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Messages - gta5

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
Community General / Re: Why doesnt VC-MP work for me :(
« on: September 29, 2010, 02:25:32 am »
same for everyone, just wait untill the dev team fixes it. They probably didn't renew the host on time lol.

Community General / Re: Hey guys :(
« on: September 19, 2010, 01:28:51 am »
prove them wrong and kill them  8)

Denied Applications / Re: my aplication
« on: September 08, 2010, 11:54:02 pm »
I don't know anything about it  ???  :o

Clan Chat / Re: Official Server
« on: August 29, 2010, 06:15:51 am »
Server Added to the official list  8)

will post more info laterz...

Denied Applications / Re: unknow's applycation
« on: August 22, 2010, 04:05:21 am »
it's a solid no from me. This guy stats pads and ban evades. He used to play as ULK.Carmaster too, falsely using ULK tags. Anyway some evidence (taken from a ban appeal):

Anyway, your appeal is DENIED. You were banned for stats padding as evidenced below:

09[00:55:18] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: look
09[00:55:20] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: i fi
09[00:55:28] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: kill 20 people i will be admin
09[00:55:31] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: can you

09[00:55:40] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: be that people to em be admin
09[00:55:48] 6
  • 10 VOLC@NO: ya

09[00:55:54] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: ad i will give you money
09[00:56:07] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: ?
09[00:56:07] 6
  • 10 VOLC@NO: ok

09[00:56:15] 4 >> [RO]unknow killed VOLC@NO (Spaz)
09[00:56:15] 12 [RO]unknow is on a with 7 kills in a row!
09[00:56:18] 6
  • 10 VOLC@NO: yes i agree

and it kept going....

09[01:04:19] 12 [RO]unknow is on a is UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Untouchable Killing Spree with 30 kills in a row!
09[01:04:23] 4 >> [RO]unknow Died 


09[01:04:23] 4 >> [RO]unknow Died 


09[01:14:07] 12 [RO]unknow is on a with 9 kills in a row!

09[01:17:48] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: i have an ideea
09[01:17:49] 6
  • 10 VOLC@NO: from?

09[01:17:54] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: i make another cont
09[01:17:58] 6
  • 10 VOLC@NO: ?

09[01:17:59] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: you kill me much
09[01:18:04] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: than give the money me
09[01:18:11] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: and i give again a acr
09[01:18:14] 6
  • 10 VOLC@NO: yes

09[01:18:16] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: and i give again a car

09[01:18:20] 6 [2]10 [RO]unknow: but wait


09[01:19:51] 12 VOLC@NO is on a is on a Killing Spree with 5 kills in a row!
09[01:19:58] 14 >> [RO]unknowl spawned as Tommy-Vercetti
09[01:19:58] 12 Temporary Banning VOLC@NO - For: 3days - By Admin: [KiLLeR]Tetas, Reason: stats padding
09[01:19:59] 3
  • VOLC@NO has left the Game. (Kicked) 

09[01:20:05] 12 Temporary Banning [RO]unknowl - For: 3days - By Admin: [KiLLeR]Tetas, Reason: stats padding
09[01:20:05] 3 [1] [RO]unknowl has left the Game. (Kicked) 

Now you are rebanned for evading but this time 5 days because of the evasion. The money that you got via stats padding will be removed, as well as the respective vehicles.

Unban Date: Wednesday, 16 June 2010. script will auto unban.

btw this went on a lot more than what I have logs for.

omg, then who is the other unkown?

forum alias check?

anyway I'm pretty sure this is [RO] [ROK]unknow - he uses both tags. Also look at his email:


keep in mind now he used to play as ULK.Carmaster falsely using their tag...

Clan Chat / Re: Official Server
« on: August 15, 2010, 04:51:17 am »
yea, I barely missed it too. Maxorators not gonna be back for another week

Code: [Select]
Quote from: gta5 on August 13, 2010, 03:45:37 AM
what's the status? :>

Sorry, I was so busy that I forgot. I'm leaving for a week in around 7 hours, if you can send the IP address before I go, I will add it.

Clan Chat / Official Server
« on: August 15, 2010, 04:29:04 am »
Pure DM is going to be on the official list probably within a week or two. I've talked to Maxorator and he agrees.

Clan Chat / Clan server ideas
« on: August 15, 2010, 04:28:10 am »

Denied Applications / Re: Armando_894 my application
« on: August 09, 2010, 06:03:17 pm »
never seen you, I don't know yet.

Departure / Re: BYE GUYZ
« on: August 07, 2010, 07:25:49 pm »
bye  :'( hopefully you'll come back soon  8)

Denied Applications / Re: [MK] Apply , [RD]Edward
« on: July 29, 2010, 04:14:54 am »
not ready just yet...

Accepted Applications / Re: My App [Cuirassier] :P
« on: July 29, 2010, 04:14:12 am »
lolz I know you like tits =P. Me 2 but dont post em here lol.

I vote for full [MK] he's a good player.

Community General / Re: Message...
« on: July 28, 2010, 03:19:30 am »

Community General / Re: HaLL.
« on: July 27, 2010, 05:49:43 am »
who knows what context this is in...

News and Announcements / Re: Full Member Tag for SaM
« on: July 26, 2010, 05:45:53 am »

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