Real Name: Jonás Osvaldo Mendoza Mendoza
Nickname: jonas143
Your Previous nicks: St.Anger, J[1]43, Metallica, ME_A7X_LP
D.O.B/Age: 10/07/1997, 15 years old
Location/Country: México
GMT/TimeZone: GMT -06:00, Mexico City
Servers you usually play on: XE, LW, Vice Legendarys
VC-MP History: 11 Months, My previous clans: GT, MGK, OSK, TZ, SK, LK, EV, SA
Why do you want to Join MK ?: I'm on a search of a good, respetable and definitive clan, and this clan is that i want, i know that i dont have a good english, i dont have that i dont have good skills, and yes, i'm a Past TZ, but only give me a chance, i can improve myself.

Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: GT: I don't renember, MGk: Closed. OSK: Tired of that clan, TZ: Bad reputation, SK: Personal reasons, LK: Same as SK, EV: Inactive Members, SA: Closed
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: only msn:
jonas.mendoza97@hotmail.comInterested In Playing Clan Wars: Of course

Any Other Info: None