Real Name: Dhanush
Nickname: <Vegeta>
Your Previous nicks:Jonh_cena,[MKt]Vegeta,[MKt]Jonh_cena,blood,Sachin.
Servers you usually play on:Xe server,VCHA ,Sky-City.Starfish TDM server.
VC-MP History: Since i started vcmp playing in 2011 January 9th and my first clan MK ,but i don't know clan value because im new in the vcmp And kicked me for bad attitude ,And i decided to join another clan BKS .BKS accepted full member but im not comfortable in that clan ,No CW ,not entertainment then i left .my 3rd clan FS ,Accepted FS trainee and promoted to rookie ,i kicked for made a new clan ,but i m only helper ,And WiLsOn and Alvin is creating community Muslin and Hindu .And my vacation are remaining 15-17 days only ,i will find a good clan its my last application.I hope this time you believe me.
Why you want to Join Clan MK: I think this clan the best in vcmp .Its my favorite clan

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: MK(Bad attitude),BKS(Not interested ),FSr(made a new clan),TZ(Nothing).
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC:I using Xfire and MirC
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:Yes,
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:non.