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Messages - Drake

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Accepted Applications / Drake's 3rd Apply
« on: March 26, 2015, 03:31:26 am »
Real Name: Himanshu

Nickname: Drake^

Your Previous nicks: KraTO$

D.O.B/Age: 1st August 1998 / 16 +

Location/Country: India

GMT/TimeZone: UTC +05:30

Servers you usually play on: LW || ADC || XE

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No, I am not banned in any official servers. Not even unofficial servers.
I was banned once in LW which I told you about in my 1st Application.

VC-MP History: I started playing VC:MP from June 2014(10 months) , Previous Clans : DxZ & ON.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: Truely saying that I want to be in an official clan and its my dream to join MK.
When a person is alone then he only thinks about himself and nothing else but when he joins a group of peoples then he doesnt thinks much about himself but he thinks much about his group and peoples of that group.
In a group all the members work together which is much better than working alone.
I have learnt many things from my old clan DxZ & I really wish to learn more and more from MK clan.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: DxZ : Clan was closed.
                                                              ON : I just left.


Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes, I would love to play in clan wars.

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I have already applied 2 times before & self-denied both my apps because I wasnt ready enough to get votes from you all. But now I am back active and got interacted with many MK members.
I feel that I am ready enough.
Thank You.

Denied Applications / Re: Drake's Re-Apply
« on: March 19, 2015, 10:48:26 am »
I am back active from now.
I would like the members to take their decision about my application and vote accordingly.
I would be playing mostly in LW and SkyCity.

Note :- Sorry for double post. I did it because if I edit my previous post then no one would know or get an alert about this post.

Thank You.

EDIT : I am going to self deny this app.
I will get more familiar with some of the MK Members and will re-apply after that.

Denied Applications / Re: Drake's Re-Apply
« on: March 14, 2015, 06:56:54 am »
I can't see you neither in the forums nor in-game. Can you confirm that you are active?

Sorry that I didnt inform you about my inactivity.
Well , I was about to be active from February but my exams had started from 16th February and so I didnt play at all.
I was only active in IRC.
Exams will be over till 23rd March.
I will surely be active from 24th March & be active as usual.

Denied Applications / Re: Drake's Re-Apply
« on: January 23, 2015, 11:23:55 am »
No one is showing interest in my application.....   :(

Denied Applications / Re: Drake's Re-Apply
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:01:41 am »
Why do you apply then? Just because we have inactive players, it doesn't mean we need more of them. I understand, it will take a little period of time to you, to be active again but the thing is that you claim, you are now ready to join us, when we the members haven't met you even once to notice any improvements from you, at all.

Can you try to be more active through the recruiting process?

One more thing, please stop with the random capitalization of letters.

Well I can do anything to join the clan.
So I would try my best to be active if I can.

* Drake stops random capitalisation of letters.

EDIT :- I would need some more time to be active again.....

Denied Applications / Re: Drake's Re-Apply
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:20:30 am »
You can't just leave clans for no reason. Through the time passed, I haven't seen you even once. Are you sure that you don't have any other nicks and you don't want to hide something?

1.If you are talking about ON Clan then Please Review My Old Application.
2.Well Yes.. I Am Little Bit Inactive as I am Scripting My Server Named (0.4)Generation Trigger-X & It takes lot of time to bring up new things and fix bugs as well.
VCMP 0.4 scripting is a little messy and I am still learning it in these past days or say it weeks.
I Have started Free Hosting Services In Past Days(Drake Hosting) &  So I Was Busy Making Website & Advertising about my services. (My Website : http://drakevc.com)
So for all these reasons I was Inactive.
3.I Havent used any nicks other than Drake^ & KraTO$ (Currently only using Drake^).

I will be active again in a week after finishing all my works.

