Denied Applications / Application
« on: December 26, 2014, 05:46:09 pm »
Real Name: Arsal
Nickname: RuGeR
Your Previous nicks:motherfucker/punisher./Ruger/[SH]arsal
Servers you usually play on:eauropean /littlewhiteys / sky city
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: in lw i'm banned today for wall glitch but avenger get mistake he write reason wallg / head1 / speed
VC-MP History: i play vcmp since 2010.
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Good fighters + active + friendly also they are insparatinal as a clan.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: i dcided to join a more sophisticated clan such as yourself.
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:yes
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:when i start playing vcmp in 2010 in europeancity server i play first time i
dnt knw how to play my skills 0 then i start using hacks i banned many times in 2011 i leave vcmp i play again in 2013 sk
learn me skills noori learn me lead aim and jin/G3cko also now i'm good fighter but less then MK clan members.
Nickname: RuGeR
Your Previous nicks:motherfucker/punisher./Ruger/[SH]arsal
Servers you usually play on:eauropean /littlewhiteys / sky city
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: in lw i'm banned today for wall glitch but avenger get mistake he write reason wallg / head1 / speed
VC-MP History: i play vcmp since 2010.
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Good fighters + active + friendly also they are insparatinal as a clan.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: i dcided to join a more sophisticated clan such as yourself.
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:yes
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:when i start playing vcmp in 2010 in europeancity server i play first time i
dnt knw how to play my skills 0 then i start using hacks i banned many times in 2011 i leave vcmp i play again in 2013 sk
learn me skills noori learn me lead aim and jin/G3cko also now i'm good fighter but less then MK clan members.