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Author Topic: Reapplying After 10 Months :D [Denied]  (Read 24710 times)


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #30 on: March 17, 2015, 04:10:34 am »
I will be honest I used to play it with my best friend who introduced me to vcmp I was newbie after 5 months I started using the trainer to be invincible the trainer was very addictive took me alot of months to stop using it but before joining PRO clan I left using it. VCS is beware of this me using hacks in sky city.

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2015, 08:30:42 am »
Hello Everyone, I got something to say.....
                                                               He didn't mention that his previous nicks. these are "Ralph", "Spiral", "Jokah".
He applied in MK in February 2015 and at that time, he was still in UF. He left UF on 16 March 2015 on 04:26:08 pm according to UTC+5. Here is the evidence:

Also, you can check his posts here which proves that he is Spiral aka Ralph aka Jokah : http://uf-clan.vc-mp.net/index.php?action=profile;u=109

He is simply clan hopping.. k bye



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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2015, 05:03:56 pm »
Hello there I dont think I really dont need to give any evidences of there are 2 players who play on 1 rig and for ur opinion dont blame the things on me I have nothing to do with it I said before I am going to get a new pc I am trying really hard to get it so I will get it on june. As I said before if he is leaving his clan  I wanna join this clan I think im experienced cause playing for like 3 years and kamran dont call me a clan hopper look at ur self first. I dont know any other too proof it I proofed it by posting 2 of us playing in lw and thats it I am a human so there is a chance of me having a brother its not a mistake having a brother who plays the same games u like who copies ur footsteps u cant stop it thats how it is. I said way of texting and skills are different.

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2015, 05:34:07 pm »
You didn't mention your nick is JOKAH too! You should've read the rules the carefully. And please change your attitude.. It's of no use to abuse me in UF forum.. with JOKAH nick...

I'm saying all this after some investigation.. Well, to be honest, I'm not a member of MK. I said what I know.. Up to MK management.. I'm not going to reply here anymore.


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2015, 05:57:47 pm »
LoL i will leave this to the members i think they will do a fair judgement on what evidences i gave them and what you are giving him i dont really why having two brothers is really a big problem in vcmp if it was samp people would believe me asap cause they have brothers playing on samp but here its maybe because of the betrayal that the past applicants on any clan had tried to play as 2 players in different clans.

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #35 on: April 05, 2015, 07:31:13 pm »
i dont really why having two brothers is really a big problem in vcmp

It is not.

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #36 on: April 06, 2015, 05:08:20 am »
The reason these cases are so difficult to deal with is because the "brother" excuse is the oldest excuse in this community. And most of the times It's a lie, so everytime someone comes along and tries push the blame to his supposed "brother", we never believe it (funny enough though, it's never a cousin or sister or any other related family member, it's always a brother). Although, it is also possible that you're telling the truth and if you are, this will not be easy to prove but I'll give you chance for you to prove it. I haven't yet decided if I believe you or not, so I'd like to make you a few questions:

(reply to the numbered questions)

1 - You say you have brother that plays with the nickname "Jokah", correct?
2 - You said that he plays in the same computer as you, correct?
Here, you said that you proved it by posting proof with both of you ingame:
I proofed it by posting 2 of us playing in lw
3 - Where is this proof? And if you both play on the same computer then how did you both join the server?
4 - In these last 3 years that you've been playing, do you have valid proof (screenshots, forum posts, etc..) of you saying that you had a brother?
5 - I noticed here, on your brother's application that his name is Abdulwali and here you say your msn is abdulfussy. Yet, you say that your name is Mohammad, so what is it?
MSN: abdulfussy
Real Name: Mohammad Fassie
6 - You also say here that your xfire username is fassie_98
XFIRE: fassie_98
But I can't find any xfire online profile with that username, so I guess you invented that huh? If not, please post a link here to your xfire profile, I'd like to see it.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 05:11:23 am by NewK »


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #37 on: April 06, 2015, 07:21:58 am »
i dont use xfire i cretated a long time ago . my real name is  Mohammad Fassie "abdufussy" was made for fb account by my cousin in 2010 so i can give u fb link pm. that time i didnt know if vcmp exsisted.i proved in xe that i have a brother. we have 1 laptop and 1 computer so u can come on laptop and make screenshot thats what kelvin said but the pc broke i am getting a replacement while we nowdays play on the laptop.
the proof is here:
proved that i have a brother: - link
proof that playing in one server dont try to check ip of course its same: link

I dont use xfire if u want i can give it to u but i dont use it i use steam nowdays escpecially cause GTA V is coming  8). Kelvin told me inorder for the app to open he needs a pic of us together on lw which i did. There is always a kick button for a member if u still not sure take your time but for the millionth time im have a BROTHER which plays vcmp.

