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Messages - Ice

Pages: [1]
Denied Applications / Re: My Application Ice/Backtodagame
« on: July 13, 2019, 11:23:38 am »
I am waiting to see u in the game and I always plays in EC and lw
I can't join right now due of busy in RL which i dont expected
Sorry homie cuz make you wait, i will notice you when im back

Denied Applications / Re: My Application Ice/Backtodagame
« on: July 08, 2019, 05:37:05 am »
are you still playing this game or what?! tell me?! i will vote later. i want to see you in the game, and yea real life is the most important thing so yea take care about your studies
I have totally completed my studies, now looking for job. And ye i am still semi active, but mostly spent my time on MK discord.

Denied Applications / My Application Ice/Backtodagame
« on: July 07, 2019, 12:28:11 am »
Real Name: Nguyen Van An

Nickname: Ice/Backtodagame

Your Previous nicks: Back2dabugz, T_T, Michael, 5K., ...

D.O.B/Age: 18

Location/Country: Vietnam

GMT/TimeZone: Gmt +7

Servers you usually play on: LW/EC/Vks (semi active)

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: None

VC-MP History: 4 years.
My previous clan: MD, ON, AG, EK,..
Starting from 2013 from a server in my country (BK Server - 0.3z) until mid-2016 playing at the Vks server. And so until I met SubZer0 in MD, I received an invitation to join MD and of course I also concentrated in EC more because they were there. Then I got kicked for reasons below, then joined ON somewhere around 2 or 3 months I left because there were some problems with the member. I went back to Vks and joined EK, where a friend of mine was leader and I helped them (Encouraging, practicing and participating in some battles with other clans) for a long time until EK became a top clan at VKs. Then I left because I wanted to improve myself at another clan.
A little note: In mid-July, I was inactive because I was really busy studying until now, after balancing things in real life, I was able to go back and continue with VC-MP, though not like the day before but I will try to be as active as possible

Why do you want to Join MK ?: During my experience at LW I found that MK was an active clan at a time when I could play, highly skilled players and the ability to cooperate with each other extremely well and extremely friendly, but That made me very impressed and I decided to apply here to practice my personal skills as well as team works skill.
Other thing is most of my friends joined MK, some are in MK already so I think I can integrate with them as well as they can help me in the process of becoming part of MK.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: I didnt really remember so i have coppy from my old app
EK: Feeling lonely
ON: issues with members
AG: Inactive members
MD: Kicked for asking promoted.

IRC or Any other contact info: Www.facebook.com/forgetmyfuture

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Ye

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: None

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: applications/my-application-back2dabugz/

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