Denied Applications / [Self-Denied]Drake's Re-Apply
« on: January 22, 2015, 04:09:17 am »
Real Name: Himanshu

Nickname: Drake^

Your Previous nicks: KraTO$

D.O.B/Age: 1st August 1998 / 16+

Location/Country: India

GMT/TimeZone: UTC + 05:30

Servers you usually play on: Skycity | Littlewhitey | GTX(My 0.4 Server)

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: I was Once Banned In LW Without Any Reason.
Link : http://forum.littlewhiteys.co.uk/index.php/topic,20351.0.html

VC-MP History: I am Playing VCMP Since June 2014. Approx. 8 Months, Your Previous clans.(DxZ,ON)

Why do you want to Join MK ?: I Had Already Applied A Month Ago & Got Denied For Some Reasons & Some Members Opinion About Me. Its My Dream To Join MK Clan & I Feel More Prepared About It.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: DxZ - Clan Was Closed By KaOtiV(DXZ Leader) | ON - I Just Left The Clan.


Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yep...I am Interested in Playing Clan Wars.

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I am Back & I Feel That I Am Ready To Join MK. Greetings MK Members.

News and Announcements / Re: Kobalt and Dave have been promoted to scout
« on: January 07, 2015, 01:54:24 am »
Congratulations Kobalt and Dave :D

You Deserve It ;)

Accepted Applications / Re: Bhai's Application
« on: January 06, 2015, 02:10:30 am »
Congratulations Bhai

Denied Applications / Re: MK Application
« on: December 24, 2014, 04:14:55 am »
I am really serious about joining this clan and its my Dream.
So you came here for dreaming or for applying?
Gl with it.

Goes after his dreams and does what he has to do to make his dreams become true.

Yep Kelvin....
I will do whatever to join MK.
Pls Guys give me First and Last Chance to proof myself correct for MK Clan.
BTW.Since I know you,from when you've been playing VC-MP.
I never heard you of joining MK. You never talked about this. Now you say as an excuse for leaving russians cus of?
Lol,I agree with Kelvin,he's right at this point.
You'll do the same as the other clans,DxZ and ON.You will leave after you get some excuse.

Brother You Wont Understand about what is dream.
I am not making any excuses bro.
Anyway Its Your Opinion. Cant do anything about it.

Denied Applications / Re: MK Application
« on: December 24, 2014, 04:06:28 am »
I know that im not a MK member but i'll give my opinion.
I saw you many times when you were on DxZ, i don't know how you are in this moment but when i killed you many times (i think that you don't remember me) you said me a lot of times, hack. You're very fast so i can't shot you.
In that moment i thought that you didn't have enough experience about this game. You're a good guy but you can still improving yourself in many ways as many players told you.
Good luck!

By The way whats your real nick?
And I have improved much brother.
Thank You

Denied Applications / Re: MK Application
« on: December 23, 2014, 01:58:06 pm »
I am really serious about joining this clan and its my Dream.
So you came here for dreaming or for applying?
Gl with it.

Goes after his dreams and does what he has to do to make his dreams become true.

Yep Kelvin....
I will do whatever to join MK.
Pls Guys give me First and Last Chance to proof myself correct for MK Clan.

Denied Applications / Re: MK Application
« on: December 23, 2014, 11:49:25 am »
I am really serious about joining this clan and its my Dream.
So you came here for dreaming or for applying?
Gl with it.


Thanx Hunt

Denied Applications / Re: MK Application
« on: December 23, 2014, 10:10:01 am »
Guys I really want a chance to prove myself.
I am really serious about joining this clan and its my Dream.

I can still change to anything you all want i.e, I can Do anything To Join This Clan.
If you can help me improve myself and make me capable to join this clan, it would be really nice for me.
Thats all I want to Say.
So I Just request you If You can give me a chance.

Thank You

Denied Applications / Re: MK Application
« on: December 23, 2014, 08:31:59 am »
Spaz is a weapon which can be easily countered. LW's server has different skins with different weapons, some people are simply not guilty that they spawn with spaz. You don't whine about it, you take it as a challenge.

Because of your behaviour, I will go with no.

Sorry For that but I dont show this type of behavior. That Day was too bad for me and I was really tensed. So I sat Playing VCMP and he used spaz and I spoked that.

And Pls dont think that i am making a story out of this cuz I never lie. I told Everything Honestly.

Anyway Its My Fault.

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