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Author Topic: About my application  (Read 9242 times)

Offline Sezar

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About my application
« on: June 25, 2019, 01:12:37 pm »
Something to clarify, First of all no idea how you guys knew about WS clan and others and secondly WS clan is multi-game based which also includes samp but I don't think it do have any access to vcmp, do it?


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White Shadows - Multigaming clan
is the first thing you will see on above of the forums and then,

https://wshadows.com/index.php/board,75.0.html or anywhere in the forum you will not see any section called "vcmp". It is multi-game based clan where I applied for SA-MP and PUBG maybe and would have asked before to use it only on the VCMP roleplaying server since SAMP community was also included in it.

No betrayal or impatience, I don't think applying in a clan based on SAMP or PUBG which do not have any shit connection with VCMP Deathmatching arena (maybe connected at Roleplaying server since some veterans used to play there a long time ago). I would have gave first priority to MK and ask management to allow me WS tag only in Roleplaying server of VCMP. If the management would've denied, I wouldn't have used WS tag in any part of VC-MP things.

That's all. Hope I will get a fair answer with some clarifications. I have explained from my side. now its upon management.

Offline 7/\zZ

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Re: About my application
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2019, 01:41:32 pm »

If its not a VCMP thing..kindly explain the [WS] Tomasiro_soprano in vice city. Is it PUBG vice city?

Offline Sezar

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Re: About my application
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2019, 03:18:18 pm »

If its not a VCMP thing..kindly explain the [WS] Tomasiro_soprano in vice city. Is it PUBG vice city?

would have asked before to use it only on the VCMP roleplaying server since SAMP community was also included in it.
(maybe connected at Roleplaying server since some veterans used to play there a long time ago).

As I have stated here, Tomasiro Soprano aka. Thomas Ricci is my Argonath RPG nick which I think is not connected to VCMP Deathmatching. I thought that MK won't mind me using [WS] tag in argonath rpg, if it does then I will change my information that I won't use [WS] tag in vcmp because I will keep MK in first priority in vcmp.

Offline San

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Re: About my application
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2019, 03:31:03 pm »

Enough! U r pathetic drama queen I have ever seen!

WS is a clan not a gang! Stop creating more drama...You are impatient and a clan hopper. You created threads like this in UF aswell We don't want that drama.if you are denied you should wait and prove that you are loyal and be interactive then apply but here you are making threads for such useless explanation...this is not how it works. Remove your controversy behavior first and fix your attitude

Offline Sezar

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Re: About my application
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2019, 04:38:18 pm »

Enough! U r pathetic drama queen I have ever seen!

WS is a clan not a gang! Stop creating more drama...You are impatient and a clan hopper. You created threads like this in UF aswell We don't want that drama.if you are denied you should wait and prove that you are loyal and be interactive then apply but here you are making threads for such useless explanation...this is not how it works. Remove your controversy behavior first and fix your attitude

Nothing melodramatic I can see. I won't be going vulgar for it because that topic says it all. None of the members is active in vcmp and I don't have any intention to revive it and the update was in 2014 as first and last. I do not had any intention or something to revive it as I stated previously in my previous post and also this useless explaination is not for you or anyone who have gave the votes for personal grudges even if I am correct because I do not think I can fix anything except pming you my "sincere apologies" when I didn't done anything wrong even. If you want to make me laugh on your stupid cracking jokes, break my dearest friendship for some bullshit with him which I do not even know, applauding that your statement is correct? Sorry I cannot do it because you also do know so am I that everyone here is a human and not a god. Oh and yes, another note to you San, I do not know what happened with you and MD and for this do not pull me with them as I am not involving it for not knowing the situation. I waited for this reply actually.

Now here we go about me saying about the thing so called "personal grudges"


at above, After I dueled Tic then I asked him why he have voted no so I can work into it. As you can see he voted no actually because I have reported Aegon. What else than personal grudge? What can I improve here? Should I apologies Aegon for reporting him or take any time-machine and then not report him again?

now here we go for San's personal grudge, been just waiting..

