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Author Topic: Reapplying After 10 Months :D [Denied]  (Read 24707 times)


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #45 on: April 06, 2015, 04:20:52 pm »
The question is: Why didnt you take the picture? You are the one who tries to prove but your brother(or some other guy; we dont know exactly.) takes the picture. This is weird too.
I was on the laptop he was on pc I dont really get what difference does it make putting a knife in the melon or putting the melon in the knife is the same thing at the end u get a slice melon. I proved my slef if u guys need further evidences tell me but now the pc broke cause of the hard disk so I cant make a picture again cause its impossible.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 04:22:56 pm by Chocolate »

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #46 on: April 06, 2015, 04:32:28 pm »
 The people who try to prove something generally feel like they must do everything on their own. You are a human. Not an object.

This is not a thing that you can explain with melon and knife.

« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 04:34:16 pm by Kelvin »


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #47 on: April 06, 2015, 04:35:11 pm »
It was a smile I couldn't think of simile in english for it its a Pakistani Simile I bet the people who got were like lmfao I can do anything to proof it except for coming again and making the pic again as evidence cause I only have the laptop. The moral of what I said was is me taking the pic or him the pic is the same thing u said to make a pic which is something I did if u had told me to take a picture that would have been easier for u right?
« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 04:37:42 pm by Chocolate »

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #48 on: April 06, 2015, 04:47:05 pm »
I got your joke but you are still wrong.


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #49 on: April 06, 2015, 04:50:14 pm »
What is wrong about  posting a evidence I really wanna know?

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #50 on: April 06, 2015, 06:27:01 pm »
i dont use xfire i cretated a long time ago . my real name is  Mohammad Fassie "abdufussy" was made for fb account by my cousin in 2010 so i can give u fb link pm. that time i didnt know if vcmp exsisted.i proved in xe that i have a brother. we have 1 laptop and 1 computer so u can come on laptop and make screenshot thats what kelvin said but the pc broke i am getting a replacement while we nowdays play on the laptop.
the proof is here:
proved that i have a brother: - link
proof that playing in one server dont try to check ip of course its same: link

I dont use xfire if u want i can give it to u but i dont use it i use steam nowdays escpecially cause GTA V is coming  8). Kelvin told me inorder for the app to open he needs a pic of us together on lw which i did. There is always a kick button for a member if u still not sure take your time but for the millionth time im have a BROTHER which plays vcmp.

Xfire: cyberkiller18 ( but I dont use it)
Your story is very fishy, if your name is Mohammad, why in the hell would your cousin make a fb account for you, with a different name? That doesn't even make any sense. Seriously, this doesn't make any sense at all. Like, why would your cousin make a fb account for you? Why didn't you make it yourself? And why is it named "abdufussy", much like your "brother's" name Abdulwali ? If he didn't make the account for you, and the account is his, then it still doesn't make sense, like why would you post an account that's not yours? Also you explicitly said that "abdufussy" is an MSN account and now you say it's a FB account:
MSN: abdulfussy
The application form is not updated since MSN doesn't even exist anymore, so we should update it to say Facebook or steam, etc... but still, why didn't you just say it was a FB account then? Why did you say it was an MSN account? And you say that you don't use xfire then why in the hell would you say that your account is fassie_98? That account doesn't even exist. First you say it's fassie_98 and then you say it's cyberkiller18. Why would post an account that doesn't even exist? Why would you even lie about that? Once again, you're not making any sense.

Your story doesn't add up and the things you say don't make any sense. All of your actions are confusing and without any logic behind them, this just looks suspicious and makes it seem like you're hiding something.


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #51 on: April 06, 2015, 06:41:08 pm »
Cause in 2010 I was new to the Internet which is funny but its true at that time I just started using the Internet I didnt know anything about registering or creating an email my cousin created a fb account which later I created the same account for hotmail I didnt know that it would affect alot the only thing I was hiding  is that I only gave u my first name in most in my apps I put abdul fussy its like a secret name cause i was scared to reveal my name but in mk I thought why not reveal my name. Abdulfussy is both msn and fb account its also my youtube my account my I changed the screen name. I got confused with fassie_98 and cyberkiller18 I use cyberkiller18 alot for these stuff like steam, orgin, and etc... its fine. My actual name is Mohammad Fassie nick name is Fassie.

I can also give steam, fb account ( I will pm) or rockstar social club to proof my self.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 06:45:50 pm by Chocolate »

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #52 on: April 10, 2015, 05:42:52 pm »
FB/Steam account won't prove anything, you can easily just create different 2 accounts. And I also find it odd that your "brother" didn't show up here to support you. Your story has too many flaws, it's not 100% clear, and in some cases it has no logic at all. All of this is very suspicious, I don't trust you. My vote is negative.


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #53 on: April 10, 2015, 05:50:07 pm »
wth i told him to be away cause him coming here will make it suspicious now ur telling me this will make it suspicious  i said have patience and i will prove my self. exams are in 2 months then i will get the pc so plz have a bit of patience. now what do u want a real life picture sorry i cant i did that before some people used it to make memes out of it. so please have patience !! i dont have anything else to give i gave enough proofs. i dont like to create a drama here cause i dont have new rig i cant prove it i just want few months till i get the pc. when ever people see any mk member ingame when i am playing cause of this app people take advantage and start calling me by my brothers nick its very annoying to make this more suspicious.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 05:56:36 pm by Chocolate »

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #54 on: April 10, 2015, 06:02:58 pm »
wth i told him to be away cause him coming here will make it suspicious now ur telling me this will make it suspicious  i said have patience and i will prove my self. exams are in 2 months then i will get the pc so plz have a bit of patience. now what do u want a real life picture sorry i cant i did that before some people used it to make memes out of it. so please have patience !! i dont have anything else to give i gave enough proofs. i dont like to create a drama here cause i dont have new rig i cant prove it i just want few months till i get the pc. when ever people see any mk member ingame when i am playing cause of this app people take advantage and start calling me by my brothers nick its very annoying to make this more suspicious.
If your brother would show up here, it would be totally expected and normal since it's a matter that involves him aswell. Him not showing up at all is what makes it suspicious. Look, you're not making any drama, I simply don't believe you, it's only my opinion, other people are free to think for themselves...

