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Author Topic: AoE 2 Stories  (Read 13063 times)

Offline WildRose

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AoE 2 Stories
« on: December 18, 2010, 07:19:12 am »
So, here we are posting the stories of the fights which we (Me, FaF, SGH & Cypher) had in the game Age Of Empires 2.

1st Match.

The team decided was  India vs Italy, that is Me n faf vs SGH n Cypher. So, the game kicked off & as SGH was a noob he dint know any shit but cypher helped him or maybe he knew some of the game. So, me n faf who are just way too much crazy about the Castles started off too with them.

In the meanwhile our resources were good, we started up with building castle near the gate the of the cypher's city. Our trebuchets fucked his Bombard Towers and Castles at the game and then our army of Paladins, Mangudais and Jannessaries came into play and ruined the whole city of Cypher. As we were playing Regicide that is the Killing of the King of the Enemy, Cypher's king was hiding in one his castle and when that castle was fucked by us, his king being a COWARD ran to his ally that is SGH and hid there.

Then, we took over the city of cypher and cypher was a poverty kid then.! :p

Then it was time to attack SGH, as he had cypher's help, he had built up walls with bombard towers and castles to kill the enemy. But we(Me n faf) build our castle near his wall, our stable even and along with that FaF sent his army from his base in north, in center and also from where it fought Cypher that is south and so we made the army to attack first his Bombard Towers then we went for the castles and then we destroyed his walls and entered into the city. He then sent all of his army to the spot where we were entering from, but I had different plans. I had 3 armies and then from two more places the attack was carried on. The king of SGH was hiding in the castle, the castle was destroyed & so was the king of SGH & then the king of Cypher which ran away was hiding in one of the town centres of SGH was killed.

In short, this was the story of our first match.

There are 3 more.
Though pretty short ones than this.

P.S -> Thanx for reading if u really did.

xD :)

P.S.S -> If you guys feel like playing with us then just download the AoE 2 Conquerers and Expansion and get the patch for the version 1.0c
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 07:58:21 am by FaF aka Nade »

- Crack's work ^_^

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2010, 08:14:59 am »
2nd Match
Players: Ashay, Cypher, FaF
Match Type:Its was Triple threat Match that is 3 players against each other.
Map: Team Islands

So here it goes, We all as usual started with it, collecting resources and then building up army and also Navy this time. The first interesting thing that happened was me capturing the relic(u place this in church/mosque/temple with the help of monk and it generates free gold), so placed two relics on my islands in my mosque( I was Turk :P) and then saw another on Cypher's island so went for it sneaking my way, i took the relic and went back to my ship but Cypher sent a cavalry unit to kill my monk but was too slow and my monk got into ship and sailed back to my island. (LoL)

Now I had two docks, one to fight Ashay's Massive Army and other to defend against Cypher. So it was like Cypher was stealing gold from my dock which was against him so i built my navy and fought against his navy and i guess i destroyed his dock there. Then i saw Ashay transported few of his units there( where cypher's dock was) and built an dock and a castle. I thought this could be harmfull for me so i attacked it and destroyed Ashay's attack on Cypher. Now Ashay planned an attack on me through his massive navy, but my docks were heavily gaurded with 2 castles and many bombard towers and many war ships, so the fight started and he destroyed few of my bombards and a dock...but then i realized i had huge navy blocking a narrow water part, so i sent and also built more troops and then turned my defence into attack and went for Ashay's docks and my warships were too many for him and almost destroyed most buildings of his near shore and he resigned.

While i was away i saw Cypher had sent troops on my island to attack my root. But i guess he took me lightly and thought i just have navy, so along with my navy and a large number of Land troops I ruined him hard, I dont remeber rest how i defeated Cypher, maybe he resigned also.