After I opened a clan named TiC, San said I had done wrong but everything was still ok until she pmed me that "Are you friend with Savage Saulik?" and then I said "yes, he is my first vcmp dm friend" then what she thinked that she said "He will be ur only friend from now on sezar
U have took a very wrong decision in entire things u have done
Goodbye Sezar" https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/590123994020053002/590124588156059648/unknown.png?width=841&height=473 ( the chat)
and then we both left talking with each other, lets nevermind. I started ignore her as she also started.

then I don't know what happened a controversy came up and then MD got hostile with San which even gone worser and worser that this :- https://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=9566.0 happened one day and then that time I was in KF as I stated before, KF are good friends of MD, they started asking me to help them about the evidence of wg which happened unintentionally and here you can see what kind of drama happened where San suddenly came up with personal grudges with MD, I didn't care but what I heard from gogeta I stated this
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What if I say that you are trying to make RDX ban appeal deny only for internal conflicts? because you can see, suddenly popping up of someone in any report is nothing else than internal conflict or giving some butter to get the admin position (just pretended the first option) and there I get the answer
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Internal conflicts? What if i say that you are just asslicking MD? Instead of adding extra drama posts just tell why are you here in the topic :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:
I forgot to tell about that drama typo smth also..

Ice. (5K aka. backtodagame) have tagged @everyone at MK discord. I just in a sarcastic way tried to say to not use @everyone tag for no reason. Then San also popped up and then Gogeta (an MD and my friend) have saw it, he said ok lets answer it and then it led to some long paragraphs lmao. Unfortunately I am lazy enough to get those evidence.

then blablablablablabla..... time gone and gone then we came upto here where I applied here and then the personal grudges striked that a instant "no, not ready at all" came up, I neverminded. But now you started pointing my behavior a "controversy" and I am not going to say anything about UF since I have stated in previously in my application. And I also don't get that how come my behavior became controverse even if I don't know the situation and the mess correctly.

And about this topic, I have made this to state the doubt which i felt and I should try to clarify. I am not requesting to re-open because maybe I will re-apply after 1 month because in VC-MP, MK would be my first priority.

and kaboom here I am done, please spend some times to read this reply :P.

VC-MP is a chilling place not a stress or drama serial but this reply includes all my thinking and what I actually was trying to express here. So no hates or anything maybe.

And again I am saying I never applied to WS for any intention that I will revive it in VC-MP or play with this tag at VC-MP division.

Thanks for Reading!


Offline cool3

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Re: About my application
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2019, 05:14:04 pm »
we don't need Wars here.....creating posts here will not help you. our moderator and leader denied your application, so u have to wait at least 2 months and then apply again. I want to ask you a question why do u make this post in the first place...you application got denied without any shit or drama or clarification with shitty words go away and wait.

Offline Sezar

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Re: About my application
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2019, 05:58:20 pm »
we don't need Wars here.....creating posts here will not help you. our moderator and leader denied your application, so u have to wait at least 2 months and then apply again. I want to ask you a question why do u make this post in the first place...you application got denied without any shit or drama or clarification with shitty words go away and wait.

Made this post because I wanted to state that I wasn't applying in multi-clan and stated the reasons. I got denied for applying in multi-clans. Therefore I came to clarify it.

Offline San

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Re: About my application
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2019, 05:59:55 pm »
Yawn...this is what i call drama.

let me first point each and every mistake of urs

1. You applied on WS clan on March 14, 2019 and You applied here on June 14, 2019 You did not mentioned on your application that you applied on WS and didnt mention that you will use [WS] tag only on argonath RPG (if u get accepted)

2. In this question you have mentioned that you will use [WS]Tomasiro_Soprano in (VICE CITY) You did not mention as VC:MP Argonath RPG and Second thing is [WS]Sezar in  Both (TDM) division this is something to be noted because Argonath is not a TDM server

3. « Last Edit: Today at 02:19:06 PM by Sezar » You edited your app on WS and removed the line "[WS]SezaR in Both TDM division" which is clear that you are trying to cover your mistake and coming with an excuse

also this useless explaination is not for you or anyone who have gave the votes for personal grudges
again..let me tell you. MK is a family. we are all one and we concern about our clan. if you are dividing us then you can never be part of us because You must be concerned about each and every member of our clan. just being good with 1-3 of us will not get you here and If you think someone gave you vote with personal grudge then you must fix it in their PM before you apply here. how did u thought to apply here with grudges?

