Real Name: Zohaib
Nickname: ZoHa1B
Your Previous nicks:Zybi!
D.O.B/Age:9 january/17 and half
Location/Country:Saudi Arabia,Riyadh
GMT/TimeZone:GMT + 3:00
Servers you usually play on:littlewhiteys etc.
VC-MP History:5 years and my prevous clan umm...[VK][MGK] etc..
Why do you want to Join MK ?:i love this clan skills and i think i learned cery much from MK members

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: VK= the leader is very greedy always ask for me money

MGK= Clan Dead
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: My xfire=zybi222 mIRC= Nick(ZoHa1B)
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:yes very interested

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I am helping TDDC recongiation to Succeed