Denied Applications / -Tim
« on: August 24, 2014, 02:07:12 pm »
Real Name: Arsalan Khan
Nickname: Tim4A1
Your Previous nicks: There are too many but I'd like to post the main : Tim' , X_Fighter[1000] , Kieth and King_Arsalan.
D.O.B/Age: 15.
Location/Country: Pakistan.
GMT/TimeZone: GMT/UTC +5
Servers you usually play on: Now a days UA and LW.
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No I'm not.
VC-MP History: playing since 2012.
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Actually, I want to be in a official and active gang with whom I can enjoy.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: NK: multiple loyalty problems, LK: just left on my own choice TZ: That clan is almostly in-active.
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: yeah.
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: no.
Nickname: Tim4A1
Your Previous nicks: There are too many but I'd like to post the main : Tim' , X_Fighter[1000] , Kieth and King_Arsalan.
D.O.B/Age: 15.
Location/Country: Pakistan.
GMT/TimeZone: GMT/UTC +5
Servers you usually play on: Now a days UA and LW.
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No I'm not.
VC-MP History: playing since 2012.
Why do you want to Join MK ?: Actually, I want to be in a official and active gang with whom I can enjoy.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: NK: multiple loyalty problems, LK: just left on my own choice TZ: That clan is almostly in-active.
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: yeah.
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: no.