Departure / Re: leaving
« on: September 08, 2014, 08:21:44 am »
Yes,I've learned many lessons from MK...When I came to this clan I was totally a newbie but I was a good player so they accepted my application ...Then I want to be an admin in Mk's server So I lied to a member that forced me to kick out from this clan........ and I was little abuser .It's also a reason to kick me out .After that I realized that is I need to control some things myself such as abusing,lying etc...I don't know whether they going to believe me or not ...That was happened in my vcmp career.Then I went to samp ,I had many good frnds ,I've learned a lot thing from samp such as little scripting,server hosting,webhosting, bot scripting,mapping,cbug etc.I've been member in a clan called 2F2F .Still Im member in that clan since 2012 or 13 ...
Next retarded move gonna be permanent ban for you. Take care.

Next retarded move gonna be permanent ban for you. Take care.