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Messages - megdaOnE

Pages: [1]
hello friends excuse for not having announced my departure from the clan
i completely forgot to announce
I want to ask a big apology to all members mk
For failing to communicate this

Accepted Applications / Re: App megdaOnE
« on: April 19, 2011, 05:01:38 am »
Are you the one who uses Sparrow all the time? :p

Or is it someone else? :/
No I do not use Sparrow

Accepted Applications / Re: App megdaOnE
« on: April 18, 2011, 04:51:11 am »
you seemed nice...in terms of both skills and attitude...

I just have one doubt about you...can you speak english?

in espanol

habilidades de Niza y la actitud

hablas en ingles?
yeah I speak English Friend :)

Accepted Applications / App megdaOnE ( Accepted as Trainee )
« on: April 18, 2011, 04:27:36 am »
Real Name: Andres

Nickname: megdaOnE

D.O.B/Age: 13 (14 in August)

Location/Country: America Central - Mexico - Distrito Federal

GMT/TimeZone: GTM -6

Servers you usually play on:I Play IN:XE European, Hunting Arena, Battefield

VC-MP History: 6 months, Clan: TZ

MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: MSN:megdaone@hotmail.com, XFIRE:megdaone666, IRC:megdaOnE`

Interested In Playing Clan Wars: I love clan Wars

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: scripting For my server #Total-Destruction.Echo (in IRC LUNet)

Pages: [1]