Real Name:Sufian memon
Your Previous nicks:[DUz]Skorex,Skorex.,[TZ_T]Su?!aN,WhiteNess,TeZi* and much more
Servers you usually play on:EA,LW,XE,VV
VC-MP History:Well,when i just joined vcmp i saw the guy named Sephiroth(is now ULK.Sephiroth)was killing me all the time,then i saw EviL_LawZ who learned me a little jump fight,then i tried to switch myself to fastswitch at that time i abused so much to the other players,but i tried to improve my self me and pegasus made a clan DK,then DK got closed,And me and pega applied to DU,and we both got accepted as DUz,then we saw ULK's application opened,we left DU and applied to ULK,but denied,then it was a mistake that i applied to every clan,and now i decided to join a one clan named MK,just because when i saw what Zatch said in his app is absolutely right.thats all,(sorry,i didn't added my history of TZ because its so deep in the ground)
Why do you want to Join MK ?:the thing made me to apply here is my friends Koray,1n5,halchter,rodrigo and alots,and respective players with good attitude i should say.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s:Ok,I'm telling the truth,I left TZ just because of something boring in the clan And DU i got the same problem.not so much active players.Half of the clans players are inactive and now the leaders also dead.
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:Yes.
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:Guys believe me i need a chance i won't betray you guys,i'm telling the truth,and kelvin,i know you hate me,so please gimme a chance.