I do not think I can fix anything except pming you my "sincere apologies" when I didn't done anything wrong even
This is not about who is right and wrong. If you think our members done wrong and have personal grudge why did you apply here in the first place without correcting your problems with anyone of us?

If you want to make me laugh on your stupid cracking jokes, break my dearest friendship for some bullshit with him which I do not even know, applauding that your statement is correct? Sorry I cannot do it
See? This is why i told you to fix your attitude and behavior. Nobody told you to break friendship with anyone for the sake of clan. That's not how it works. You are creating another drama over here. You should totally avoid controversy if you cannot then just get the hell out of MK we don't need controversy

San, I do not know what happened with you and MD and for this do not pull me with them as I am not involving it for not knowing the situation
None of us mentioned MD here, Why would you if you are not involving?

San said I had done wrong but everything was still ok until she pmed me that "Are you friend with Savage Saulik?" and then I said "yes, he is my first vcmp dm friend" then what she thinked that she said "He will be ur only friend from now on sezar
U have took a very wrong decision in entire things u have done
Goodbye Sezar"
Okay first of all i didnt even bring about savage or cabbage but my vote was not based on personal grudge yet you made this topic i mean D.R.A.M.A which is out of context so listen. you were the first one that told me in-game that Savage guy applied on UF and made drama now i wonder how is he your first friend i think you made him your friend because he was somehow against me and you wanted a member in TiC thats all but That doesn't have anything to do with you me and this application since it is too old. I voted you based on your attitude and its still the same

then I don't know what happened a controversy came up and then MD got hostile with San which even gone worser and worser that this :- https://ec.vc-mp.co.uk/index.php?topic=9566.0 happened one day and then that time I was in KF as I stated before, KF are good friends of MD, they started asking me to help them about the evidence of wg which happened unintentionally and here you can see what kind of drama happened where San suddenly came up with personal grudges with MD, I didn't care but what I heard from gogeta I stated this

Code: [Select]
What if I say that you are trying to make RDX ban appeal deny only for internal conflicts?because you can see, suddenly popping up of someone in any report is nothing else than internal conflict or giving some butter to get the admin position (just pretended the first option) and there I get the answer

Code: [Select]
Internal conflicts? What if i say that you are just asslicking MD? Instead of adding extra drama posts just tell why are you here in the
One second lol? Cheap mentality of yours to claim someone as "helping to get the admin position" Listen if i wanted that socalled adminship in servers i would have started working on it from 2017. i worked only on VL and i do not wish to adminship as it is only waste of my time and no one cares about a 2002 game and what about you involving in Oreocake's app where you and KF wasnt mentioned? what is it called? yet i only gave my points to the admins that i saw and told. what else did i do?  and You said you didnt care right? so why are telling this over here? You obviously care thats why you made D.R.A.M.A topic here.

And finally this is why you are not ready

we don't need Wars here.....creating posts here will not help you. our moderator and leader denied your application, so u have to wait at least 2 months and then apply again. I want to ask you a question why do u make this post in the first place...you application got denied without any shit or drama or clarification with shitty words go away and wait.
As Cool3 said clearly. We treat you based on your attitude and behavior  :) Enough with your Drama.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2019, 06:04:01 pm by San »

Offline FaF

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Re: About my application
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2019, 06:54:26 pm »
Let me put it in a simple way, WS is a multi gaming clan, that's okay but MK is not a Vcmp DM clan so you should not try to make it look like that, alot of our members have played on RPG servers even i used to at some point of time and therefore I can tell you that some day it will cause issues for being in 2 clans in a same game, it will put you in conflicts if someday that WS clan decides to play vcmp, it will not restrict itself to only RPG. So it will create a mess.

Also as I said we are not only DM clan, I don't know from where you heard it or why are you making it look like that. If you wanna support it by saying that we don't play on rpg, well how many players out of total vcmp player base play rpg? Most play dm and that's why we have majority of dmers but that doesn't make us dm only clan because alot of us have been and maybe still go on servers like Argo or Daydream. We are a vcmp clan and not vcmp dm only clan.

Offline Midnight

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Re: About my application
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2019, 11:15:02 pm »