Real Name: Aseel faisal
Nickname: [FPC]_MeGa_gAmE
D.O.B/Age: 14
GMT/TimeZone:GMT 5:00
Servers you usually play on:xe european - evolution and hunting arena
VC-MP History: I'm play VCMP in 2008 and my previous clan is (LBR)-[VR]-[FPC] and XCON
Why you want to Join Clan MK: cuz Mk mem is good player and all good ability in MK members and I''m also Good and best player and all good ability in me
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: cuz i like previous but i like this clan more

Interested In Playing Clan Wars:yes why not
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share:I'm very good and best player and I'm very dangerous for all of u no body nothing who stand in my way. hope u like my english and ty for viewing my app.hope u accept me

my previous name [VR]Edge-(LBR)_BOY-[FPC]_Mega_Game-[XCON]Aseel