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Author Topic: [0.4] Kill the Boss: Vice City Multiplayer  (Read 4980 times)

Offline Joker

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[0.4] Kill the Boss: Vice City Multiplayer
« on: June 22, 2017, 01:37:00 am »

[0.4] Kill the Boss: Vice City Multiplayer

Slots: 50
Map: Vice City
Mode: KTB v0.1
IP Address:
Forums: http://ktb.vc-mp.co.uk/
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/8fdXDe3

About us: For the very first time in VC:MP, we are introducing a new and unique game mode which we believe many people are going to find thrilling. Introducing Kill The Boss, VC:MP! In this game mode, there are basically two teams. One is defenders, the boss within them. The defenders are supposed to protect the boss from all kind of potential threats. Meanwhile, the attackers are assigned the task to hunt down the boss in a specific time frame. If the boss is dead, the round is instantly over. However, if the defenders manage to defend the boss within the time frame, they win the round and if attackers somehow hunt down the boss, the attackers win. The boss has the right to defend and therefore, is equipped with weapons. Moreover, the defenders and the boss are restricted within certain boundaries of their respective base and are not allowed to move away. As of now, we are focusing on the main gameplay. However, future plans include turning this into an epic chase by keeping the duties of the attackers same but requiring the defenders to escort the base to a safe house, on vehicles within the same time frame. This is planned for the next version which is coming soon! We believe it is definitely worth a shot, hope to see you in-game! :)


Offline Rabbit

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Re: [0.4] Kill the Boss: Vice City Multiplayer
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2017, 01:54:30 am »
 :) another great mode
I may be a slow-walker but I am always walking.

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Re: [0.4] Kill the Boss: Vice City Multiplayer
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2017, 04:53:19 am »
Sounds interesting. Good Luck.

Offline Joker

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Re: [0.4] Kill the Boss: Vice City Multiplayer
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2017, 10:46:21 am »

KTB Gamemode - HOW TO PLAY

In this game mode, there are basically two teams. One is defenders, the boss within them. The defenders are supposed to protect the boss from all kind of potential threats. Meanwhile, the attackers are assigned the task to hunt down the boss in a specific time frame. If the boss is dead, the round is instantly over. However, if the defenders manage to defend the boss within the time frame, they win the round and if attackers somehow hunt down the boss, the attackers win. The boss has the right to defend and therefore, is equipped with weapons. Moreover, the defenders and the boss are restricted within certain boundaries of their respective base and are not allowed to move away.

Spawning points:
The attackers will be spawned on a roof full of vehicles, what they are supposed to do is pick any vehicle and head towards the defender's base, where the boss is located. There will be a GUI on your screen, showing the base name, and the boss name, there will also be a marker on the radar, you just have to go towards that direction, it will lead you to the base. The defenders will be spawned on the base which was chosen to play in, and their objective is to keep the boss hidden, and defend him. The boss won't be able to move away 100m from the base, or else he will be teleported back.

Roof bases:
For the first time, we are introducing roof bases, where attackers will spawned, on a roof full of planes, and helicopters, and their objective is to make it to the roof bases, where defenders will be spawned, and kill the boss. The attacker can also snipe from a roof nearby, it is their choice.

There are 7 parcels, each parcel contains 3 weapons. The defenders (excluding the boss), and the attackers will be allowed to use /parcels for a list of parcels containing weps, /parcel 1-7 to pick one. They will have the whole time to pick a parcel, but they are only allowed to pick a parcel once. If anyone doesn't take a parcel, he will be given a default parcel, especially for newbies, who will have no idea what a parcel is.

Concealing vehicles:
In order to hide their vehicles, especially for roof bases, so they are able to make it to the roof without blowing up their vehicles, one will be able to /conceal his vehicle, his vehicle will be taken away, and he will be able to spawn on the roof, without any harm. It can also be used for stealth purposes.

Voting System:
There will be base voting, in which any 4 random bases will be given as an option on the mainchat, and the players have to pick, the base with the most votes, gets to be played in, if votes are equal, any  random base will start, everyone will have 30 secs to vote. After that when the base, is selected, there will be boss voting, any 3 random players will be selected and their names will be put on the mainchat, the defenders will have to choose their boss. This will prevent newbies from becoming a boss, and making a mess. Everyone will get their objectives on the mainchat when the round starts.

Boss Features:
The Boss will be given special advantages in order to prevent being killed, as the whole round depends on him. He will be given armour at its maximum, he can choose any three weps using the /wep command, excluding minigun, rocket launcher, molotov, and grenades. Players will be able to donate their health to the boss using the command /bheal <HP>, max health is 40, in order to keep him alive. The Boss has access to get any defender to him, using the /bring <ID> command, when ever the boss is in trouble, he will only be able to do that once. The boss will be able to press the H button on the keyboard, in order to notify others, that he is in trouble, only defenders will get a notification on the mainchat.

Suicide Vest:
Only one of the attackers will be able to have the suicide vest, using /vest command, and that too will be optional. When attacker does /vest, he recieves a suicide vest, and a message on the mainchat, explaining what he has to do. The vest guy's weapons will be taken away, he won't be able to use 'em, his objective is to go near the boss, or any important player in that team, and press the X button to detonate, if he kills the boss, round ends, and the attackers win. The more closer he is, the more damage it will cause. He won't be able to detonate with decreasing HP or when knocked down.

Offline Joker

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Re: [0.4] Kill the Boss: Vice City Multiplayer
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2017, 09:37:22 am »

Offline Joker

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Re: [0.4] Kill the Boss: Vice City Multiplayer
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2017, 10:41:39 am »
Forum has been changed to  http://ktb.thijn.ovh/index.php
The credit goes to Thijn for providing the host.