Real Name: Manuel
Nickname: Megamanolo34
D.O.B/Age: My age is 13
Location/Country: In campeche,Mexico
GMT/TimeZone: Central USA
Servers you usually play on: Lebowski server,KA deathmatch,European server
VC-MP History: I started to play vcmp in 2009,that was my favorite game.Previusly i was on XK clan(dead clan now)
Why you want to Join Clan MK: I consider me good skill xD,i want new friends in this clan,i wish to be MK
![Cheesy :D](
Why did you Leave your previous clan/s: I leaved the XK clan because the clan broked up
MSN/XFIRE/mIRC: My msn Interested In Playing Clan Wars: Yes!
Any Other Info You Would Like To Share: MMM nothing xD =P