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Author Topic: First VC-MP Littlewhitey's Team Tournament!  (Read 2821 times)

Offline FaF

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First VC-MP Littlewhitey's Team Tournament!
« on: August 24, 2010, 12:38:39 pm »
First VC-MP Littlewhitey's Team Tournament!

Official Channel: #littlewhitey.events  server: irc.liberty-unleashed.co.uk
Date: Will be announced later. (write here if you prever weekend or normal week day)
All times are given in CET (GMT +1)
Place: Roof of Hyman Memorial Stadium. I think everybody knows where it is. If no, don't worry ;)

I.    It's Team Tournament. You can play here as clan, with tag, or if you don't have clan you can make your team.
II.   Fight - one 'game', look at §3, III.
III.  TF (TeamFight) - game between two teams, to 3 wins, up to 5 fights.

§2. Main rules
I.    In this tournament can participate MAX 8 teams.
II.   Playing system will be announced when I know how many teams are playing. I'd like to play it in groups.
III.  Every team has to declare 3 players and if they want 1 reserve. Players who are playing in team can be changed to the events day, to 10:00.
IV.   One player can participate in this event ONLY in one team! You are not allowed to play in two different teams!
V.    We are playing with LW rules (glitching not allowed, cheats too ;P).
VI.   Ping limit: ~300. If player has higher ping but no lag, he can take part in it.
VII.  If admin notice that player crash his game on purpuse his team will be disqualified.
VIII. Quitting game during fight is the same as being killed.
IX.   If even one player is bugged, opponent has to tell it. Otherwise if admin notice that sb is fighting with bugged player, TEAM will be disqualified. Remember, FAIR PLAY!
X.    It's not allowed to use !getcar command during fight ;)
XI.   All teams have to have names. Clans can play with tags and teams have to invent their name.

§3. Playing system/scores (will be modified - playing system).
I.    We are playing 3 players vs 3 players.
II.   Teams are allowed to change players with reserve ONLY between TFs, not fights (what is TF - §1,III).
III.  Team X win one fight when all players from second team are killed and at least one player from team X is alive.
IV.   One TF is to 3 wins (3:0 or 3:1 or 3:2).
V.    Scores: win 3:0 or 3:1 - 3 points, 3:2 - 2 points, LOSS 2:3 - 1 point, loss 0:3 or 1:3 - 0 points.
It looks oddly, I know. I think it will be fair to clan that loss 2:3. It's almost win, that's why I decided to use this type of scoring.
VI.   If two or more teams have the same amount of points, we are looking at they 'small poins', if it is the same at fight result. Team with more small points takes better place, next the same with team that won.
VII.  Team is not allowed to play with 1 or 2 players. If team doesn't have 3 players on tournament it is disqualified.

§4. Weapons/skins
I.    Weapons allowed in tournament: all without rocker launcher, sniper, but including special weapons as M4, M60, flame, spaz.
II.   Two or three players in team can't have the same special weapon. For example, if player X has M60, other players from this team can't have M60, but they can have M4, flame or spaz.
III.  All players in one team MUST have the same skin.
IV.   Don't worry about weapons, admins will give you M60, M4, spaz, stubby/shotgun if your skin won't have it ;)

I know last time it wasn't good idea to allow to use M60. And I know that we have head shots now. But it's Team Tournament. You don't need to use only shotguns and fight 1 vs 1. THINK about tactics, who is fighting with shotgun and who is standing far away and shooting with M60/M4. Just remember, that other team can do the same, so players with M60 won't just stay, they will have to move too. THINK, JUST THINK! ;))

ˆˆ§5. Prizes (will be announced soon:D)
1st place - ?$
2nd place - ?$
3rd place - ?$

Organizators are allowed to change rules before/during event!

To take part in it, just write here your team name and players.

Any problems/questions/etc write here. It's better to ask than rage later ;P
I'll update this post often so read it before asking new question ;)

Yaceq ;)

For More Info Goto :http://forum.littlewhiteys.co.uk/index.php/topic,13837.0.html
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 12:48:06 pm by FaF_PwN3r »

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Re: First VC-MP Littlewhitey's Team Tournament!
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2010, 04:59:03 pm »
"MAYBE" you need to update this post :P

Offline z0okeR

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Re: First VC-MP Littlewhitey's Team Tournament!
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2010, 06:45:37 pm »
 8) 8) 8) 8)