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Author Topic: My Application Trex  (Read 6714 times)

Offline Soldier

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Re: My Application Trex
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2015, 02:27:26 pm »
I didn't annoy any MK member till now I didn't talk to anyone of them except you I've saw you in EA so I just wanted to teamup with you that's all.
why only me? There are lots of MK members playing in EA. talking to me only won't let you join MK. you need to be friendly to all to give them positive impact about you.

Offline Zer0K

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Re: My Application Trex
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2015, 08:03:12 pm »
Well i don't know him personal but i played with him 2 or 3 times his attitude were good enough towards me & with other players in the server but i want to ask a question from u Trex as u said u joined again VCMP as u were bored, so from when u rejoined VCMP? and how often u are playing in vcmp these days?
I will vote after your ans.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 08:28:08 pm by Zer0K »


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Re: My Application Trex
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2015, 07:42:30 am »
I didn't annoy any MK member till now I didn't talk to anyone of them except you I've saw you in EA so I just wanted to teamup with you that's all.
why only me? There are lots of MK members playing in EA. talking to me only won't let you join MK. you need to be friendly to all to give them positive impact about you.
Soldier i know you're friendly that's why i've talked with you i like you man btw not an application that will make you get mad
I just wanted to be your friend ;)

Well i don't know him personal but i played with him 2 or 3 times his attitude were good enough towards me & with other players in the server but i want to ask a question from u Trex as u said u joined again VCMP as u were bored, so from when u rejoined VCMP? and how often u are playing in vcmp these days?
I will vote after your ans.
Hi Zer0K how are you dude long time sisn't see you around,I've rejoined VC:MP since 2013 from 2 years,I am little in active these days because of school but i can play VC:MP whenever i want but i muat study i usually play in EA and MK CTF and European City server..
EDIT:to WildRose:I was so stupid sorry man I didn't know that I must apply in 21 Sep. I apologize again :).
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 08:41:39 am by Trex »

Offline Drake

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Re: My Application Trex
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2015, 10:17:32 am »
EDIT:to WildRose:I was so stupid sorry man I didn't know that I must apply in 21 Sep. I apologize again :).
You still didn't get it, how're you gonna improve if you can't even understand why he said that?

Drake I just want you to know that I've got it you don't want me in MK I know that from the past application and I've said that to my brother and he told me let's see but I was right when I said "Drake don't want me in MK",Now how you're talking about attitude and you didn't even talk to me or know what I want to explain to you,also you're Arrogant
that what you're and don't talk about attitude while MK Administrators are about and saying "fucking" and this bullshit..
I won't say that I hate you I don't hate you I just said what was hidden in my heart about you.
Showing immature behaviour won't help you.
Yes, I don't want immatured members in MK. Good attitude is the main thing which I want from the applicants.
Call me whatever you want, I don't give a shit.

I'm saying that because I've hope is to get accepted in MK but you can't even say any single word that could Give me hope to enter the clan just think about what I said,else try to trust me if even one time.
Why do you expect me to give you hope when not even a single member has a good impression about you?
I myself don't like you yet, you always tend to be annoying and I don't like it.

You wanted some hope right? then change yourself, get a good impression towards me and the other members and apply after you think you're ready enough.
I'll be expecting you to apply only after a month or two.


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Re: My Application Trex
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2015, 10:29:37 am »
EDIT:to WildRose:I was so stupid sorry man I didn't know that I must apply in 21 Sep. I apologize again :).
You still didn't get it, how're you gonna improve if you can't even understand why he said that?

Drake I just want you to know that I've got it you don't want me in MK I know that from the past application and I've said that to my brother and he told me let's see but I was right when I said "Drake don't want me in MK",Now how you're talking about attitude and you didn't even talk to me or know what I want to explain to you,also you're Arrogant
that what you're and don't talk about attitude while MK Administrators are about and saying "fucking" and this bullshit..
I won't say that I hate you I don't hate you I just said what was hidden in my heart about you.
Showing immature behaviour won't help you.
Yes, I don't want immatured members in MK. Good attitude is the main thing which I want from the applicants.
Call me whatever you want, I don't give a shit.

I'm saying that because I've hope is to get accepted in MK but you can't even say any single word that could Give me hope to enter the clan just think about what I said,else try to trust me if even one time.
Why do you expect me to give you hope when not even a single member has a good impression about you?
I myself don't like you yet, you always tend to be annoying and I don't like it.

You wanted some hope right? then change yourself, get a good impression towards me and the other members and apply after you think you're ready enough.
I'll be expecting you to apply only after a month or two.
@Drake I won't apply like 10 times or so and you didn't even talk to me to say anything about me,also can't you say goodluck for future ? you always make me feel frustration and no one can feel my feelings because when my mother died I lost manythings in my life and now I am not applying to join the clan,i'm applying to join MK family I just wanted to join MK because they're united and friendly family and will Feel how I feel just try to feel how you will be when your mother die (sorry for saying that but I want you to feel how I feel right now) our life is nothing without our mother couldn't you observe that?
and If I got denied this time I will not apply in any clan I will just go with my self and be clanless till I feel that I'm ready to be in a clan and I wasn't annoying You were arrogant and didn't like what? what did I say to make you hate me like this?

Not ready yet. Nope. Improve Your English.
What's wrong with my English?

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Re: My Application Trex
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2015, 10:36:36 am »
I am denying your application for now.

From the replies I can conclude that, if you wish to be part of MK then you must clear your understanding with MK members, you need to win their trust.     "No one in MK has personal differences with you", the members that have voted negative for you will eventually vote positive for you if they see that you have improved and gained their trust.

I hope you understand and improve your behaviour, we dont have any personal issues with you, we will accept you when you have improved your behaviour with everyone.

A piece of advice : Be polite to everyone, Do not message people again and again if they dont reply you, if someone abuses you, just ignore them.

Apply back in January 2016, it will give you and us enough time.