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Messages - Drake

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Birthdays / Re: Happy Birthday Anarki!
« on: November 09, 2015, 01:22:41 am »
Happy birthday, have a great day ahead  ;)

Birthdays / Re: Happy Birthday Crackm4
« on: November 01, 2015, 01:57:09 pm »
Happy happy happy birthday!  ;)

Birthdays / Re: Happy Birthday [MK]Hockz!
« on: October 23, 2015, 01:39:22 pm »

Denied Applications / Re: My Application Trex
« on: October 21, 2015, 10:17:32 am »
EDIT:to WildRose:I was so stupid sorry man I didn't know that I must apply in 21 Sep. I apologize again :).
You still didn't get it, how're you gonna improve if you can't even understand why he said that?

Drake I just want you to know that I've got it you don't want me in MK I know that from the past application and I've said that to my brother and he told me let's see but I was right when I said "Drake don't want me in MK",Now how you're talking about attitude and you didn't even talk to me or know what I want to explain to you,also you're Arrogant
that what you're and don't talk about attitude while MK Administrators are about and saying "fucking" and this bullshit..
I won't say that I hate you I don't hate you I just said what was hidden in my heart about you.
Showing immature behaviour won't help you.
Yes, I don't want immatured members in MK. Good attitude is the main thing which I want from the applicants.
Call me whatever you want, I don't give a shit.

I'm saying that because I've hope is to get accepted in MK but you can't even say any single word that could Give me hope to enter the clan just think about what I said,else try to trust me if even one time.
Why do you expect me to give you hope when not even a single member has a good impression about you?
I myself don't like you yet, you always tend to be annoying and I don't like it.

You wanted some hope right? then change yourself, get a good impression towards me and the other members and apply after you think you're ready enough.
I'll be expecting you to apply only after a month or two.

Denied Applications / Re: My Application Trex
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:52:30 am »
I was observing you for the past couple of weeks and my observation says that you haven't changed a bit.
You are the same old kid with the same childish attitude.

And for the fact that you said earlier,
I think i can apply everymonth till i get accepted in MK also 1 month passed..this is my 2nd application.
Do you think you can get accepted by posting an application every month? Good luck with that.


Inactivity / Re: Inactivity
« on: October 07, 2015, 01:24:33 am »
Lool to be honest never I saw you ingame srly.  :P

Inactivity / Re: Inactivity.
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:36:16 am »
can you define what you tried to say in this line? O.o
He meant to create an inactivity board.

Denied Applications / Re: My Application RdmzNN
« on: September 22, 2015, 07:19:07 am »
I'm not hiding anything, I swear. White, dean , jerry, he's my little brother.

and Thanks for your votes guys!
You're already caught by the above words! Don't expect anything more from us.

Denied Applications / Re: My Application Trex
« on: September 21, 2015, 12:59:13 pm »
Spammed "change" like hell.

change and changed and changed but changed and change change still changed....Dammit lol

Denied Applications / Re: My Application Trex
« on: September 21, 2015, 10:29:00 am »
You were in DK just last week with nick "MrPremium" and now you say that you don't remember?
So let's talk about that i don't say DK in my past clans...
I can't remember everything in my life so i didn't remember that i was in DK and what will happen if i've written it nothing will change anyway i will add it now i apologize because i didn't remember i don't have this good memory i just got busy typing my history.
Why do you think so? Everything matters if you wanna join MK.
Well Drake,in all my life i didn't even say that i will buy a pc i have only one PC and if i will VC:MP my brother joins with AndroIRC in phone and when he plays i do it too,we don't need to lie i'm bored of lying seriously i hate it.
So, you are saying that I'm lying? You said that yourself.
Now you're saying that your brother uses "Phone"when you are using the "PC". If it is so then why is your host-name always same? AndroIRC's host-names are different if you don't know yet.
As Halchter said:
........Just because he claims that he says the truth, doesn't necessarily mean that it's the truth.

Denied Applications / Re: My Application RdmzNN
« on: September 21, 2015, 10:13:18 am »
I am sure you're hiding many things from us.
It can't be that you've only joined DF which came into existence outta nowhere in the starting of this month.
If its been almost 2 years then you've for sure joined some other clan which you can't tell because you're hiding your old nicks from us.

I doubt that you are Jerry a.k.a Dean a.k.a WhiteX and many more nicks which i don't remember exactly and these nicks goes changing "on and on and on.......and on and on.........".

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: DF: I left df for became an official clan member. And This is one of the best clan.
This quote already shows your loyalty towards a clan.

Vote pending.
I'm not hiding anything, I swear. White, dean , jerry, he's my little brother.

and Thanks for your votes guys!
Enjoy now.

Denied Applications / Re: My Application Trex
« on: September 21, 2015, 08:16:22 am »
Lets leave the past away as if we consider your past you won't stand a chance.

So, why didn't you add DK clan? You got accepted a week ago maybe and left it already and applied here. *Clan-Hop detected*
Secondly, I don't believe to the fact that "KonGo" is your brother. As you said that you both have different PCs but your UID is found being the same on many server. Not only that, whenever you join IRC, your host-name totally matches with "KonGo". Even one day you mistakenly closed the window of "Trex" leaving a message which indicated that you are "KonGo" for sure.
I am sure you don't know about "UIDs" & "IRC Host-names". Well I can give you a clear example of host-name right below. (@.....)

Can you explain this?  [03:09] * KonGo (KonGo@lu-bc1.sg9.238.41.IP) Quit (G-Lined: VRocker)
                                          [03:09] * Trex (Trex`@lu-bc1.sg9.238.41.IP) Quit (G-Lined: VRocker)

One more thing I want to point out is that spamming my facebook account and IRC by saying that you've changed and are really interested in MK won't help you anyway. It'll only result in "Ignorance".

For the above reasons, I am simply going with a No.

Is he that guy MrPremium? anyways Kongo and all of his brothers are on retard mode and dont deserve to be in MK unless they show improvements while out of the clan.
Yea he is "MrPremium".

Denied Applications / Re: My Application RdmzNN
« on: September 21, 2015, 05:13:24 am »
I am sure you're hiding many things from us.
It can't be that you've only joined DF which came into existence outta nowhere in the starting of this month.
If its been almost 2 years then you've for sure joined some other clan which you can't tell because you're hiding your old nicks from us.

I doubt that you are Jerry a.k.a Dean a.k.a WhiteX and many more nicks which i don't remember exactly and these nicks goes changing "on and on and on.......and on and on.........".

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: DF: I left df for became an official clan member. And This is one of the best clan.
This quote already shows your loyalty towards a clan.

Vote pending.

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