I am not as active with the game and therefore I have less idea of what is going on outside the clan, my other fellow clan mates could have already known about this but it wasn't mentioned in Tim's app earlier and he was very easily getting votes and that's what made me suspicious and therefore I requested an investigation privately whether he is clean because I always believe that if it's so easy then we are heading into an ambush.
Now coming to the proving him guilty part and Crack taking decision unilaterally and not consulting members. Well most of you guys were busy voting positive and as of now also people are supporting him and so do you think I would find it wise to discuss it amongst you in this case? Your opinions were already seen on his application. I asked crack privately to deny him after he showed me proofs not because he was found guilty or not guilty but because of all this controversy with this guy.
It's simple, when guys like Gangstaras who hold an authority or position in the community, have an opinion in such matters and if we chose to ignore their opinions, then we are striking our own clan's image by accepting such people in the clan.
Guilty or Not, unless you are clear of all this controversy, your application will be denied no matter how much you plead because I and my fellow clan management try as hard as we can that people don't stick fingers to MK.
Thank you Gangstaras, Elvenking and Calhoun for giving your time to this issue and thus overall making the community a better place.