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News: Sezaro has been accepted as trainee!.

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Topics - UzI

Pages: [1]
Real Name: Syed Zuhad Ali

Nickname: Makarov.

Your Previous nicks: PsychedelliC. [EK]MaD_WolF^ UzI

D.O.B/Age: 8th February 2006 (16)

Location/Country: Karachi Pakistan

GMT/TimeZone: GMT +5

Servers you usually play on: EC EAD A/D and many others.

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No

VC-MP History: I joined VC-MP community in 2015 but left playing vcmp because at that time I didn't like the mechanics etc but I rejoined the game in 2016 or 17 and from that time I'm playing it but yeah I get inactive sometimes when i'm busy in real life.
EK , DmC , WRS , WG , DnW , NsK and RF.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: MK is a well known and respected clan in the community, I know many members of this clan as I used to hangout with them in discord and have played with them many times, And I would like to be a part of this family.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: EK = It was pretty much inactive and due to the inactivity of the clan it was closed. (CLOSED)
DmC = I left it because I had some fights with the leader of the clan and their behavior towards their own mates made me to take the decision. (LEFT)
WRS = It was a clan of littlewhiteys server which I used to play sometimes and later on it got inactive so I decided to leave it. (LEFT)
WG = The leader (Maiyan and Hari) both were inactive and then later on it got closed. (CLOSED)
DnW = I left the clan due to the same reason as WRS.
NsK = Halo founded the clan and invited me to it but after my inactivity in the clan I was kicked maybe I can't remember it but when I joined the game again I was told that NsK was closed months ago. (CLOSED/KICKED)
RF = Had some fights with the members because of the management and the other stuff like clan-killing etc (UnderAlias)

IRC or Any other contact info: Discord: PsychedelliC#8649

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: -

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: None

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