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Author Topic: My Application Tim01  (Read 11549 times)

Offline TX Moskvish

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Re: My Application Tim01
« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2018, 06:56:12 pm »
calhoun this is how you backstab ?
I have saw that 45 seconds video where i was just freely shooting and you guys are calling that aimlock ?
Thank you mate many many thanks .

Offline Coudy_

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Re: My Application Tim01
« Reply #31 on: June 16, 2018, 07:56:52 pm »
I have seen the evidences and i can say that this guy has been fairly banned and he has used aimlock without any kind of doubt.

Dude you know what i myself checked his PC and i played from his pc with undercover nick. And i found 0 hacks or asi files. So its better you keep your nose out of this Topic thanks. And its not fair ban from EAD. And who cares of EAD server it isnt offical server anymore. And this guy is facing Unfair ban. I will be responsible for everything like Hacks or rule breaking.
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Re: My Application Tim01
« Reply #32 on: June 16, 2018, 09:44:50 pm »
I have seen the evidences and i can say that this guy has been fairly banned and he has used aimlock without any kind of doubt.

Dude you know what i myself checked his PC and i played from his pc with undercover nick. And i found 0 hacks or asi files. So its better you keep your nose out of this Topic thanks. And its not fair ban from EAD. And who cares of EAD server it isnt offical server anymore. And this guy is facing Unfair ban. I will be responsible for everything like Hacks or rule breaking.

You don't know a shit about this game and GangstaRas' work, a shit about the investigation of this guy and you don't have the rights to say what's better for me. I'll keep my nose in whatever else i consider neccesary and fair.

This guy has been banned correctly and i don't doubt in any way about him. You don't know how GangstaRas has been working nor anything of this guy case

Keep your mouth saying shit about EAD meanwhile it's the most played and the most entertaining server nowadays. The only thing that is being shown here is your butthurtness and your blind vision about a hacker. Nothing else than that. I prefer to believe, like many other guys, in GangstaRas' judgement and evidences instead of defending a cheater like imKiKi/Panzer/Legend/this guy.

All of them are unfairly banned till they recognize it and accept it like scumbags and apologize/cry for an unban and admit that they were using it.

calhoun this is how you backstab ?
I have saw that 45 seconds video where i was just freely shooting and you guys are calling that aimlock ?
Thank you mate many many thanks .

I did not backstab. You did. I know perfectly how to detect aimlock, how it works and how you have been using it. I believed that you had changed but you are just a hacker and disloyal guy. All my tries to help you to get into an important clan as you wanted, giving advices to improve VU/any other clan members' vision of you were in vain after you used cheats.

This is the video evidence I recorded on him. Objectively speaking, we can see suspicious activity throughout the video, displaying what uncontrollable behaviour. Should there be any benefit of the doubt, I urge you to turn your attention at the last 5 seconds of the video, starting at 0:40. A clear shot to his opponent knocked down on the ground, but instead he snaps to his team mate's head. He's been snapping to others but the person he's trying to shoot throughout the whole video but this portion has no explanation, not by him, not by anyone defending him, nothing can deny this moment.

After a lengthy back and forth with him, it was concluded that he was lying as snippets of my log will show on the conversation (note what I highlight in bold):

[12:36] <Tim01> This is seriously unfair
[12:36] <GangstaRas> but can you explain it tim?
[12:36] <GangstaRas> you say you werent trying but why you snapping and shooting your teammates heads?
[12:36] <Tim01> I am playing this game since years
[12:36] <GangstaRas> that is the part everyone is not getting
[12:36] <GangstaRas> its like you had no control of yourself
[12:37] <Tim01> I was on discord with them
[12:37] <Tim01> And i was trying to kill baba sain
[12:37] <GangstaRas> and he got knocked down at 40
[12:37] <Tim01> We were just having fun chat mate
[12:37] <Tim01> Its not aimlock
[12:37] <GangstaRas> how hard is it to aim down?
[12:37] <GangstaRas> instead you aim your teammates head
[12:37] <GangstaRas> how can you prove against something like that?
[12:38] <GangstaRas> that part is the clearest of the entire video

[13:00] <GangstaRas> but Tim can you objectively look at the evidence I've presented and say something is not weird with what's happening?
[13:01] <GangstaRas> if you say no you're lying and biased to yourself
[13:01] <Tim01> Gang i was freely shooting
[13:01] <Tim01>  I wasnt trying to knock anyone down
[13:02] <Tim01> Whatswrong there
[13:02] <GangstaRas> yes you were freely shooting at moments but that's not the issue
[13:02] <GangstaRas> as you just said yourself, you were trying to kill baba sain
[13:02] <GangstaRas> and had the opportunity when he was knocked down
[13:02] <Tim01> Not at that time
[13:02] <Tim01> God damn he is friendly
[13:03] <GangstaRas> but then you aimed your opponents head? meant team's head
[13:03] <GangstaRas> what?
[13:03] <Tim01> The video you presented in that i was just shooting freely
[13:03] <GangstaRas> [12:37] <Tim01> And i was trying to kill baba sain
[13:03] <Tim01> I wasnt trying to kill anyone gang
[13:03] <GangstaRas> you just said this
[13:03] <GangstaRas> wth are you trying to tell me now

Hence, banned and denied. This is just clarification to the rest of Staff and the community as to what has transpired.

You are just a shame, a piece of shit and you are not even worth the time of this clan nor any other. Cry, say that you haven't cheated and cry again, you will still remain banned from EAD, you will still keep a horrible reputation and you will still be a cheater. You are just a waste of air if you can't even play a 2002 game without cheats.

And you, Coudy, keep being butthurt, keep saying that you are smarter than me - but i know, and the people knows who is right here. You just keep insulting me by the shoutbox, saying that i shouldn't comment here but you are just blinding your own vision - defending a cheater and even helping him to arrive your clan.

What else will you do now? Ask an admin to ban me because of posting the truth on this forum? Say that sometimes you "doubt in my sense"? You are NOTHING, and NOBODY to judge me nor anybody. Ras' judgement is impeccable, and hopefully your clan's leaders and members will have the right vision to see what is the truth here.

These few words writen for you are to open your mind and help you to recognize that you aren't better than anybody just for being MK Full Member. You have let that thought to get into your head. Should i remember you that you were also part of NYB, aZ, TS, MLK, VLK, PA, VK, UF and KF?

Sorry to who i must be sorry to, but i had to go off-topic here. Next time i'll discuss privately.

« Last Edit: June 17, 2018, 01:16:14 pm by FaF »

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Re: My Application Tim01
« Reply #33 on: June 17, 2018, 04:58:35 am »

If you're clean prove it... easy as that... If you've used it just admit it.