Accepted Applications / Drake's 3rd Apply
« on: March 26, 2015, 03:31:26 am »
Real Name: Himanshu
Nickname: Drake^
Your Previous nicks: KraTO$
D.O.B/Age: 1st August 1998 / 16 +
Location/Country: India
GMT/TimeZone: UTC +05:30
Servers you usually play on: LW || ADC || XE
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No, I am not banned in any official servers. Not even unofficial servers.
I was banned once in LW which I told you about in my 1st Application.
VC-MP History: I started playing VC:MP from June 2014(10 months) , Previous Clans : DxZ & ON.
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Truely saying that I want to be in an official clan and its my dream to join MK.
When a person is alone then he only thinks about himself and nothing else but when he joins a group of peoples then he doesnt thinks much about himself but he thinks much about his group and peoples of that group.
In a group all the members work together which is much better than working alone.
I have learnt many things from my old clan DxZ & I really wish to learn more and more from MK clan.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: DxZ : Clan was closed.
ON : I just left.
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes, I would love to play in clan wars.
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I have already applied 2 times before & self-denied both my apps because I wasnt ready enough to get votes from you all. But now I am back active and got interacted with many MK members.
I feel that I am ready enough.
Thank You.
Nickname: Drake^
Your Previous nicks: KraTO$
D.O.B/Age: 1st August 1998 / 16 +
Location/Country: India
GMT/TimeZone: UTC +05:30
Servers you usually play on: LW || ADC || XE
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No, I am not banned in any official servers. Not even unofficial servers.
I was banned once in LW which I told you about in my 1st Application.
VC-MP History: I started playing VC:MP from June 2014(10 months) , Previous Clans : DxZ & ON.
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Truely saying that I want to be in an official clan and its my dream to join MK.
When a person is alone then he only thinks about himself and nothing else but when he joins a group of peoples then he doesnt thinks much about himself but he thinks much about his group and peoples of that group.
In a group all the members work together which is much better than working alone.
I have learnt many things from my old clan DxZ & I really wish to learn more and more from MK clan.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: DxZ : Clan was closed.
ON : I just left.
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes, I would love to play in clan wars.
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I have already applied 2 times before & self-denied both my apps because I wasnt ready enough to get votes from you all. But now I am back active and got interacted with many MK members.
I feel that I am ready enough.
Thank You.