Hello everyone,
Today's it's a pleasure to be here writing announcements like this, after of a long discussion we have decided to promote 3 of our members!
Our first member is a guy that just came like a stranger and with the time became an important guy in this family, I'm talking about
Rest, my chinese friend, It's my honor to annouce that You're now promoted Full Member, feel free to use [MK] tag wherever you go.
The second guy taught me that with patience you should get everything, I remember these times in Sky-City with your brother (I don't remember exactly if I banned you or your brother once lol) good old times

! sorry for being an stupid, I was wrong.
Diamond, Keep improving yourself as always, You're now promoted Full Member, feel free to use [MK] tag wherever you go.
The last but not less important announcement, I'm proud of you since you joined us. The great things comes after a great effort, cabrón me da mucha alegría anunciar todo esto. I'd like to write you in spanish but ni pedo cabrón! Feel free to use [MK] tag wherever you go. Congratulations
"Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting."
Joyce Meyer