Community General / MC Server
« on: September 27, 2012, 07:29:27 pm »Server information
Server Name: [MK] Miami City BattleZone
Server IP:
Max Players: 50
Sever Location: United Kingdom
Forum: http://miami-server.co.cc/
Script Name: MC v1.0
GameMode: TDM (Team Death Match)
Map: Vice-City
IRC Network: irc.liberty-unleashed.co.uk
Channel: #miami-city
Scripter: X_94
Server IP:
Max Players: 50
Sever Location: United Kingdom
Forum: http://miami-server.co.cc/
Script Name: MC v1.0
GameMode: TDM (Team Death Match)
Map: Vice-City
IRC Network: irc.liberty-unleashed.co.uk
Channel: #miami-city
Scripter: X_94
Server Rules:
- No Cheating.
- No Spamming/flaming.
- No Spawn camping/killing.
- No Wall Glitching
- No Excessive drivebykilling.
- No helli-Blades Killing.
- No Advertisements.
- No Game-modifications.
Server Commands
Register, Register's your Account
login, Login's Your Account
admins, Displays list of Admins ingame
stats, Displays Stats
ping, Displays Ping
cash, Displays Your Cash
clanchat, Used to clan chat on server
claninfo, Displays Clans stats
spawnwep, select your own Spawn weps
newpass, Set your new password
car, Displays Car info
wep, Gives You weps + (you Can take Multi weps separated by commas /c wep stubby,m60)
heal, Heals You
gotoloc, Teleports You to a saved location
saveloc, Save a location
deposit, Deposits your money in bank.
withdraw, Withdraw your money from bank.
givecash, Gives your cash to other player
spree, Displays players on a killing spree.
telespawn, Lets You Chose your spawn location
erasetelespawn, Removes your spawn location
hp, Displays hp
loc, Displays location
report, Report a cheater.
fix, Fix your vehicle.
acmds Displays list of admin cmds
All cmds Work with /c prefix..
I hope You Guys will like this server...