did.

I was totally broken when I heard Azal has blacklisted me from UF. He's always been brother to me and he says that himself too but he said "clan-matters are clan-matters, nothing personal" but nothing could I do but only hoping & trying to get a response from MK. (My second first favorite clan I ever wanted to join.) UF was at the first place but since I got some bad response from them so MK was my only hope for recovering myself. (right now)

That was all.. and thank you SahiL for your vote.

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #12 on: March 17, 2020, 02:20:36 pm »
Greetings guys and actually a big apologies for past action on this forum  :(

I was informed by Sahil and most particularly Spiller that I am mentioned here. So lets see why.

I won't give you my vote again dabangg, even if it was a misunderstanding or the almighty god came in your dream to tell you to close your application. The fact doesn't change that you rejected our votes and wasted a lot of our time which we used to think about your application. The reason why your current application is not getting much attention from high ranks is just that. I personally wouldn't give you another thought unless you explain yourself properly about what happened with your last application.
Alright so here we go.

So I applied to UF after closing my first application and here's why.

The problem became worse after I saw this. Fox (Ex-ON) and I were friends but we became enemies after this situation. Let's go directly where this drama was started. Fox previously won a duel against me of 10,000 ECDs (one and half years ago I guess) then I decided to take them back from him I sent Fox a duel challenge in EC of 10,000 ECDs. He accepted the challenge but lost 5-1 and I won the duel including the reward (10k ecds) Fox asked to send duel again but I didn't want to duel him. He started provoking me like "scared?! :DD" "run whenever you see me" I thought he was joking but he started to kill me with molotovs whenever I was spawning. He wanted to re-duel but I didn't want because I took what I lost so why would I duel again? Then this drama stayed on the line. I didn't response to him nor was paying attention to him when he still continued provoking me in LW.

In this quote, I actually agreed to all his actions and I also heard from his side and actually from his side what he said was you wanted to get revenge against him for your ecds (not gonna lie, you did take 3m from LW as loan and never gave it back)

Then Sezar (Ex-UF) wanted to invite Fox into UF (Since both are country-mates and hence friends) Fox didn't want to join UF because I was in UF. He said something like "Your clanmate Hazard doesn't have sense, bla bla (tbh I can't remember properly but he said something like it) Then Sezar discussed with other members about this and I got some negative response from them, specially Sezar. I respect and obey leaders and the management when I think I'm wrong too but this wasn't my mistake so why was I getting blamed? Since I also got some negative response from other members too (I'm not gonna name 'em) I decided to leave UF and never see back.

Yeah he did send me that quote which was showing how you were indirectly provoking him harder. Reminds me of "A guy doesn't bark at dogs if he is really a guy." but your statement just turned things upside down. Everyone has a botch. I was pissed af since you were screwing the so called ec crappy "WK vs MD" things and what you only did is "Oh dude I am done of your shit" while I was only trying to tell that "dude please do not mix clan with these diplomacy" which only gives chaos, discontent and BP high. Then you said that "I have a inner chaos with Fox" then I be like "fuck it, atleast don't spread intoxicity by quoting inappropriate things." What you decided to do is to leave UF without any notice and made me even more pissed. You know I was one getting blamed there on UF chat for your stupidity. You let me down. If you take a explanation as a "negative response" please ignore them and don't make it chaotic.

Then I thought It's not right to leave for problems with members. I decided to apply in UF but then I heard and saw myself most of the clan members weren't giving me any chance and then my whole family went village because we heard that our grand mother's health isn't fine. After a few days, she died. We weren't intending to come home for at-least a month because she was so close to us. I decided to close my application because I didn't feel members comfortable with me and none was trusting me expect Spiller and then the situation of going inactive... both were causes for me to close the application so I did.

Hey mister intelligent, you were the one screwing up your whole application or else you would've been in UF again in some days. We were testing your patience out if you can await a bit while.

An instance of discussion of your application

About your grandmother passing away, First of all sorry dude for such a bad news and many many condolences to him.
Second of all, you were playing the game just after you closed the application. How the hell can we UFs could believe that you didn't closed your application just because of this incident and not because of greed of bigger clan just like IcyFuzion had (no offense but true.)

Finally, dude you have actually never tried to understand me since I was a noob and joined UF in 2018. You always get worse attitude whenever peoples point on you. The thing might be you can't endure them but that doesn't mean you expect peoples endure the same too. I might not have even bothered you in this application if you didn't gave me a negative characteristics.

Please guys It is just my important opinion and defense I was supposed to do. I know I was the king of many dramas here and I, again owe you all a big apologies. I just would like the application to be proceeded normally and not make me drama king again  :P

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2020, 04:23:09 pm »

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Re: My Application Hazard / Dabangg
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2020, 04:23:55 pm »
In this quote, I actually agreed to all his actions and I also heard from his side and actually from his side what he said was you wanted to get revenge against him for your ecds (not gonna lie, you did take 3m from LW as loan and never gave it back)
I didn't want to take revenge but he would've never minded this little thing if he was a true friend. Last time when I dueled with him, he won the duel and refused to give me the ECDs back.

About littlewhitey's, since !givecash has been deleted so I don't have any way to send your money back. Come discord I'll give you my account having more than 4.5m with Hydra. (sent him my account with 5m+ cash and Hydra) in discord pm

Now don't give any excuse because I don't want anybody's help anymore and since you said its a *loan* so let the loan be loan.

Yeah he did send me that quote which was showing how you were indirectly provoking him harder. Reminds me of "A guy doesn't bark at dogs if he is really a guy." but your statement just turned things upside down. Everyone has a botch. I was pissed af since you were screwing the so called ec crappy "WK vs MD" things and what you only did is "Oh dude I am done of your shit" while I was only trying to tell that "dude please do not mix clan with these diplomacy" which only gives chaos, discontent and BP high. Then you said that "I have a inner chaos with Fox" then I be like "fuck it, atleast don't spread intoxicity by quoting inappropriate things." What you decided to do is to leave UF without any notice and made me even more pissed. You know I was one getting blamed there on UF chat for your stupidity. You let me down. If you take a explanation as a "negative response" please ignore them and don't make it chaotic.
Ask him to provide any log where I started to provoke him first. I don't want no excuse and if you didn't provide the logs where I started the provoking so you've to believe my words.

He was starting the shit, I didn't want to fight with him but he was continuously fighting with me then what you do? Self-defense probably. MAYBE I think I may have given him a few abuses but I never start the shit but rather tried to end it.

Other things are just over-drama here but I want to answer the questions only so okay. You said I left without any fine notice and can you tell me when did you post any topic of explaining your reason for leaving UF?

About your grandmother passing away, First of all sorry dude for such a bad news and many many condolences to him.
Thank you for wishing for my grandmother.

How the hell can we UFs could believe that you didn't closed your application just because of this incident and not because of greed of bigger clan just like IcyFuzion had (no offense but true.)
If I ever had hunger of clans so I would go for them always, would never ever join any clan. Would never try to stay in UF for whole year, wouldn't introduce Spiller to the clan and wouldn't try to make it popular and alive again.

If you can't wish someone "goodluck" so atleast don't throw water on their struggle.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 07:24:49 am by Dabangg »