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Messages - Drake

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Denied Applications / Re: My Application Trex
« on: September 21, 2015, 04:46:46 am »
Lets leave the past away as if we consider your past you won't stand a chance.

So, why didn't you add DK clan? You got accepted a week ago maybe and left it already and applied here. *Clan-Hop detected*
Secondly, I don't believe to the fact that "KonGo" is your brother. As you said that you both have different PCs but your UID is found being the same on many server. Not only that, whenever you join IRC, your host-name totally matches with "KonGo". Even one day you mistakenly closed the window of "Trex" leaving a message which indicated that you are "KonGo" for sure.
I am sure you don't know about "UIDs" & "IRC Host-names". Well I can give you a clear example of host-name right below. (@.....)

Can you explain this?  [03:09] * KonGo (KonGo@lu-bc1.sg9.238.41.IP) Quit (G-Lined: VRocker)
                                          [03:09] * Trex (Trex`@lu-bc1.sg9.238.41.IP) Quit (G-Lined: VRocker)

One more thing I want to point out is that spamming my facebook account and IRC by saying that you've changed and are really interested in MK won't help you anyway. It'll only result in "Ignorance".

For the above reasons, I am simply going with a No.

Denied Applications / Re: My Application Trex
« on: September 20, 2015, 05:44:55 am »
I have most knowledge of you than anyone else here and after reading your application, I conclude that you are still missing away many points.
Would you like me to post your full "history"?

Off Topic / Re: Giveaway by Gaming Tribe.
« on: September 19, 2015, 07:02:22 am »
when you win one, send it to me, Ill pay the courier charges
I'll courier You my old Core 2 Duo and AMD 5450. :D
Ill courier you back a donkey's dick which will cum all over you when u open the pack
:-X :P

Denied Applications / Re: My Application TimAK
« on: September 09, 2015, 04:28:43 pm »
You can go now Timmy Tim Timak whatever.

Leave him alone guys!

Denied Applications / Re: My Application TimAK
« on: September 09, 2015, 11:28:06 am »
So Tim` or whatever,
Code: [Select]
TimAK, (NYB)KingArsalan., [NYB]K.ArsalanKhan, TimAk, Tim., Tim*, [DUz]Moskvish
You think you can hide from us and everyone else?
That lame reason that you gave to the DUs that you are leaving for the fact that your father is not letting you to play anymore and you are going on some kinda training and wont be playing vcmp anymore.
I knew that you, Moskvish were some retarded old player for sure and see I was right.

Anything more you wanna say?
I'll suggest you one last thing though "You should just get the hell outta MK dude."

Birthdays / Re: Happy Birthday MKs.Fabbel<3
« on: September 09, 2015, 08:52:18 am »
Happy Birthday!

Inactivity / Re: inactivity
« on: September 07, 2015, 01:17:42 pm »
Just announcing my inactivity again. I will have a vacation in Greece, for one week to two weeks probably. If I have access to internet, I will visit the forums. Upon my return, I won't be fully active again. Mostly on the weekends, I guess. This is my last day.
I see and that you wont be able to attend the first 2 training sessions.
Happy journey!
See you soon :)

News and Announcements / Re: New scouts
« on: September 02, 2015, 03:41:15 am »
You still being a MARICON!
Admit it already that you cant beat me xD

News and Announcements / Re: New scouts
« on: September 02, 2015, 01:58:51 am »
What a faggot, you just look like FaP does!

Shut up Sexus and FaP enough shits!  :-X

BTW Sexus if you dont wanna give then just say "No". Its OK :P
GAY!!!!!!!!!!! You seem to be more interested in cock delievery at your home lol You can have mine too if Nexus is agreed to give you :D
Actually Nexus is a "GAY" and he doesn't want to tell anybody about that and that's why he makes jokes like these.
He is older than me too so I had to say things like these to make Nexus comfortable enough  :-X


Congratulations guys !!!
Thanks :)

News and Announcements / Re: New scouts
« on: September 01, 2015, 08:01:05 am »
What a faggot, you just look like FaP does!

Shut up Sexus and FaP enough shits!  :-X

BTW Sexus if you dont wanna give then just say "No". Its OK :P

News and Announcements / Re: New scouts
« on: September 01, 2015, 05:57:00 am »
You both can celebrate while sucking my dick!

Congratz, enjoy this ;)
We have already celebrated.
But OK , parcel me your dick.
P.S : If you agree to do so then let me know, I'll pm you my home address. 8)
Enjoy  :-*

Off Topic / Re: Which cell phone u have???? ;)
« on: August 23, 2015, 05:54:49 am »
I currently have Motorola Moto G3

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