Real Name:Christian
D.O.B/Age:09-05-1999 Age 11
Location/Country:Where Do You Live?Los Angles,California,United States
GMT/TimeZone:GMT -8
Servers you usually play on:XE European
VC-MP History:3 months
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC:IRC GhettoBlast Yahoo
GhettoBlast310@yahoo.comInterested In Playing Clan Wars:Yes
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:I want to join MK because it is a very cool clan and it has a big reputation and the mebers are nice.Every time I log in I see the members communicating very well and I would like to be part of that.I have really good skills and I get along with other players.My English is really good and my grammar is to.I might suck at some times but not always.Each day i improve my skills and attitude.I really would like to be part of the clan and help.I might know only 3 members, but thats why im here to meet all the MK members.So please accept me.