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2015, 06:04:36 pm »
FB/Steam account won't prove anything, you can easily just create different 2 accounts. And I also find it odd that your "brother" didn't show up here to support you. Your story has too many flaws, it's not 100% clear, and in some cases it has no logic at all. All of this is very suspicious, I don't trust you. My vote is negative.

You called meh, and I am here. I was going to reply but Chocolate stopped meh and said that he will handle everything. But this matter has gone way to far. Getting in stuff which you don't care about is some serious thing.
So NewK do you think anyone can make tons of FB/Steam accounts just to get in this clan, a lifeless would do that, it clearly shows that having a brother is a sin in VCMP. Just because of this app my rep goes down and everyone calls meh Deadshot. Let's get to the point, K. I saw that with my very own eyes that you threatening Deadshot that you will post here and you did, it shows that you are making him pay for something. And about Kelvin, ARE YOU SERIOUS? I was on the PC and he was on the laptop, in the laptop F8 didn't work so I took the pics, why are you shuffling this matter again and again. If you guys still have questions I am here to answer..

- Jokah
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 06:28:30 pm by Ruth »


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #56 on: April 10, 2015, 06:07:12 pm »
i swear i understand u mk had many applicants with these cases which turned out to be them not there brother, dog, cat, maid, friend so i am fine with it but before making the final decision in this app i want you guys to wait for me to give u my proof ( The PC) that i have a brother so i can show some of u that i wasn't lying.

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #57 on: April 10, 2015, 10:57:25 pm »
FB/Steam account won't prove anything, you can easily just create different 2 accounts. And I also find it odd that your "brother" didn't show up here to support you. Your story has too many flaws, it's not 100% clear, and in some cases it has no logic at all. All of this is very suspicious, I don't trust you. My vote is negative.

You called meh, and I am here. I was going to reply but Chocolate stopped meh and said that he will handle everything. But this matter has gone way to far. Getting in stuff which you don't care about is some serious thing.
So NewK do you think anyone can make tons of FB/Steam accounts just to get in this clan, a lifeless would do that, it clearly shows that having a brother is a sin in VCMP. Just because of this app my rep goes down and everyone calls meh Deadshot. Let's get to the point, K. I saw that with my very own eyes that you threatening Deadshot that you will post here and you did, it shows that you are making him pay for something. And about Kelvin, ARE YOU SERIOUS? I was on the PC and he was on the laptop, in the laptop F8 didn't work so I took the pics, why are you shuffling this matter again and again. If you guys still have questions I am here to answer..

- Jokah
What are you on about? I'm not "getting in stuff which I don't care about", you/your "brother" applied here, remember? I didn't ask you to apply. And you say your rep will go down after this app? Once again I didn't ask you/your "brother" to apply here, and what I'm posting is merely my opinion, whether this app is denied or not, everyone else is free to think for themselves. And in case you don't know, we actually have brothers in this clan, so having a brother is no problem. And what are you talking about when you say that I threatened "Deadshot" ? Have you been drinking or something? Please, show me where I threatened him. You say I threatened him that I would post in this topic ?! LOL This is a clan application, do you even know the meaning of that? I'm a member of this clan and an application is meant for clan members to vote and post their opinions so ofc I would post here...And you say I'm making "him" pay for something ?! lmao I don't even know him... You've been watching too many movies lol. What am I making "him" pay for? There you go again not making any sense. I just get more and more confused with each reply you and your "brother" make.... that's why I don't believe in all of this.

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #58 on: April 11, 2015, 04:37:39 am »
What are you on about? I'm not "getting in stuff which I don't care about", you/your "brother" applied here, remember? I didn't ask you to apply. And you say your rep will go down after this app? Once again I didn't ask you/your "brother" to apply here, and what I'm posting is merely my opinion, whether this app is denied or not, everyone else is free to think for themselves. And in case you don't know, we actually have brothers in this clan, so having a brother is no problem. And what are you talking about when you say that I threatened "Deadshot" ? Have you been drinking or something? Please, show me where I threatened him. You say I threatened him that I would post in this topic ?! LOL This is a clan application, do you even know the meaning of that? I'm a member of this clan and an application is meant for clan members to vote and post their opinions so ofc I would post here...And you say I'm making "him" pay for something ?! lmao I don't even know him... You've been watching too many movies lol. What am I making "him" pay for? There you go again not making any sense. I just get more and more confused with each reply you and your "brother" make.... that's why I don't believe in all of this.

You got meh all wrong. "getting in stuff which I don't care about" <- this was on meh, my opinion. And about the threatening, you got mistaken mate, I was talking about K. threatening Choco I never saw you ingame, then how can I see you threaten anyone. Again it was my brother who had shown interest here not meh.

It's so funny that you guys think that Chocolate and Jokah are the same guy, if we were the same guy, is Jokah with the tag? Weird because it makes you think that the one guy will cheat.
I thought all about this, even if we brothers were the same guy.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2015, 06:29:35 am by Ruth »

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #59 on: April 11, 2015, 06:55:53 am »
 8) ;D :D