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Messages - Yaceq

Pages: [1]
Community General / Re: VC-MP 0.2 EVENT
« on: January 12, 2013, 02:55:21 pm »
One hour left!
I hope to see you there! ;)

Community General / Re: VC-MP 0.2 EVENT
« on: January 12, 2013, 12:08:21 pm »
Yes, server is down. It'll be online a few mins before 16 GMT :)

Community General / Re: VC-MP 0.2 EVENT
« on: January 11, 2013, 08:55:03 pm »

VC-MP 0.2 files - https://dl.dropbox.com/u/60481680/vcmp/vcmp02play.zip

As you can see there's no vc-mp.exe file. It was causing errors, we replaced it by new, easy launcher. You don't have to type server's IP and port now. To take part in VC-MP 0.2 Event do the following:
1. Make a copy of your GTA Vice City folder with VC-MP 0.3z R2 installed.
2. Unzip all VC-MP 0.2 files to the directory with COPIED files.
3. Run VC-MP 0.2 Configurator - type your nick there and click Enter.
4. New file (VC-MP 0.2 Event Launcher) will be created.
   Double click it to start the game.
5. Enjoy your game! ;)

About the files:
Use VC-MP 0.2 Configurator only once.
To play the game only VC-MP 0.2 Event Launcher is needed.
So if you crash, leave the game and want to connect again
just use Event Launcher. There's no need to use Configurator again!
Use the VC-MP 0.2 configurator again only if you want to change your nick.

Beginning of the event: 16:00 GMT!
Important info: You may have a few crashes on connecting... I know it can be annoying, but we can't help it :( I can just assure you, that you'll connect finally! :D And this game/event is really worth waiting ;) If you don't believe me read below what attractions did we prepare for you ;)

What are we gonna do during this event:
1. Classic TDM - Bikers vs Police, Sharks, Chick Gang, Vercetti Gang, Soldiers
2. Roof ramming (you may know it from XRR)
3. Normal race from the airport
4. Race in the skies :D
5. Crazy roads and stunts in the skies! 8)
6. Spotlight
7. Photos in the Malibu! ;)

Take a look at this gallery https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c9820iaum2whi0b/dCNjSCvhOQ#/ to see what am I talking about ;)
Special thanks for sseebbyy (Moby) for editing the map for the event! Map was originally created by Bakasan.

And just a few words about organization of tomorrow's event.
We'll do it the same as on 0.1d and a events, so I'll announce what will we be doing. But now we have more game modes, so it may be not so easy...
In VC-MP 0.2 when choosing skin you have info about team that skin belongs to. We have normal teams like Police, Bikers, Sharks, Soldier, Chick_Gang, Vercetti_Gang. We have also special teams like Roof_Ramming, Spotlight, Normal_Race, Malibu_Photos and very strange name KCfxcAKCDdA#CC\^A :D. And here's my request to all of you - please DO NOT take special teams when we don't play this game mode. I just don't want to have mess during event. If you gonna listen me and if everybody plays the same game mode as I announce I'm sure you'll be pleased with this event ;)
So for TDM you can use all normal skins, for race in the skies use this strange team name KCfxcAKCDdA#CC\^A, skin - woman in green t-shirt and for crazy roads/stunts in the skies use strange team KCfxcAKCDdA#CC\^A too, but choose man in the black jacket. Other game modes are clear I think.

I think that's all what I wanted to say.  I hope to see you tomorrow! ;)
If you have any questions feel free to ask here!


Community General / VC-MP 0.2 EVENT
« on: January 06, 2013, 01:09:23 pm »
More info there: http://forum.vicecitymultiplayer.com/index.php?topic=5473.0
I hope you're gonna take part!

Wars and Matches / VC-MP eXtreme Attack & Defense Clan League
« on: January 06, 2013, 01:06:01 pm »
We would like to invite you to the
VC-MP eXtreme Attack & Defense Clan League!

It's not just normal clan league where you fight 5 vs 5. It's something new, where not only skill is important! This league will show which clan is the best when it comes to teamwork.

Each group is going to pick their OWN BASE and will have to protect it from enemies. And then counter-attack! Seems interesting? For sure, so don't wait, apply to our tournament right now!

And remember, the faster you sign up, the better base you can get.
More information, rules and applications can be found here: http://xrr.vc-mp.pl/Forum-League

XAD Clan League TEAM

Community General / Re: VC-MP 0.1a event!
« on: February 07, 2012, 07:42:31 pm »
Anty, its not me ;)
But don't worry, I'll be there! :D

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