Real Name: Lohana Mandeep Kumar.
Nickname: Mandeep^
Your Previous nicks: ^^Mandeep^^
D.O.B/Age: 26-September-1999.
Location/Country: Pakistan.
GMT/TimeZone: GMT+5:00
Servers you usually play on: Xe, LW, Lebowski, Sky-City AnD Underworld Adventures.
Are you currently banned in any of the official servers?: Yes, I'm Banned in LW, I don't know Why I am banned? Because now I left to play in LW. I'm banned since 3 or 2 months.
VC-MP History: 2 Years ago..
Why do you want to Join MK ?: This is a very super clan, Everyone respect with each other.
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: None. (NO CLAN)
Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes, Sure.
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: NO, Thanks.