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Topics - Maddy

Pages: [1]
Departure / later
« on: July 07, 2019, 03:04:14 pm »
I'm going to keep this short and simple.

I'm not going to lie, I feel that the company I have in this clan is not really the type of friends that I would like to surround myself with. At the beginning, I felt that this clan would offer the type of players in the clan who would have mutual interests with me, but I later figured that that wasn't the fact.

This clan is a very well recognized clan in this community, I sure do hope that it maintains the same and if possible, increase it's popularity in this community.

wishing you all the very best,

Accepted Applications / My Application Maddy <Accepted as trainee>
« on: March 26, 2019, 05:40:26 pm »
Real Name: Madhukeshwar KR

Nickname: Maddy

Your Previous nicks: MaddyT, Cataphract, iPhone

D.O.B/Age: 29/3/1999

Location/Country: India

GMT/TimeZone: +5:30

Servers you usually play on: Argonath RPG, Littlewhitey's, European City, CTF

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: Not that I'm aware of.

VC-MP History: I've been a part of the Vice City Multiplayer Community for almost 7-8 years now(wow, now that I think about it, it feels like it was yesterday but yet so long).

I'm not gonna lie, I've had a rough history in this game, once being considered the most hated player(especially with that "I'm sorry video" to DU)of the community. But since then I reformed my attitude and my childish tendencies. It's been a long time since, and I'm sure that I've let go of the past.

I've been part of a couple of clans(think I've applied here once as well 4 years ago). To name a few, DJ(My own clan which I had started), CO and TRC.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: I'll be straight with you. Ever since TRC was, unfortunately, shut down, I didn't feel that I needed to be part of any such clans at all. But I kind of missed the connection that I had with all of the members of the clan. I tried getting that connection with some of my friends IG, but the spark(no homo) wasn't there whatsoever.

I've had good/amazing connections with some of the players of MK, as in Halchter, Sans, FaF, Kelvin and some other members of the clan. I thought of joining MK, but I let go of the idea just because I simply didn't(do not) have the time to play VCMP every single day.

But then I was told by one of the members of the clan to give it a try, which pushed me to apply here.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: DJ- It was one of my own creation which I actually wanted to improve. But due to my history, I didn't have much members causing me to shut it down.

CO- Clan got shut down due to some issues that I'm not aware of.

TRC- I'd probably call this clan as my home, but unfortunately, it isn't a part of this community anymore.
To answer the question, TRC was shut down.

IRC or Any other contact info: I don't use IRC much, but I'm available on Discord.

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Depends, if I'm available, definitely, if not, no.

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Looking at my previous application is definitely worth your while lmao.

And btw, don't mind the D.O.B in my previous application, I used to lie about my age thinking it'd be cool to show off to everybody that I was above 18 years of age.

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: https://mk.vc-mp.net/forum/denied-applications/application-maddy/msg21464/#msg21464

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