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Author Topic: Bye..  (Read 13509 times)


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Re: Bye..
« Reply #30 on: August 03, 2016, 10:39:29 pm »
Okay, just tell whatever you think about me. And what you think i'm going to do in the future. And why I had left.. just say whatever you wants all of you.

Detonator: a lot of things changed yes.

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Re: Bye..
« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2016, 04:08:37 am »
So at the end it was all about promotion ?

End of story
What an idiotic reason ,fucking up an opportunity
From what I have seen in MK, they delay promotion for a reason, they wait for people to get mature enough to be called MK.
And you just proved that you are not mature enough
It's funny how people leave for such reason

As MK's new leader, I will talk to FaF about bhai's promotion on my own 8)
And remote Drake if  necessary
« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 04:11:46 am by Shawn »
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Re: Bye..
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2016, 07:14:10 am »
Floris I guess we deserve a proper explanation, right?What things have changed and what are the exact reasons why you left?
When someone is unhappy of the clan decisions or anything else, they speak.I don't see the right choice leaving without talking and suggesting your ideas.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 07:19:15 am by Detonator »

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Re: Bye..
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2016, 08:04:31 am »
rofl, i was pretty sure that your going to do this shit that's why you were keep killing me and laughing on me, Crack were know it already.
p.s another thing, your leaving because of trex that you can't get him back in the clan, anyways good luck hope to see you soon around with [ON] Tag.
Agree +1 , He just left for Trex and ON.
Well,it's not your fuckin' business bastard,Floris hates ON and Hunting told my brother to invite floris and floris rejected as well,also he didn't leave for me he won't ruin his reputation just for don't be stupid faggot you paki laggot.

I am not going to quote those pyramids but would just direct my msgs with names

@Floris : However Newk may sound to you, but saying that we did not care for you is so absolute betrayel to me to halchter to ratchet and to everyone around whom you played with, specially on DDRP server, we used to treat you like a brother, once you asked me to deny an app, I said yes go ahead and there are many little things which show how much I care for the new members but when you guys leave with such reasons, I feel betrayed, but its not that I am some emotional freak, its just that I feel that we made them so comfortable and then they leave like this. About promotion, there are members here who were promoted after a year, everyone wants to be promoted but it is not only that, its also being part of such a great family. Those who were here for promotion only are no more here. You certainly had a conversation with Trex and that is the reason he is coming here and supporting you,

Lemme tell you the relation between you and trex

1. Same country, Egypt
2. Teaming up and going against raiden, even though he asked you not to go against him and still laughing and mocking him together
3. Trex coming to defend you on this application.

Again about the caring part, you know how much MK cares for their new members? Some members here have audacity to question their leaders and pin point their decisions and label them wrong at some point of time if they feel some thing that happened is against some new member or something other related to members and for the leaders, they always mix with you guys and make you comfortable, we create such an environment for new members that dont feel nervous or shy or scared to approach the leaders or other senior members, whatever the matter be.

About the kicking topic, it was made today because of your behaviour, and it clearly shows you were planning this and thats why you were acting like a retard, just like those whom you wish to be with and also you ignored members at that very time and before we could come to any decision, you left by yourself.

What else do you want from us? Should i adopt you and earn for you? would then you agree that we care for you.
Anyways its all history and you can very well fuck off now and I also bet that you are gonna come back in some time and drop to our feets, pleading that we take you back, but ill ensure that you are auto denied, so go and have fun with your idiot mate Trex.

As for you @Trex, who the fuck do you think you are, you little noob, first give yourself some advice regarding over all behaviour and not being a total retard then come here and advice a clan that is been running since 10 years, yes, you were just a 5 year old dingbat when it started. You still wanna join MK?  Ill tell you, you cannot now, not in an eternity. How dare you come here and talk like that to members like Bhai? What do you know about how a clan is managed and how promotions happen. Its good that you yourself left the clan the second day, some things are destined to happen and it was in MK's luck that you left before you went retard again and harm the clan's image.

