Real Name: Jone
Nickname: Spike
Your Previous nicks: T.K,[R2x]Spike ,Spike_Fucker,Carl
(D.O.B/Age: 27/11/1999 [D/M/Y] (14)
Location/Country:Where Do You Live? USA
GMT/TimeZone:Your Time Zone or GMT? UTC 3:30
Servers you usually play on:XE and my server RPG
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?:If so, which ones and why XE mistecly sub-net ban when I use to play VCMP first time
VC-MP History: since 2011 pervious clans R2x
Why do you want to Join MK ?: I love an offilcal clan like MK when I started to know about clans my frnd deto and pther MK frnd teches me fight so MK player and clan I want to be part of it plz I bag u accept it.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: AS I say I want to be a part of official can like MK
Interested In Playing Clan Wars:Yes I always WIN in it
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: I like to shear it that if I accepted so I will open an server in other multiplayer games like Bf3 so plz