I would Request Cypher to post the end part if he remembers.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 08:16:32 am by FaF aka Nade »

Offline Cypher

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2010, 01:32:41 pm »
2nd Match
Players: Ashay, Cypher, FaF
Match Type:Its was Triple threat Match that is 3 players against each other.
Map: Team Islands

So here it goes, We all as usual started with it, collecting resources and then building up army and also Navy this time. The first interesting thing that happened was me capturing the relic(u place this in church/mosque/temple with the help of monk and it generates free gold), so placed two relics on my islands in my mosque( I was Turk :P) and then saw another on Cypher's island so went for it sneaking my way, i took the relic and went back to my ship but Cypher sent a cavalry unit to kill my monk but was too slow and my monk got into ship and sailed back to my island. (LoL)

Now I had two docks, one to fight Ashay's Massive Army and other to defend against Cypher. So it was like Cypher was stealing gold from my dock which was against him so i built my navy and fought against his navy and i guess i destroyed his dock there. Then i saw Ashay transported few of his units there( where cypher's dock was) and built an dock and a castle. I thought this could be harmfull for me so i attacked it and destroyed Ashay's attack on Cypher. Now Ashay planned an attack on me through his massive navy, but my docks were heavily gaurded with 2 castles and many bombard towers and many war ships, so the fight started and he destroyed few of my bombards and a dock...but then i realized i had huge navy blocking a narrow water part, so i sent and also built more troops and then turned my defence into attack and went for Ashay's docks and my warships were too many for him and almost destroyed most buildings of his near shore and he resigned.

While i was away i saw Cypher had sent troops on my island to attack my root. But i guess he took me lightly and thought i just have navy, so along with my navy and a large number of Land troops I ruined him hard, I dont remeber rest how i defeated Cypher, maybe he resigned also.

I would Request Cypher to post the end part if he remembers.

I don't remember it good. I remember that maybe i resigned.  :(
Anyway remember that my gold thiefts are behind you!  :P

Offline WildRose

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2010, 01:55:03 pm »
2nd Match
Players: Ashay, Cypher, FaF
Match Type:Its was Triple threat Match that is 3 players against each other.
Map: Team Islands

So here it goes, We all as usual started with it, collecting resources and then building up army and also Navy this time. The first interesting thing that happened was me capturing the relic(u place this in church/mosque/temple with the help of monk and it generates free gold), so placed two relics on my islands in my mosque( I was Turk :P) and then saw another on Cypher's island so went for it sneaking my way, i took the relic and went back to my ship but Cypher sent a cavalry unit to kill my monk but was too slow and my monk got into ship and sailed back to my island. (LoL)

Now I had two docks, one to fight Ashay's Massive Army and other to defend against Cypher. So it was like Cypher was stealing gold from my dock which was against him so i built my navy and fought against his navy and i guess i destroyed his dock there. Then i saw Ashay transported few of his units there( where cypher's dock was) and built an dock and a castle. I thought this could be harmfull for me so i attacked it and destroyed Ashay's attack on Cypher. Now Ashay planned an attack on me through his massive navy, but my docks were heavily gaurded with 2 castles and many bombard towers and many war ships, so the fight started and he destroyed few of my bombards and a dock...but then i realized i had huge navy blocking a narrow water part, so i sent and also built more troops and then turned my defence into attack and went for Ashay's docks and my warships were too many for him and almost destroyed most buildings of his near shore and he resigned.

While i was away i saw Cypher had sent troops on my island to attack my root. But i guess he took me lightly and thought i just have navy, so along with my navy and a large number of Land troops I ruined him hard, I dont remeber rest how i defeated Cypher, maybe he resigned also.

I would Request Cypher to post the end part if he remembers.

I don't remember it good. I remember that maybe i resigned.  :(
Anyway remember that my gold thiefts are behind you!  :P



- Crack's work ^_^

Offline WildRose

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2010, 06:55:09 pm »

Match 5.. Story coming soon

But the quotes are here..! xD

NewK: i sent my villager in beetwen my soldiers so that we would blend in, and not be targeted as prime enemy xD

NewK: i was just about to create soldiers but wasted all on those stupid walls and those watchtower that shoot stuff

