
Yes,I've learned many lessons from MK...When I came to this clan I was totally a newbie but I was a good player so they accepted my application ...Then I want to be an admin in Mk's server So I lied to a member that forced me to kick out from this clan........ and I was little abuser .It's also a reason to kick me out .After that I realized that is I need to control some things myself such as abusing,lying etc...I don't know whether they going to believe me or not ...That was happened in my vcmp career.Then I went to samp ,I had many good frnds ,I've learned a lot thing from samp such as little scripting,server hosting,webhosting, bot scripting,mapping,cbug etc.I've been member in a clan called 2F2F .Still Im member in that clan since 2012 or 13 ...
Next retarded move gonna be permanent ban for you. Take care.