I dont think he is ready to join.
You are quite impatient. Yesterday, I was playing and he messaged me 3-4 times to look at his app.
A lil' tip for you: You talk too much and the way you talk, you sound immature, therefore, its better you to talk when necessary and try to avoid talking too much unnecessarily.
Also just dont use caps too much, just a first letter of the sentence if you want to. The way of talking and what you talk reflects your personality and therefore the less you talk, the less ppl will judge you, its better to hide your real self :p.
Its not that MK only accepts serious and grown up players, rather we want to give you a chance so that you can work on yourself.
If you will work upon above tips, my vote will be with you in your next application.
Also, try to give atleast a month's gap after this application.
Good luck