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Author Topic: Reapplying After 10 Months :D [Denied]  (Read 24715 times)


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #60 on: April 11, 2015, 08:16:26 am »
8) ;D :D

Exactly... One thing I like to mention is that if you cant wait u can deny this app or wait few months up to u. Cause when I will get a new dig I will re-apply and I think that would be better.

I have fixed the old pc and i bought a keyboard for my self that i can use for the laptop so now if u guys wanna check if we are not the same person pm me or catch me ingame lw to show u me and my brother playing like i did yesterday to show kelvin just to clear ur thoughts so i will be waiting......

« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 09:14:32 am by Chocolate »

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #61 on: April 15, 2015, 07:14:40 am »
Hi again, so finally we got our 2 rigs, we are playing with, a laptop and a PC. Plus got an extra pair of mouse and keyboard for the laptop which is used by Deadshot. Still doubts? we can be seen ingame.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2015, 09:07:46 am by Ruth »

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #62 on: April 16, 2015, 01:51:16 pm »
I don't understand why you quoted my post and replied to me if you were talking to K. But anyway, I've been thinking about this app and I'm going to ask one last thing of you. You said you could send me your fb but I don't need that, the only thing I ask for is a picture of you and a picture of your brother, PM it to me, I won't share it publicly. If the pictures convice me, you have my vote, if not, my vote will remain negative.


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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #63 on: April 16, 2015, 02:22:39 pm »
No i am not going to post my real picture with me and him i am okay with ur vote but sorry mate i did once and some people edited it to make fun of me as they do for some people so its okay if u say no about me i undertsand. but i will never repeat that mistake again i am fine with what u think that i am 1 person i fixed the pc bought a new keyboard u dont know me cause ur not active so thats why ur not believing.  I am fine with ur vote i hope u understand but sorry i cant even on my fb i didnt post any pcitures cause i dont like posting pictures thats just me.

One thing why am i the only one who needs to post his real there are other members who have brothers did they had to post there real pics to get accepted here? and one more thing me and my brother are active since yesterday so if u wanna check come ingame but real life picture is something i cant..
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 02:24:36 pm by Chocolate »

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D
« Reply #64 on: April 16, 2015, 03:06:15 pm »
No i am not going to post my real picture with me and him i am okay with ur vote but sorry mate i did once and some people edited it to make fun of me as they do for some people so its okay if u say no about me i undertsand. but i will never repeat that mistake again i am fine with what u think that i am 1 person i fixed the pc bought a new keyboard u dont know me cause ur not active so thats why ur not believing.  I am fine with ur vote i hope u understand but sorry i cant even on my fb i didnt post any pcitures cause i dont like posting pictures thats just me.

One thing why am i the only one who needs to post his real there are other members who have brothers did they had to post there real pics to get accepted here? and one more thing me and my brother are active since yesterday so if u wanna check come ingame but real life picture is something i cant..

1. Kelvin and Koray are the brothers who are in our clan and as a matter of fact they weren't asked to post a picture because they already had their separate facebook accounts and could talk to us separately.

2. Being a pussy to post your pictures does actually mean you are just cunting away from the things and be welcoming to the denial. Not trusting your clan leader(If you would have got accepted) just proves how much you actually think this clan is worth.

3. Thanks for making me mad because now I swear that I won't let you in this clan atleast till you do post a picture of you and your brother holding a board we are douchebags.

4. Being scared to post a pic? Why? Because you think you are a hero who's image would be fucked by editing it with the pornstars? Lol Dude. Seriously get a fucking life and grow some balls between your legs rather than having those 3 holes which you think everyone around this community would want to dig onto.

5. I am not being disrespectful here for your info. I am just showing you a mirror of what you are saying because unlike me other members are nice on their words to maintain the decency of the clan which I don't when I lose my patience.

6. Talking about pictures of our members, most of them are on my facebook aswell and rest would have posted their pics in the share pics section of the clan forum. And if you wanna say you are too much of a pussy to show your face to the world then that is another story we would have to live with if we let you into this family.

7. Lastly, I would conclude by saying good luck with other clan. Thanks and Denied.


- Crack's work ^_^

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Re: Reapplying After 10 Months :D [Denied]
« Reply #65 on: April 16, 2015, 10:27:12 pm »
Woah Ashay got real mad I did not expect that lol

Look Chocolate, read again:
PM it to me, I won't share it publicly.
I never asked you to post the pictures on this topic. I even tried to make it easier for you, since you didn't like to post them publicly, I asked you to PM them to me only. If you really really wanted to join this clan you would have no problem doing this. I even told you specifically that I would not share your pictures. You don't trust me, but you want me to trust you? Trust needs to go both ways my friend...I was really trying to give you a chance here, but that's too late now.

u dont know me cause ur not active so thats why ur not believing.
Some of the active members of this clan were the ones that alerted me to your situation and I don't believe you because your actions are suspicious and some parts of your story don't make any sense at all, it's not because I'm inactive ingame. I just can't see any logic or common sense behind some of your stories. Although I'm inactive ingame, I'm active on the forums, and the best way to know someone, is to talk them, not play with them, that doesn't prove anything. I can easily just tell my neighbour to come to my house with a laptop and play vcmp on it, while I play on my pc, and just like that I have a "brother" too.

why am i the only one who needs to post his real there
Because you're the one acting suspicious. I would never ask for a picture if I didn't find you to be suspicious. You're the one who applied here, you're the one who needs to prove yourself. I didn't ask for pictures of other members with brothers because their actions and stories were 100% clear and not suspicious like yours. I believed them enough so I didn't have to ask for pictures. But if you really wanted to join this clan and you really had a brother, you would have no problem doing this, now I'm even more certain that you don't have a brother.

and one more thing me and my brother are active since yesterday so if u wanna check come ingame but real life picture is something i cant..
Let me quote myself:
that doesn't prove anything. I can easily just tell my neighbour to come to my house with a laptop and play vcmp on it, while I play on my pc, and just like that I have a "brother" too.