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Messages - Jeff

Pages: 1 [2]
Denied Applications / Re: My Application JeFFy^
« on: September 23, 2020, 10:06:19 am »
Bro first of all u have to change ur behaviour with other players ur suppose to hangout with us before applying here, as far as u have been shown the way out of clan and u didnt highlight about it so there are some certain things which u are trying to hide from us and as ur past is consider u were involve in hacks, so what is assurance u will remain loyal to us? Well neutral for now will change my vote after observing you in game
I am saying I am not involve in hacks my brother involve in hacks and using my name not one caught me during hacks if use then give me proof i said to alll

Denied Applications / Re: My Application JeFFy^
« on: September 22, 2020, 09:25:00 pm »
No not now u need some more years to join our community as ur totally immature atm
Ok sir! i dont spend too much time with you

Denied Applications / Re: My Application JeFFy^
« on: September 22, 2020, 06:17:20 pm »
I find you quite immature atm and I still suspect you of hacking. You seem to be a good guy but the whole "cousin using aimbot and I don't know how it came in my pc and getting banned thing" might take some time to get cleared.
Also, try to work on some English skills, it is understandable to some extent but having a better grip might bring in positive votes for you.

With that being said, my vote is No. You need to clear the whole aimbot thing out first in my opinion.
Aegon i am in 7th class thats why my english not good with time by time my english improve inshallah
And about aimbot you can check my pc all of pc you can use teamviewer what you want when you said show me your pc il show without any excuse and if you thinking you suspect me Lol its mean all hacker in vcmp who can hit headshot bro skills are also a thing
And about immature if someone give me respect i give him respect tooo kthnx

if you said No. then what i do as your wish

Denied Applications / My Application JeFFy^
« on: September 22, 2020, 04:26:12 pm »
Real Name: Muhammed Huzaifa Fareed

Nickname: JeFFy^

Your Previous nicks: =FF=Rock. [SK]MrJeFF^RF Scratch. Angel any many others

D.O.B/Age: 15-06-2005 (15 june) age 15

Location/Country: Rawalpindi , Pakistan

GMT/TimeZone: GMT 5+

Servers you usually play on: VCCNR , Aribiter , Empire Gaming A/D , EC , littlewhiteys , The new beta tdm

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: In VCCNR for 7 days for warning limit exceeded
now maybe 1 / 2 days left

VC-MP History: I started playing vcmp since 2017/2018
and many people was thinking that i am using aimbot but actually i didnt used. My brother clarke was playing from my cousin's pc i dont how my cousin got aimbot Thats why aimbot detected and after that everyone was blaming us for this
After this My cousin leave vc-mp

Pervious clans
FF = Freedom Fighters


RF = RockeT Force

SK = Stylish Killers

Why do you want to Join MK ?: First Of all i am inspired from this clan
and the clan members are so nice, friendly
and active too. The activity of clan is also good and
these all things makes me think i should go for this clan
that's why i am applying

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: Pervious clans
FF = Closed

R2x = kicked due to Missunderstanding

RF = Closed

SK = Closed

IRC or Any other contact info: only discord

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: yes tooo much

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: Nothing Much i hope you will accept me :D

Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any: Nope

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