Hey there guys, since we are into VCCT and many of you would love to join our team theres something that you should do first.
A Clanwar is all about Teamwork and communication in order to do so TeamSpeak is a MUST in every ClanWar that MK joins!
Heres the link to download it, its free so dont worry
http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloadsOnce you have downloaded it lets learn how to set it up to join OUR CREW,shall we?
Firstly, open Teamspeak. You will see a big window and top of it there's a button saying
"connections", click on it. Then click on

then follow this:

1- here u will put the server ip. For our wars we are using this one
2- Put there your Nickname
3-if the server has a password you have to write it here, However the one we are using doesnt have one so leave empty.
4-Click connect!
FInnaly, you are in OUR TEAMSPEAK server, now its pretty simple like the all guide, just look for a channel called VCMP,click on it and write the password:
Ok thats it guys,i hope it may help you and sorry if its not very organized cuz i was doing so many stuff at the same time, so lacking time and patience

love yall by 7/\zZ