Cypher: my poor monk
Ashay: XD
FaF: xD
Ashay: sending 8 soldiers to kill me
Ashay: xD
NewK: lol these walls are useless
Ashay: i was having 10 soldiers
FaF: lal
FaF: xD
Ashay: and 3 bombard towers
Cypher: wich walls
Ashay: xD
FaF: Cypher will build gr8 wall of china someday
FaF: :P
Ashay: xD
Cypher: LOL
FaF: gr8 wall of italia!
FaF: xD
Cypher: lolz
Ashay: faf's navy
Ashay: + my ground army
Ashay: pwn3d both
Ashay: xD

- Crack's work ^_^

Offline WildRose

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2010, 12:27:08 am »
Another one

NewK: that's still no excuse for trying to built the great wall of china

Cypher: building the wall of china is funny man
Ashay: xD
Cypher: :D
Cypher: XD
FaF: he was so tired that he built gr8 wall of italia!
FaF: xD
Cypher: lmao
NewK: i wonder if you started a game with no stoned around you
NewK: eeheh
Cypher: no
NewK: that would be funny
FaF: emoa
FaF: xD
FaF: lemao*
Cypher: i can EVEN make stone with stoling money and buying it
Cypher: NOOBS
FaF: xD
Cypher: !
NewK: lol
FaF: clever
FaF: !
Cypher: XD
Cypher: i'm joking faf
Cypher: XD

Another xD

Cypher: ashay next time
Ashay: jaja
Cypher: i will own you and faf
FaF: :P
Cypher: XD
Ashay: in ur dreams?
FaF: i wish!
Ashay: or with making of walls?
FaF: :P
Cypher: you think
Ashay: as we dont do it
Ashay: xd
NewK: maybe in a monk race
FaF: lolz
Cypher: first walls! later monks

Ashay: NewK is our britney spears :p
Cypher: LOL
Cypher: LOL
Ashay: Shaking her ass while playing guitar
Ashay: :D
NewK: ashay is our lady gaga :>
Cypher: britney spears is a MONK?????
Ashay: gimme gimme
Ashay: roflmao
Ashay: xD
FaF: newks future
FaF: http://guitarstringguide.com/drupal/files/images/kerry-king-slayer-guitar1.preview.jpeg
FaF: xD
Ashay: lmao
Cypher: LMAO
Ashay: xD
Cypher: but that is not a monk faf
FaF: who cares
FaF: xD
FaF: he is bald!
Cypher: he must read the bible
Cypher: XD
NewK: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_aJIhQqNdbuI/TIlS75i90mI/AAAAAAAACBs/8lya-Ismh58/s1600/joe-satriani.jpg
NewK: ^ guitar monk right there       

Cypher: GUYS
NewK: how about next time you build walls around my city since you don't have any to protect, there's no army only monks lol
Cypher: LMAO
Cypher: LMAOOO
FaF: lolz
Ashay: @ newk nice 1
Ashay: xD
« Last Edit: December 19, 2010, 12:41:27 am by NewK »

- Crack's work ^_^

Offline Chad

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2011, 07:54:00 pm »
finally joined the game, but i cant get online need some server ip's and lol nice video xD
« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 08:51:58 am by Chad »

Offline Perfect10n

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2011, 01:43:32 am »
finally joined the game, but i cant get online need some server ip's
use game ranger  ;)

Offline FaF

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2011, 07:31:18 am »
and yea get a mic too :P

Offline Perfect10n

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2011, 03:19:19 pm »
and yea get a mic too :P
yeah i haven't heard you and ashay 's voice too  :P

Offline Lazee

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2011, 06:27:12 pm »
and yea get a mic too :P
yeah i haven't heard you and ashay 's voice too  :P

* Lazee got new headphones with Mic

BiGGesT loVer of SkyLine..

Offline Chad

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2011, 09:43:53 pm »
thx for the game ranger tip but i still cant play online :/ it says setting up multiplayer game then it just quits O.o

Offline FaF

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2011, 09:51:57 pm »
dont worry we will help u out when we are free from personal life stuff...which will be shortly

Offline Chad

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2011, 10:18:05 pm »
personal life stuff  :o  sounds serious gl  ;)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 08:50:30 am by Chad »

Offline WiLsOn

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Re: AoE 2 Stories
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2011, 09:41:43 am »
personal life stuff  :o  sounds serious gl  ;)