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Author Topic: <Closed>My Application Vatan  (Read 5763 times)

Offline Rift_Walk3R

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<Denied> My Application Vatan
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2022, 09:07:52 pm »
Hello there, I hope you're doing well. I know you from quite a few years now as I have played with you many and many times and frankly speaking, you seem to me as a nice and polite guy and also that I haven't seen your involvement in any sort of controversy or drama etc. However, your loyalty to MK clan is a concern for me considering your clan history. As you know, vcmp isn't very much active nowadays and even we guys aren't active in game due to various reasons. Considering all that, will you still be comfortable being a part of MK or will you move on again and leave the clan just like you did before during your tenure in your previous clans? I'll cast my vote after you give me a satisfactory answer on this.
Hello Rift_Walker.
It's true that I made big mistakes about clans in the past, I used to be child and didn't know much about the game and clan's. frankly I didn't care, also most of the clans I was in were clans that I created, create and closing it bla bla.
but now i learned from mistakes and i think i have enough knowledge and experience about clans and i chose only one clan, the room became MK and i will stay loyal. Sometimes being inactive is not so important because vcmp is not active like before, me also not active like before.
I can't say that my English is very good, I hope I was able to express myself. Have a good day!

This reply was good enough and i was about to cast my vote but you chose to withdraw your application, not a smart decision after all but nonetheless, good luck..
« Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 09:46:49 pm by cool3 »

Offline cool3

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Re: My Application Vatan
« Reply #16 on: November 01, 2022, 09:45:10 pm »
As per request. Locked