I also wish to slap this on your face since you talked about Bhai's promotion, he will eventually be promoted but you, you are done with your luck in MK. Despite trying to advise you on how to be good and even after you left MK and went in ON and went total retarded, I advised you that be good for a certain time and you can still make a place again in MK when you were pleading to me and other MK members about joining MK again.

This case is now closed.

Well FaF,Firstly i am not an idiot,raiden was acting so retarded as floris said he was calling crack like a kid and saying he is killing me ain't he stubby master? ain't he m60 pro? can't he play 2 vs 1? even i do it but when i get killed many times i don't cry for my senior member i can get any car and go away that's peace 8) dude 8) and about same country he lives in another town not mine he just wanted to see raiden's reaction after killing him twice or triple..he was acting like a kid saying "crack floris is killing me when i am going to kill the bitch :'(" and i am going to answer you raiden you're whore open your ass for me baby 8).
also FaF,i've already told you i am not gonna join MK now i'll wait you told me to advices but how can i be a good person while there are fuckin' bastards talking about me without my knowledge how can i act mature while he abuses me ?
i am trying my best to be kind with your members but there are fuckin' faggots acts like bastards 8).
Oh and i didn't come to defend Floris because raiden talked about me and i didn't talk so rude to bhai i didn't go to him and tell him bhai let's fight on floris's leaving topic he quoted my reply and i just replied him i didn't mean to be rude with him because i know him aswell we was playing in 0.3.

lemme talk about my leaving..
all of you says that i left for just stupid reason and so on..
after some days of accepting me in MK,my brother talked with kelvin and they talked about raiden that he is asslicking MK's and kelvin replied "so what your brother was doing?" i didn't know that they was talking and my brother came to me and told me what happened and told me to leave the clan and i've got abuses from my "friends" because they "what're you waiting leave the clan they thinks you asslicker" and unfortunately i did what they told me to do and i was blaming my self everyday because i've left the clan,after making 3 applications i leave MK easily like this :/
And about joining ON and being retarded again well
ON needs this ^^ :D many players joins ON with good behave attuide everything and when they're accepted and communicate with members they become retards.

I've tried to apologize to kelvin for what i've did and he didn't respond i was very disappointed,Then I've sent for approx. 5 members apologizing message and who replied was NewK and CrackM4 only but now i am saying it in public

---->>    'I'm sorry for every MK member gave me a chance and i disappointed him i was very stupid to leave MK so easily   
                like this,also for the news members [darkMatter,Coudy,Raiden] Firstly Congratulations,i didn't say it to them..
                Secondly,I'm sorry for acting so retarded with you especially Raiden,He was like my best friend :v i didn't get
               annoyed by his messages when i was MK trainee,I'm sorry for you all and sorry for acting retarded these days
               Now i'm trying my best to be kind with every single player not only MK members.'  <<---- 

Everyone learns from his mistakes and i've learned from my mistake and i am not gonna do something wrong again.

So at the end it was all about promotion ?

End of story
What an idiotic reason ,fucking up an opportunity
From what I have seen in MK, they delay promotion for a reason, they wait for people to get mature enough to be called MK.
And you just proved that you are not mature enough
It's funny how people leave for such reason

As MK's new leader, I will talk to FaF about bhai's promotion on my own 8)
And remote Drake if  necessary
Shawn.Floris didn't say that he left for a promotion he said that he left to be clanless and i'm sure he isn't going to join any clan because i've talked with him.

hmm..'n' also excuse me for what i've said at the top of the reply sorry :)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 08:14:31 am by Trex »

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Re: Bye..
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2016, 08:52:53 am »
You just wasted your time typing all that trex  and you better stop replying here as we don't wish to entertain you anymore and as I already said case closed Neither u needed to post a reply to me nor i am gonna read your essays. Another retarded post or abusing any of mk members here or another reply to this topic will get u banned.

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Re: Bye..
« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2016, 08:54:48 am »
Floris, I'm disappointed :-[

@Trex: I also replied to your message and you saw it.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2016, 09:29:49 am by Blurry »

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Re: Bye..
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2016, 09:40:49 am »

RoyStang's Art

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Re: Bye..
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2016, 06:05:19 pm »
Are you going to give at least a proper explanation?

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