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Topics - krystianoo

Pages: [1]
Wars and Matches / SS vs MK
« on: May 21, 2020, 06:53:27 pm »
We would like to challenge you to a clan war on the CTF 5.0 gamemode.


- 5v5
- 6 bases: 1 base - 12 10 minutes (72 60 minutes total)
- No Damn Roofers map
- RPG set limited to 1
- RPG minimum range 20 meters NOT 24 meters
- 300 ping limit
- other rules = server rules

The conditions are open for discussion.

Wars and Matches / SS vs MK (CTF and A/D)
« on: January 22, 2020, 04:18:08 pm »
Reviving this.

We are challenging you, Miami Killers to a clan war again, on two gamemodes: CTF and A/D.

Wars and Matches / SS vs MK (CTF)
« on: January 05, 2018, 04:26:56 pm »
Hello MK!

The Secret Slayers clan would like to challenge you to a clan war on the CTF server.

We are able to play on both CTF 5.0 and 4.0, but we prefer 5.0 and highly recommend you to choose it as well.

The rules would be standard:
- 4 bases
- 10 minute rounds
- 5v5
- no Damn Roofers map

If you agree, let's discuss the date - although we think that realistically it will happen after Vice War.

If you do not agree, please tell us why and maybe we can reach an agreement together!


Community General / vice war 6
« on: November 23, 2016, 04:19:36 pm »

come and apply kutasangi haitian team = GOOD TEAM

Community General / on clan (not good players)
« on: July 16, 2016, 03:23:14 pm »

I have come into possession of very interesting material recently.
Straight to the point - we all know the infamous ON clan - a part 'of the best team evarrrrr'; everyone surely has heard of people accusing them of cheating once in their 'VCMP career'.
This topic is going to show E V I D E N C E of the ON clan in fact being a bunch of cheaters.
Let's start: (this won't be long, but rather short and self-explanatory)

This is evidence of an ON member (won't disclose name this time) giving F1 to our contact (named later) and how to make it work in-game.

 Personal Message footage of KxZ. aka StrykerZ on the forum or VoyaFlex or gh0st or VeilSlide or c0mrade and testing of the wall-hack.

After gaining more trust in ON this is the message he receives from a member named ANONIMUL - a well known figure, second member of ON I guess (after Zeruel).
Alright, all of this might smell like a fake, but here's what is inside the package:
All of those probably function like a cheating program, inject into the game and edit a few memory addresses.
Wallhack is basically ghost city (not seeing any walls), FPS - able to use any FPS value you want, widescreen - self-explanatory.
Here is how these things work ingame: (except WS)
We all know about F1, however the rest of those things might come as a surprise to your average player.
All of those things posted above were used by ON, are still used by ON and would continue to be used by ON - they were probably also given to their 'trusted' allies like Brian and phenomz. (no confirmation), etcetra. -please keep in mind that the Russians never used those things and never will and I am pretty sure that they will denounce ON's actions.

This will be posted on multiple forums and it is up to your discretion as to what to do about them.


Thank you Berkley - the 'inside man' in ON - without him, this wouldn't have happened and thank you Blitz for the video of VeilSlide and permission to use it; and thanks to everyone that shares this post on other forums, IRC or wherever.
All personal information has been blurred, censored.

Wars and Matches / DnA - MK
« on: August 18, 2015, 06:37:55 pm »
Hello MK!

DnA (after a 5man-squad agreeing, of course!) would like to challenge you to a CTF clan war on the MK.CTF server.

Rules would be 5v5, 8 bases (4 DnA bases and 4 MK bases), the bases would be set BEFORE the match, and that's pretty much it ;)

Date is yet to be set!
I can say that Monday, 24 is not a date for all of us. I'll keep you updated!

Since, well MK CTF, is "MK" I trust we will have no problems in locking down the server?


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