Real Name: Haider
Nickname: LOGAN.
Your Previous nicks: Logan. Tarzan.
D.O.B/Age: 11/7/1995
Location/Country: Pakistan
GMT/TimeZone: GMT+5
Servers you usually play on: EC LW CTF
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: No Not Now
VC-MP History: I start playing Vcmp since 2013 with the nick of Tarzan after playing for two years continuously then two years I left posting for some personal reason then I rejoin again after one year maybe with the nick of Logan I was playing solo that doesnt makes me to feel good then I decided to join any clan but no one accept me becouse of my low have experience after three months try I decided to create my own clan that was DX I rune it for one year then I leave it cuz of some players.
After DX I haven't joined any clan.
Why do you want to Join MK ?: I have so many friends in Mk and I feel better to play with them they make me to feel good playing with them and also MK have lots of experienced players and old players to I also applied two time here cuz Mk is a good clan the members of Mk are very friendly I really want to join this family to get more experience I'll Do my best for the clan as much as I can do and I'm sure that im not gonna let the name of the clan down I'm not gonna do any mistake that's make the name of clan down.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: I closed my own clan cuz of some members of DX.
IRC or Any other contact info: IRC= LOGAN
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: yap
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I apologize for my privious mistakes that I made and now I'm much communicated so fat to answer all of your question with a great way.And I'm not gonna let you embarrassed and I will prove my self clean.
Post link to your previous Application/s at MK if any