Real Name: Shoaib
Your Previous nicks:Shoaib,**eAgLe**,RyLaN, and PanTherA.
Servers you usually play on:Xe,Ea,ghp,xad and LW sometimes.
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: Nope.
VC-MP History:
I've been playing vcmp since 2010
I was in NYB,LD,TZ,TSG and MK.
Why do you want to Join MK ?:
Having Experienced and Well attitude Players.
Wanted to be a part of it!
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s:
I was Newbie at that time, just started playing VCMP.
My Elder broda was not that much newbie,so he just told me to wear that tag..
Even i did not knew at that time about tag

just used to played with that tag as a name.
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:Yeh
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:I've been trying to join MK.
Still trying myself to getin MK, made some apps before as well and surely will be loyal with MK this time
