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Author Topic: EAD Championship 2  (Read 4527 times)

Offline Shawn

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EAD Championship 2
« on: July 31, 2017, 05:32:48 pm »

The Evolution team presents the second season of EAD Championship, which will be held in the coming weeks. The championship is a Single Elimination Tournament fought between 8 teams in the Evolution A/D server.

The Teams
The teams will be formed by 8 selected captains. Each captain will be given 100 credits, with which they have to bid against other captains to pick players in an auction.

The Applicants
To apply for the event, submit an application here. If you want to volunteer as a captain, mention that in your application. Note that, each captain has their own team. So if you plan to form a team with your friends, make sure they did not volunteer as captain themselves.
We have 8 teams, so the applications will be closed at 48 or 56 applicants.

The Captains
The management will pick 8 captains out of players who volunteered for captaincy. The criteria for selection would be:
Player has basic math skills to make bids.
Player has required IQ to understand the auction.
Player is active enough to be available for the auction.
The selection in no way reflects the player's skill level in A/D.

The Auction
The auction will be held on IRC channel, #EAD.Championship which will host the auction scripts. It is not mandatory to join the auction, but it will be interesting to watch the bid wars during the formation of teams. All captains are required to be present during the auction.
The script will call out the name of a participant, and start the timer for 60 seconds. The captain will place bids from their credits for that player. The captain with highest bid after 60 seconds, gets the player. The script will progress to the next applicant.
A detailed tutorial and demonstration will be given to captains after they are selected.

EAD Forum
Event rules
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