Xfire: cyberkiller18 ( but I dont use it)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 03:46:55 pm by Chocolate »

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #38 on: April 06, 2015, 09:18:32 am »
Ok your first lie : You didn't mention RALPH nick in application?
Second: You first said you guys have only one rig and now you are saying you have a laptop? What a lie! Actually I talked to some admins and they told me that your IP's differ sometimes... but mostly they are same.. Maybe in the photos you provided.. your SUPPOSED brother is not playing with the same IP at which you were playing... How much more will you lie? I know all this from the time you were in PRO clan.. You do not have any brother... And yesterday... you were playing with Deadshot nick in LW and you said me, "K I'm Ralph what's your problem?" There is not your brother playing VCMP but it's you who Applied in MK and at the same time.. You were playing as UF too!!

Offline Detonator

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #39 on: April 06, 2015, 12:32:48 pm »
Ok your first lie : You didn't mention RALPH nick in application?
Second: You first said you guys have only one rig and now you are saying you have a laptop? What a lie! Actually I talked to some admins and they told me that your IP's differ sometimes... but mostly they are same.. Maybe in the photos you provided.. your SUPPOSED brother is not playing with the same IP at which you were playing... How much more will you lie? I know all this from the time you were in PRO clan.. You do not have any brother... And yesterday... you were playing with Deadshot nick in LW and you said me, "K I'm Ralph what's your problem?" There is not your brother playing VCMP but it's you who Applied in MK and at the same time.. You were playing as UF too!!
I might be wrong but anyway : you can gtfo from here toxic trash...
As I said just in my first reply on this topic :
MKt ,well I thought that guy could be your brother since I remember you had one ??I guess you improved everything in this time(10 months) and you can afford our trainee position.GL
Modify message
I remember some time ago when he did a topic on xe asking for help because his brother needed something for SAMP so it's not a recent excuse,he has a brother indeed,why would he lie in that topic,he wasn't applying on any clan?
About this guy K ,aren't you Kantan or what your name is?I remember when I was still playing you were that kind of toxic guy that was always insulting people,with a absolutely shitty attitude and talking trash 24/7.I don't and I won't believe anything about what you say,now you are invited by me to go away and play with your little retarded friends again.
My vote again : MKt

<&jizzBotz> [2] [NYB]HONEY_SINGH: mk loser clan kiss my ass all player mk


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2015, 12:38:52 pm »
Wait till my exams finish I will show everyone who is the liar and I was being sarcastic cause this guy  was annoying he has serious issues with joker I really thought ur mature then him but I was wrong u wanna take his problems and blame on me laptop isnt considered as a rig am I right? I swear I am in 11 so 1 year till graduation so I need time

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #41 on: April 06, 2015, 01:09:11 pm »
Ok your first lie : You didn't mention RALPH nick in application?
Second: You first said you guys have only one rig and now you are saying you have a laptop? What a lie! Actually I talked to some admins and they told me that your IP's differ sometimes... but mostly they are same.. Maybe in the photos you provided.. your SUPPOSED brother is not playing with the same IP at which you were playing... How much more will you lie? I know all this from the time you were in PRO clan.. You do not have any brother... And yesterday... you were playing with Deadshot nick in LW and you said me, "K I'm Ralph what's your problem?" There is not your brother playing VCMP but it's you who Applied in MK and at the same time.. You were playing as UF too!!
I might be wrong but anyway : you can gtfo from here toxic trash...
As I said just in my first reply on this topic :
MKt ,well I thought that guy could be your brother since I remember you had one ??I guess you improved everything in this time(10 months) and you can afford our trainee position.GL
Modify message
I remember some time ago when he did a topic on xe asking for help because his brother needed something for SAMP so it's not a recent excuse,he has a brother indeed,why would he lie in that topic,he wasn't applying on any clan?
About this guy K ,aren't you Kantan or what your name is?I remember when I was still playing you were that kind of toxic guy that was always insulting people,with a absolutely shitty attitude and talking trash 24/7.I don't and I won't believe anything about what you say,now you are invited by me to go away and play with your little retarded friends again.
My vote again : MKt

Be nice to people who are posting their opinion about applicants. It's fine if they are talking shit, we the admins would make that out by our own findings. And if they are speaking the truth then you should stay thankful to them.


- Crack's work ^_^

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #42 on: April 06, 2015, 01:51:28 pm »
I'm thankful to the management for being nice to me. I don't have any personal enmity with that guy.. I just said the obvious thing.. I will leave all this on management now.

@Detonator: He asked for help for SAMP .. not for VCMP.. This does'nt prove that his brother play VCMP or not..


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #43 on: April 06, 2015, 03:55:50 pm »
If a person plays on samp isn't there a chance he can play on vcmp "think about it". He moved from samp to vcmp in 2014 cause he started liking cops and robbers of vcmp then samp.

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #44 on: April 06, 2015, 04:18:27 pm »
The question is: Why didnt you take the picture? You are the one who tries to prove but your brother(or some other guy; we dont know exactly.) takes the picture. This is weird too.