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Author Topic: My Application RK., RK_619.  (Read 1890 times)

Offline RK.

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My Application RK., RK_619.
« on: June 07, 2017, 01:25:57 pm »
Real Name: Raqeeb Bhutto.

Nickname: RK., RK_619.

Your Previous nicks: =L.i.[0]N=, RKB_Ricky.

D.O.B/Age: 15

Location/Country: Pakistan, Larkana.

GMT/TimeZone: UTC+5:0

Servers you usually play on: [0.4] Littlewhitey's VC-MP Server & ViceLand :: Deathmatch | Freerom | Mapping.

Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No.

VC-MP History: I'm playing VC-MP since 2012, and my previous clans are: VK & CF.

Why do you want to Join MK ?: It's been a few months that i'd like to do that so in this opportunity I'd like to help this clan with all my knowledge from this clan. I hope the most of You known me well, I'am trying to respect all players and be helpful for them, I know the forum rules well and I never break them. I know my English isn't perfect, even good but it is intelligible. You all can ask "Why that guy applied for trainee" and I can answer "I'am sure that I will do my best at this position and help the clan". I will accept Your decision.
and I'm cool with everyone, and i think that I'll make a great job, I wanna be Scout too, because I really think that i have experience Enough, I'm very respective with everyone, doesn't matter who i am, and I don't feel myself Superior than others.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: Because i was too busy with my exams. At that time i was admin in many servers. So i wasn't got a minute to relax. But now i resigned from many servers, and i'm good with this position now.


Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Absolutely!

Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: If you plan a "No" on me, then please add an explanation and/or concrete examples of whatever made you deem me unfit. I've seen those dry negative replies on many applications, and I'd greatly appreciate if you put in the effort to at least reveal the reasons; mainly because in case those faults are fixable, I could work on them in the future.

Offline WildRose

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Re: My Application RK., RK_619.
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2017, 02:51:04 pm »

If you post another application. I will ban your account from posting.


- Crack's work ^_^